To me it sounds like Rosa’s little sister was adopted out, but I don’t know all of the details.

Regardless, finding out who her birth family is will be a shocker, and ultimately change a lot about her life.

I hope this Xavier man is making the right choice here.

Xavier continues, “I do, and she deserves to know the truth. Not just Pippa, but Caprice as well. Her birth mother hasn’t been able to find her in twenty years, Rosa.”

Rosa licks her lips and shuts her eyes for a moment. “It’s time to bring everyone closure.”

Xavier agrees, “Yes, it is.”

Rosa and Xavier say their goodbyes and she glances over at me.

I can’t hide the fact I heard her conversation, so I lay it out on the table. “Your volume was up so high I heard every word.”

Rosa sucks in a sharp breath through her nose, “I bet that was confusing for you then, not having all the context and all.”

I laugh, “A little, but it’s not my business.”

Rosa chuckles, “I’m still going to fill you in. My father has a few children, I’m one of them, as is Razor, and our sister Marisole who lives in Delaware with the Knights of Retribution MC. Our youngest sister was . . . conceived via rape, with an Italian mafioso’s daughter. Rumor has it she was ripped from her mother’s arms and given to our father. I don’t know how it happened, but our little sister ended up being adopted by a great family.”

“Holy shit,” I comment.

Rosa raises her brows, “That’s not the worst part. No one knew who her birth mother was for years, so her mother has been searching for her. Xavier found out a few years ago, but she was still a minor and he didn’t want to throw a wrench in her childhood. I agreed it wouldn’t do any good, and now he’s decided it’s time to tell her. So, in telling her, she’ll find out who her birth family is . . . and her birth mother will likely have the chance to finally meet her after all these years.”

I take a sip of the water in front of me. “Wow. That’s a lot. I’m new here and things are a bit confusing, but isn’t Dante related to you all too?”

I could have it wrong, but it seems like Dante’s associated with the cartel, and I know Razor and Rosa have affiliations with the Ramirez cartel.

Rosa chuckles, “No, Dante’s father is a cartel leader for one of the smaller ones here in Mexico. In a way, his is the second largest in the country. Amara actually has Ramirez blood flowing through her veins as well.”

I narrow my eyes, “Is she another one of your father’s children?”

Rosa shakes her head. “No, her father is my father’s half-brother. Her brother is actually the Prez for our Las Vegas charter.”

I nod, “Ah, okay. I have it all sorted out in my brain correctly now. Thank you.”

Rosa laughs, “It’s confusing at first, but hopefully I’ve made some sense of it for you.”

I chuckle, “Yeah, the club is really tight with the cartels here in Mexico, which is probably a good thing.”

Rosa takes in a deep breath before giving a curt nod. “I’m sure it is, but right now the club is dealing with people who don’t take the affiliations seriously.”

I lick my lips and speak, “So, what’s that mean? I’m new to all this.” I laugh nervously.

“It means people are trying to get under our skin,” Rosa pauses for a brief moment “But, it’s only to see how the cartels will retaliate against them. I think some know about the affiliations, while others don’t care and are testing the waters.”

I murmur, “I see.”

Rosa smiles, “In the long run, the cartels will help keep us safe.”

Oakleigh interjects, “Or they’ll bring more shit to our front step.”

I can see from both of their viewpoints.

Everything they’re saying makes sense, but I’ll hope for all of our sake the cartels help the club instead of hurt it.