Today is no better, because even though Lance just told me off… it still got me heated, and to make matters worse? He’s right. I’ve been…short sighted. That’s what I’ll call it.

I flip the lights on and stare at Aug’s desk. A nameplate, a cup with pens and pencils, a closed laptop, and a singular sticky note.No notebook. I scratch my head, taking a few steps into the office, my heels clicking loudly in the empty space.

He doesn’t want me to go through his drawers to find a notebook… Does he? No. He’s so… aggressive. Going through his stuff seems like something he’d hate.

My eyes linger on his laptop.Is he one of those guys who calls his laptop a notebook? It’s a MacBook Pro, so why wouldn’t he call it that, or at least, an Apple?I close the distance to his desk and take a seat, feeling immediately uncomfortable.If he walked in right now he’d probably have a coronary.

I glance around the desk but the perspective changes don't alter the contents:no notebook. I stare at the laptop, and decide to open it. I don’t know how this will help the cause, but I’m opening it and immediately tipping my head to the side, captivated at what appears on screen.

My hand comes to my mouth, everything between my thighs overwhelmed with heat, my nostrils flaring as I take it in. “Oh my God,” I breathe, the frozen image of naked Lance on his knees, a thick leather collar around his neck, with naked Augustus’s cock in his mouth.

Holy shit.

My eyelids grow heavy as my nipples harden, my pussy throbbing, swelling in my panties as I blink at the image.

This is so fucking hot.And so not my business.

I close the laptop, heart beating in my throat as I yank open the drawers, searching for a notebook.I did not see that. That was not my business. I need to get the fuck out of here right now. In the second drawer I find one, and pull it out, turning the cover to the back. Blank.Perfect. Closing the drawer with my leg, I snatch a pen from the cup and head out, back to the set.

My mind is a whirring, cyclonic mess. Augustus and Lance are… together?They’re gay.


No. I clutch my shoulder where he bumped his into mine.

I mean, I’m certain they were staring at my ass. And breasts! Lance had his eyes on them while I was talking to Cohen the other day, and Aug was looking at them just this morning while he took the first sip of his coffee! They’re otherwise professional but still,they’re men.

They’re… bisexual.

That has to be it.

And they’re… my mind loops in endless haze as I take my place at Aug’s side on the set’s edge, and hold the pen to the paper, eyes forward.

“It’s not a media interview, you don’t have to write down everything, relax,” he chides, his voice gruff, seeming to fall down my back, leaving me off-balance and achy.

I’m here to learn from Augustus Moore, the top adult film director. I’m not here to fantasize about being between both of my bosses.

What is wrong with me?

I take a deep breath, discreetly swiping the sweat from my upper lip with the back of my wrist. I keep my pen to the notepad, writing down each time Lance or Aug stops the scene, and note why they do. Learning from what catches their attention mid-scene is important.

I need to pay attention to it. To this. To the process.

And all I can think about is being between Augustus and Lance, their thick, hard cocks in my hand, pumping them together.

“You are not even going to believe me,” I whisper, leaning over the table to pour my guts out to Winnie. She was at Rise & Grind, so I met her here.

Breaking a chunk off the blueberry scone on my plate, I lean back and drop it into my mouth. Chewing, taking a sip of black coffee, I swallow, then say, “Lance was on his knees, sucking Aug… and it was…” I shake my head, still getting breathless at the memory. I am so wet I’m actually sticky and uncomfortable, and need to come. Badly. But I had to spill to Winnie first.

“Holy crap,” she sighs, falling back against her chair, eyes wide. “I didn’t expect that.” She blinks up at me, messy curls pulled up off her face in a loose bun. “I thought they checked you out?”

I nod and finish another bite. Scones are good for finding out the two hot guys you hate but also respect and equally want to fuck are actually fucking each other. “They did. For sure. I’m not making that up.” I pluck a loose blueberry from the plate. “So they’re bisexual, and I guess dating? I don’t know.” I sip my coffee despite the fact I’m burning up at the topic. “That’s what I’m going with, bisexual. But Jesus, Win, it was so hot.”

When I meet her eyes, I roll mine. She’s smirking with a curious eyebrow raised. “Liked it, did ya? That place is rubbing off on you in less than two weeks. Shit, at the end of the program will you be a porn star?”

“Adult films,” I say, taking another quick sip. “They don’t call it porn, but adult films.”

Winnie blinks at me over her pumpkin spice latte. With extra cinnamon. Her phone chimes and I expect her to ignore it since I’m here with ultimate girl talk, but she peeks at it, stifling a grin, her cheeks filling with color. I reach over the table and poke her.