I swallow, my nipples aching under the thin fabric of my blouse. Everything touching my body aches and burns. Explosive need claws at my gut, pressurizing between my legs, my spine growing weaker the needier I get. “I thought… I thought Lance needs to be dominant. I thought–”

“I do,” Lance answers, and I finally turn to see him. Standing above me, I see his icy blue gaze honed in on my swollen lips. He fists his cock and my belly cinches in appreciation at the sight of it. Thick with deep veins running down the shaft, foreskin circling the broad head, slitted peak exposed. He pumps, showing me his crown, wordlessly telling me to worship what he’s offering. My mouth opens at the sight of his thick, plump balls hanging from where he pumps. They’re so full and—“Jesus,” I breathe, at the sight of him in total. Because even though that thing looks like way too many inches foranyof me,I want it in all of me. Sliding between my tits, pushing into my tight hole, pounding my cunt, playing between the split of my ass, being shoved down my throat until his cream is burning the back of my nose—I want it in all of me, damnnit.

I didn’t know until this moment, with two men around me, waiting to destroy me, that I’ve been starving.Famished, and now, I need to feast.

“Tonight isn’t focused on just my needs though,” he says, my mind caught between the way promise drips from his words and the way he pumps himself. My eyes catch on the tip of his thumb and his middle finger.

They don’t touch.

The base of my skull grows hot and heavy, and I reach out, grabbing Aug’s knee to steady myself. He strokes a finger along my exposed collarbone and I think for a second he’s going to rip open my blouse or at the very least, pull it up over my head. But he holds my gaze, the feel of flesh stroking hard flesh eating upallrational thought.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Red always means you want to stop, yellow means you’re nearing a breaking point, which indicates to both of us that we need to adapt, and pull back.” He kisses me, and electric heat floods my veins. “If your mouth is full,” he continues, making the tightening need in my pussy spread, causing my thighs to burn and quake. If my knees hurt, I’d never know. Because I’m alive everywhere, and I can’t feel pain. All there is inside me is vibrating, epic, all-consuming lust.Craving. Cravings driven by an insane appetite for things I’ve never had. And I know these men are the cure. “Then you snap. Snapping is as good as red or yellow, and will cease everything immediately.”

I nod, because I think I’m supposed to. I’m supposed to do something to acknowledge all of this but my head is so heavy, my brain swims in a sea of fierce desires.

“Say you understand. We need more than a head shake.”

I nod again, “Okay, I understand.” I give my response quickly, kneeing forward to get closer to both of them, head moving between the two. Lance winks at me, still stroking that glorious, monstrous thing of his. I’m overwhelmed with the urge to please him. To pleasethem. Hell, to please my damn self. But something about being what brings them back together, being their glue, but equally, cherished by choice…by them. My chest constricts at the thought, so I don’t think.

“Now,” Aug continues, leaning back as he gets comfortable between me and Lance. “Put your hands on his thighs, open your mouth, and take it.”

I twist my gaze to Lance in time to see one of his hands come down over my head, holding me. The weight of him pressing down on me, holding me right where I am—it intensifies my starvation. Drool pools beneath my tongue and spills out, curving my bottom lip, dribbling down my chin.

“Look at that,” Lance rasps, swiping his thumb through my greed, bringing it to Aug’s mouth. He licks it. And I don’t know if it’s Aug willingly desiring my drool or Lance’s thumb in Aug’s mouth but I whimper. I pull my thighs together and actuallywhimpera little as they speak about me like I’m not there. And why is that hot, too?

“She’s got her mouth open, waiting to make herSirfeel good. And she’s drooling for you, drooling at the idea of pleasing you,” Aug says to Lance, still holding his hand by the wrist, Lance's thumb shiny from the saliva—now mineandAug’s.

My mind catches on the wordSir, and I want to pause this, look up to them and ask what that means, because it’s not a term I’ve heard either of them use before. But then Lance’s blunt head is at my mouth, and I’m lost to this. To them.

My jaw is spread wide, but I hear Aug’s orders, “Open wider.”

I do, I mean, I try, and it feels like I am. Because Ifeelhim.

I feel the first few, hard, ridged inches of him depress my tongue, and move gently against my lips. He’s pushing inside me slowly, with caution and care. And the warmth from between my legs crawls through my torso, slithering its way to my chest.

His hips move carefully, each thrust forward controlled and intentional. He knows how to fuck my mouth without losing control, and that’s just what he’s doing. And it’ssoLance. Moving with control, even when it comes to orgasm.

Lance is going to orgasm.

I’m going to feel himthrob and pulse and flex, and feel his impressive cock firm and tighten, then grow still before the big release. That’s my favorite part of the male orgasm. The handful of precious seconds before release. When he’s whimpering and moaning, giving me his most vulnerable, needy self. When he’d do anything for me to finish him, and he’s grinding his powerful hips, searching for friction, anything to crush the ache.

I’m going to have that moment with Lance. My mind spins, but Lance keeps me in place, tightening his hold on my hair. Gradually, his hips increase their pace.

Then my pussy nearly explodes, despite the fact she’s alone, throbbing and dripping, hidden beneath a pencil skirt and a lace thong. Because Aug reaches out, wrapping his palm around the exposed length of Lance’s shaft.

Both men fall temporarily motionless, deep growls and grunts echoing between them, through me. I absorb those grunts, growing hornier and headier from both the relief in Aug’s growl as he fists the man he loves, and from Lance’s excitement, being touched by the man he misses, while being sucked byme.

“Fu-uck,” Lance grounds out, his hips resuming their journey before Aug commands differently.

“You’ll get the release you need, but stay still. I’ll bring it to you.Our Briellewill bring it to you,” Aug offers, his voice so velvety and deep I hardly recognize it. My breasts ache to be palmed, and my nipples throb at the idea of being sucked, full lips and whiskery cheeks all over my soft skin.

Our Brielle.

I become ambitious on Lance’s cockhead, bobbing down as Aug’s fist meet my lips, the two of us pumping Lance in opposite strokes. I bob, he strokes, Lance groans, and goddamn this is so hot. Watching Aug touch Lance is making me insanely horny, but feeling what drips from him as Aug touches him. I lift my gaze as Aug rises, still stroking Lance into my mouth as he nips at Lance’s neck. Lance’s eyes flutter closed, the creases in his forehead falling away. “I’ve missed this perfect, thick dick of yours,” he growls before bringing his mouth to Lance’s neck again. His grip on the top of my head loosens as Aug twists his hand, stroking Lance more aggressively. Precum floods my tongue. He likes this. He likes being dommed by Aug while in my mouth.

And my body likes what they’re doing. Whatwe’redoing. My pussy clenches, searching for something, anything to bring even a moment of ease to her unyielding ache.

Lance tips his head forward, hazy steely eyes narrowing on my mouth, spread open and absolutely full. The hinges of my jaw burn and my vision blurs as he thrusts into my throat, Aug now cupping his hefty balls, making him roar.