Page 44 of The Thief

Argento’s words repeated in my head. You are mine.

The way he’d said it was familiar and tickled my brain, but trying to remember how we’d met brought on another migraine. Vampire magic was clever. The headaches were a side effect that happened when a victim tried to remember erased events, so it worked as a deterrent. It helped a person move on and put the past behind them.

But I didn’t want to put this behind me, especially with a Mage threatening my life.

Unable to sleep, I wandered downstairs to make a glass of warm milk.

As soon as I reached the first floor, Catcher’s barking caught my attention. We always shut and locked the doors at night, and he preferred to sleep outside. Maybe he was bored all by himself.

The second I reached the back hall and turned the corner, I smacked into a wet and very bare chest. Its owner didn’t budge an inch, but the force knocked me backward.

I gasped and made a sound of surprise.

Strong arms cradled me, breaking my fall, and the motion-activated socket light blinked on.

Not once had I ever seen Bear shirtless. He always wore long-sleeved shirts that fit him nicely. Some were thin, some were tight, but they all revealed his strapping build.

Boy, was I not expecting the man that stood before me. He had thick hair on his chest, abdomen, and lower arms. His broad chest tapered down in a V shape. Thick arms, nice pecs, and a powerful physique. Archer was crazy if he thought Bear needed to work out.

I followed my gaze down to his navel, where the white bath towel was threatening to unfurl.

Mercy, close your mouth.

Once I stood up straight, I managed to retract my hands, which were plastered to his chest.

Bear stepped back. Gripping the short towel around his waist, he lowered his eyes. “Sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going. I’ll get out of your way.”

“Did you just get home?” I asked, trying to hold his attention. I really didn’t want to be alone right now.

“No. A couple of hours ago.”

“It’s a little late for a shower.”

He cleared his throat, still avoiding eye contact. “I like my privacy. I usually wait until everyone’s gone to bed.”

One of his pecs twitched, putting a nervous twist in my belly. Seeing Bear shirtless was one thing. Seeing his body glistening from shower steam was something else entirely. My gaze wandered down to his legs and bare feet. Big feet. His toes suddenly curled as if they wanted to hide.

Bear quickly stepped around me. “G’night.”

“I came down because I was scared.”

He stopped cold and peered over his shoulder. The fierce look he gave made my heart do a quickstep. “Did something happen?”

I cupped my elbows. “Can’t sleep. I keep thinking about what Argento said.”

He furrowed his brow. “When? Did you talk to him?”

“He came into the bar today. Montana showed up and pulled a gun on him when he tried to grab me.”

Bear faced me with a clenched fist. “He touched you?”

“No. He just threatened me.”

“I knew I shouldn’t have left.”

“Could I sit with you for a little while? I’m still trying to get used to this house. Sometimes I wake up and don’t know where I am.”

He looked down at the towel, which barely covered his thighs. “Let me put something on. Back in a wink.”