I didn’t get Aug’s cum firsthand—I only tasted them secondhand, off of Lance.

I tasted one man’s cum in another’s man’s mouth—and I fucked myself like crazy at the memory of it for the following week. I wanted to be the one to spit cum into another’s mouth, but at the same time, I was also glad to be the one who received it secondarily.

Point being. I’m wild, feral and crazy when I’m with them. I am an animal with them. One that needs, wants and craves all things men, all things submissive, all things sex.

I shake my head, overwhelmed and quite frankly, overheated. “I don’t know why I said that,” I spit out, suddenly a little dizzy, despite the fact I’m already sitting. “I mean, I do. I’m–” I finish the warm sparkling water and watch Lance rock back onto his haunches, sitting in front of Aug like a waiting dog.

I can’t stop staring at him like that. Submissive, patient, quiet.

So unlike the Lance I know at Crave. I blink at the back of his head, the hair made unruly by his Sir’s stroking grip. His owner.


I toss the word around my brain and in my mouth a few times, flipping it over to inspect every way it makes me feel.Sir.I envision saying that word to Aug.Sir.And saying it to Lance.Sirs. I picture myself the way Lance is, on my knees, head down, waiting for their fingers to feed through my hair, waiting for their commands.

“I’m prone to judging,” I admit, and find Aug’s features soften, and his shoulders do too. Lance’s back relaxes, but still, he waits for Aug, looking up at him. “I… So you treat him like… a dog?”

Aug tugs the leash and Lance takes Aug back into his mouth, just holding him there. His body remains motionless as he stays perched over Aug’s lap, cock sitting idle in his mouth. “Hold,” Aug says down to Lance, who slurps a little as Aug shifts on his ass, repositioning himself.

Eyes back on me, he says, “He’s a pet. My pet, yes. And the thing is, he also yearns to hold the leash, to take over as the dominant. So look at him. Look at the way he serves me so vulnerably. How he obeys my commands.” The leather squeals as he unwraps then rewraps his palm. “Can you see yourself this way?” His leashed hand grabs the edge of the seat, and he leans back, giving his weight to the chair back with a breathy exhale. “Can you be next to him, serving me? Can you kneel for me, for him, for us?”

I’m so turned on by everything that I think reality is actually unraveling me. Every question and hesitancy that rightfully popped around my brain is now gone. Rode off into the sunset, completely missing in action, leaving behind only my body’s most carnal urges.

I want to drop to my knees. Share his cock with Lance. Make Aug feel good together, then make Lance feel good, then let them both make me feel good?

There. My brain hangs on that simple fantasy so I clear my throat. “How does a pet get rewarded?” I ask, clarifying with, “Like, he serves you and obeys you. And what is his reward for that kind of selfless and ultimate submission?”

Aug strokes his free hand through Lance’s hair, and tips his head to the seat next to him. “Come sit, come see how well my pup obeys, and I’ll tell you.”

I’m on my feet, rounding the table to slide into the chair immediately. When I sit, my panties cling to my mound, soaked with thick, sticky need. My body is aching to be touched, and my pussy is so swollen that repositioning in the chair to face Aug feels like foreplay.

I swallow hard as my eyes drop to Lance, whose eyes are on Aug. The base of Aug is round and thick, and saliva pools beneath my tongue at the sight of thick veins on his shaft disappearing into Lance’s mouth.

“He’s just…”

“Holding me in his mouth. Not pleasing, not playing, just keeping me nice and warm.” Aug’s voice is raspy and rough, and it sets chills across my flesh. Chills of broiling, enthralling need.

I want to try. I want to join him. I want to show them both that I want this. I at least want to try, for them.

“Can I join him?” I ask, earning me a heady, sinful look from Aug. He brings his leashed hand to his hairline and shoves it through, letting a roar erupt from his chest.

“Goddamn, Brielle, you don’t know what it means to hear you ask that.” His tender, darkened gaze falls to his pet. “Can you share?” He tugs the leash and Lance growls around his cock. “Share,” he reframes, now commanding Lance.

By the time I’m on my hands and knees, Aug has hollowed Lance’s throat and instead of warming his cock, he’s now peppering soft kisses and flicks of his tongue along Aug’s thigh. He strokes Lance’s hair adoringly as I move closer. The heat of his body—or maybe that’s just the heat of his thick, veiny cock—radiates over me, like sitting next to a warm hearth, engulfing me in comfort and safety. I bring my lips to his glistening head, and take him into my mouth. He’s salty and warm and slides in easily and–

“Mmm,” I moan around him, unable to help myself. Because Lance is now behind me, still on all fours, nuzzling his nose into my satin covered cunt. I know I’m so wet that he feels it, it must be coating his nose and lips through the thin fabric.

“Hold still,” Aug commands, and I strain to blink up, surprised when I realize he’s speaking to me. “Right now, you’re part of his pack. Until he’s up here with me, you’re in it together. Let him accept you,” he says, and a slither of discomfort worms up my spine. Can I go this deep in roleplay? But I can’t pull it apart, I can’t dive into all the little corners of this and over analyze how I feel and why, because Lance uses his teeth to tug down my shorts and thenhe’s licking me.

Holy shit he’s licking me.

The wide pad of his tongue delves between my swollen lips, dipping into my juicy cunt, lapping and sucking at my horny juices like a starved dog.

I moan around Aug, and right as Lance’s tongue teases the right places, bringing my edging to a head, he stops. At my side, he reappears. Aug nudges me off his cock, and feeds it to Lance, who laps it up with ease, and with a moan.

“Does it taste good? Hmm, did she taste good?” he asks, stroking the leashed hand through Lance’s fair hair, the moment mesmerizing me. Then he’s hollowed Lance again, filling my mouth with hardening cock. I twist only slightly, glancing at the way Aug so tenderly touches and strokes Lance. And then Lance rests his cheek on Aug’s knee, and I’m overwhelmed with the urge to take them both. To weave myself into what they have, to make myself so interconnected and indispensable to them that they keep me. I’ve never felt this excited, this in tune with what I want.

Right now, Iwantto serve. And then I want to be absolutely devoured.