Aug holds a hand out to his chest, keeping him sitting.

“I realize it seems that way. But maybe she truly just wants to be a consumption actress? We both know that actors that partake in consumption—while having to be tested three-times as often—have more opportunity after Crave. Toy lines and all that.”

“Tucker and Lucy never consumed,” Lance fires back.

Aug’s voice is smooth, like a shallow river running silently over rocks, softening them to stones. “Lucy partook in consumption at Jizzabelle,” he says.

“I don’t like people taking advantage of Crave’s good nature. And if we pander to her, where does it end? In a year we’re no better than fucking Jizzabelle!”

I clear my throat and their gazes swing to me, Aug’s calming, Lance’s angry.

“How long is her term?”

Aug’s lips lift in a small smile. “Four years.”

“Okay,” I draw out. “What if the first two are non-consumption, per the original plan. And the last two she can go consumption–”

Lance rises from the desk, ready to argue, but Aug snaps. A single, powerful snap. So loud I think it must have hurt his knuckles, and his fingertips for that matter. But Lance falls onto his ass, closing his mouth. Chills cover my body being a bystander to that.

“What if–” I start again, desperate to shake off what I just witnessed. Because it put mein the fucking mood. “The last two she performs consumption, she earns her bonus but we write in her contract that it’s her first and last contract with Crave. No matter how well she performs. That way she gets her way—the consumption and bonus, and we win, too. We get her for four years, but we also show her that we don’t fuck around and won’t continue to sign actors that try to run the show.”

“Win-win,” Aug nods. “I like that.”

“If she becomes bigger than Lucy and we can’t resign her—” Lance starts before stopping himself. “Fuck it. You’re right, Brielle. If she gets big, she’ll only get worse and more demanding. Let her be Jizzabelle’s problem.”

I bring my hand to my chest and wait for his seething blue eyes to come to mine. “Excuse me, did you say I’m right?”

His eyes roll. “Live it up. You’ll never hear it again.”

Aug snorts, clapping a hand down over each of our shoulders. “Look at that, us working things out.”

My pussy heats at his heavy hand grabbing me, at the angry rolling off Lance in waves, at the solution hanging in the air all around us. Wedowork well together. And we feed off of each other in the best ways.

I lick my lips, my vision dancing between my dark haired, handsome dom and my blonde, fiery one, who is also my partner in submission. They are the perfect blend of dark and light, yin and yang.

“When?” I prod. “When can we…”When can we what? Fuck again? Roleplay again?I don’t even know how to word what I’m asking, so I rephrase. “When can I have more?”

Lance’s eyes shift, a light sky overtaken by a storm cloud. I know that look. It’s the expression I found on his face when he was submissive. Naughty and powerless, eager to please and give. I love that look. Especially when I’m by his side, delivering the same one. To the same man.

“Tonight,” he answers, earning a hearty chuckle from Aug. Lance glares at Aug as he crosses the office toward the door. He grabs the handle but doesn’t pull. “Don’t act like you aren’t thinking about it as much as we are.”

We are.He’s thinking about it too. And by his response oftonightit's clear to me it’s not just lip service. And that gives me hope.

“Tonight, my place. And you’re right, I do want it just as much. But tonight, you’ll be the only sub,” Aug says, dark eyes lingering on me, waiting for a reaction.

I’d envisioned myself serving Aug with Lance, but the idea of both of them commanding me, giving it to me, ordering me,havingme… that sounds just as heavenly. “Okay,” I nod, facing Lance.

He rolls his bottom lip under his top teeth a few times, taking me in. His gaze creeps down my breasts, rolling over my hips and thighs, stopping at my patent blue heels before slowly carving their way back up to my eyes. “Last shoot is four, we should be out of here by five. Be at Aug’s no later than 5:30.”

I want to giggle at how eager he is to start the night. Hell, I feel the same way. But I get hung up on his orders. Taking orders from him behind closed doors is one thing, but at work, it’s just irritating. And this isn’t evenaboutwork!

“I can’t get home, get showered, and get across town to Aug’s in less thirty minutes,” I argue, hands finding their way to my hips. Lance releases the door handle and steps toward me, Aug hovering between us in the middle.

“Your apartment isn’t far and a shower–”

I hold out my hand. “Don’t do that. Don’t try to solve it. It’s too tight of a timeline. I’ll be over at six.” I narrow my eyes at him. God he’s so fucking bossy and controlling. And Jesus I’m wet.

“Six is fine,” Aug says. Lance opens his mouth to argue, and with a singular glance from Aug, he turns and leaves the office. “Six is acceptable.” He tips his head to the door, “See you out there.”