Aug drums his knuckles against the table a few times before Lance speaks.

“Sit.” The direction is simple, short, delivered loudly, bluntly. An order.

Like I’ve done this a thousand times, I slide from the chair and drop to my haunches. The chair squeaks, and suddenly Aug appears behind Lance. He pulls Lance's chair out, and my body quivers at the way his biceps flex, how his henley pulls even tighter to his broad chest as he exerts himself. Suddenly I’m getting a flash of Aug rutting into Lance, Lance on his back, Aug over him, that full chest torqued as he hammers between Lance’s legs.

“Make me feel good, can you do that?” Lance asks, his voice softening as his demeanor shifts. He’s definitely a dom like this, but much gentler in nature than I’d have expected. It’s… a beautiful side to him I feel honored to see.

I nod.

Aug leans over Lance from behind, exposing him. He slowly takes Lance’s cock from his sweats, and the way Aug’s strong hands look handling Lance’s erection is something that will exist in my fantasies forever. No matter what happens between the three of us, the way they handle and touch each other with such intimate curiosity and need, it’s so hot.

“Time to feed,” Lance croaks, his eyes growing hazy as Aug strokes him. I watch his head appear and disappear as his foreskin slides over his head then down, following Aug’s gentle tugs. On my haunches, I bring myself closer and reach for Lance, ready to take over.

“Ah-ah-ah,” Aug scolds. “Mouth only.” He leans back, kneading Lance’s shoulders as the two of them watch and wait.

I tip forward, moaning as his musky length slides easily onto my tongue. I surprise myself with how vigorously I go down on him, bobbing on his cock in quick but deep passes. Lance hisses and groans, and Aug’s hands, I see from my peripheral, still work on his shoulders.

My pussy is swollen and wet beneath my leggings, and I find myself wiggling my hips a little, searching for the stitched seam, hoping it grazes my clit. I’m dying for touch, for a split second of pressure or gratification, anything.

Lance’s fingers filter through my hair as he pulls me off him, his cock slipping out of my mouth with a pop. He smiles at me, soft and drunken. “Come, pup. Get naked, then come.” He rises, and I begin to stand too, undressing quickly to follow them to wherever we’re moving this party. But Aug puts his foot on my shoulder and says simply, “Fours.”

I know what that means. So instead of getting to my feet, I drop to my palms and crawl after them, all the way down the hall into Augustus’s bedroom.

“Stay,” Aug commands, and then they’re moving around the dark space, a string of curse words, a rush of fabric, the blinds being whooshed closed. A light flickers on from a lamp beside the bed, and after a moment of letting my eyes adjust, I see my guys.

Naked, standing together at the foot of the bed. Lance pats his thigh as he takes a seat on the mattress. “Come.”

Palms over knees, cunt aching, breasts swaying madly, I crawl to them. When I arrive, I let my cheek fall into Lance’s thigh. He strokes lean fingers through my hair as Aug pats my head, taking a seat next to Lance. “Good, good girl.”

Then I mewl or whimper. I don’t know how to classify the sound I make but I make one. Full of need and expectation, and pleasure from the praise.

“Now, feed yourself, sweet pup,” Lance orders, tugging me by the collar to his cock, impaling me on him. “Ahh,fuck, her mouth,” Aug growls, and I feel my arousal bubble up at my lips, moments from spilling out of me because right or wrong, I love it when they talk about me this way.

Lance strokes my head once then taps the tip of my nose. “Show him what a good girl you are,” he rasps, and with that, I inch over on my knees, letting Aug tug me by the collar down on his cock. He’s salty, evidence he’s been leaking all evening. My clit throbs and my hole physically aches with emptiness. As I suck him, I make that noise again. That wanton, dirty, desperate mewl.

It earns me a head pat from Aug, who rasps, “Ahh, she likes making her Sirs feel good. Doesn’t she?” He pats me again as my tongue traces the underside of his head. “That’s agood fucking girl.”

They go like that, switching off who’s got their fingers tucked beneath my collar, tugging me toward their cock. And I suck and lick and moan for both of them, all the while my body howls for touch. My thighs tremble and my mind spins an endless loop offuckmefuckmefuckme. But right now, it’s about them. Serving them. And that only serves to intensify the orgasm building rapidly inside me.

“I need to find my relief buried somewhere deep and warm,” Lance says after what feels like mere moments but I know must be much longer, because my knees burn from being on them so long. He releases his grip on my collar and Aug commands me to sit, so I give my knees a needed break and rock back on my haunches.

“I was thinking I need the same thing,” he says, stroking his hand down his chin, end of day stubble scraping his palm, making me swallow. I watch him drag that hand down his face then through his hair, purposely not focused on me as he thinks. His knees spread, fat, pink cock rising up from his lap—I swear to God, I think I could orgasm justlookingat him.

I turn my gaze to Lance, who, while I was focused on Aug, has retrieved a bottle of lube. He fills his palms in a way that makes me gasp, makes my entire groin throb to be filled. I don’t know if he’s going to fuck me in my pussy or my ass but I don’t care. I want both. I want anything he’ll give me.

His azure eyes ping to mine, and a soft smile twists his lips. Speaking to Aug but looking at me, he asks, “Should we make it easy on our pup tonight?” My eyes drop to his fist, which pumps lazily up his veiny, erect length. I look back up at him and he watches me as my eyes magnetize to the tip of his dick, where he exposes his cockhead with a gentle tug of his foreskin. I swallow the saliva that fills my mouth, and look back at him. His grin has faded, leaving nothing but a dark and feral expression behind.

“Let’s make it easy,” he offers again, and my head is so swimmy with want and desire that I can’t connect the dots. I can’t get there. What are they planning?

Lance rises, and flops down in the center of Aug’s bed, on his back. He pats his belly and strains his head from the mattress as he orders, “Come.”

I linger a moment before realizing that’s my cue and pull myself up onto the bed, slinking over him until we’re nose to nose. “Sit on it,” he says, leaning up to steal a kiss from my lips. And just as I’m easing him into my eager channel, my eyes fluttering from his broad head slipping inside, Aug’s knees dip the mattress behind me. In the same breath, his hands are on my hips and there is so much fluttering in my belly, pulsing in my cunt, and noise in my mind that I no longer have control of anything.

I nod and follow directions.

And the passive pup in me takes over, she gives and she does, and it feels like it’s what I’ve always been meant for. This role. These men.

Aug’s scruff tickles the back of my ear as his fingers tuck under my collar. He pulls back from Lance’s mouth, his chest flush to my back as he whispers, “You’re gonna hurt, but don’t worry, your pussy was made for us.”