Page 59 of The Thief

Bear watched the brown horse circling Luna. “Yep. But most animals are afraid of us because they know we’re different.”

Robyn slicked back her wet hair and remarked, “She doesn’t seem too afraid of Shifters.”

Virgil popped open his door. “Even if they did do the nasty, it’s technically not wrong any more than it is for us sleeping with humans. They’re both consenting animals.”

Robyn wrinkled her nose. “But what if the person hasn’t blacked out completely?”

“Are you trying to give me nightmares?” Virgil exclaimed.

Unbuckling his seat belt, Bear asked, “Can everyone stop jumping to conclusions? We need to get her home before she takes off again.”

Virgil collected the rope and halter from the back row. “Who wants to help? I’ve lassoed a few times but only for fun. And never with a horse.”

Robyn tugged the rope. “Like trying to catch your date?”

“Don’t be a hater. A little rope is how you spice things up.” Virgil got out of the vehicle. “Here goes nothing.”

“Truer words were never spoken,” Montana remarked. “Maybe I should help him.”

Bear turned the windshield wipers down. “Too many people might spook her.”

When Virgil didn’t shut his door, Robyn hopped over to his side and did it for him.

“Let’s get out in case something goes wrong,” Montana replied, opening his door.

After turning off the engine, Bear exited the vehicle and joined Montana at the front. They were soaked to the bone within a few seconds.

Virgil twirled the lasso around, but when he threw it and missed, it was clear he didn’t know what the hell he was doing. Undeterred, he moved closer.

The horses whinnied, and Luna backed up. She started jumping when thunder crashed, but the brown horse stayed close as if corralling her with his body.

Montana moved in slowly, and Bear fell into step beside him.

Virgil tossed the rope. This time it looped around her neck.

Luna bolted like a flash of lightning, dragging Virgil behind her. He held on while she ran into the wooded area.

The brown horse shifted to the naked man who went by Kevin. The Shifter held out his hands. “Give me the halter. Don’t you amateurs know what you’re doing?”

Robyn ran over. “What the heck is going on here between you two? She’s not even a Shifter!”

Kevin looked confused for a split second before he grasped the insinuation. “Whoa. I was just placating her so she wouldn’t flip out and get herself hit by a car.” He took the halter and lead rope from Montana. “Even if she was a Shifter, she’s not my type.”

They turned their heads when Luna galloped across the road, the rope flapping behind her. Kevin put the halter in his mouth and then shifted before chasing after her.

Montana wiped his face, the hat shielding it from much of the rain. “You two stay here while I go help him. Make sure Virgil wasn’t trampled.”

While Montana ran after the horses, Bear headed in the direction Virgil had gone.

“Should I shift?” Robyn asked, keeping pace. “Maybe my wolf can track him.”

“Not in the rain.”

Robyn was still a new wolf and learning the ropes. They’d taken her out hunting several times, and her wolf caught its first rabbit a week ago. It also took practice for her to learn how to shift without ripping her clothes or getting tangled in them. Not everything came naturally to a new wolf; they had to be taught proper etiquette in a pack. How to hunt, how to kill, and the rules around strangers. She didn’t yet know her wolf’s limitations.

On the other hand, her wolf could cover more ground.

“Why don’t you run ahead,” he suggested. “Tell her to bark if she finds him.”