Page 117 of The Thief

“And how do you plan on doing that in Calvin’s office?” Bear grabbed papers out of Krys’s hand and shoved them back in the drawer.

“By looking at his books.” Krys gave him a steely glare and branched away. “She’s handling his money, isn’t she? We want to see if any funny business is going on with the numbers.”

Tempted to slam the file drawer, Bear closed it quietly instead.

“Once a thief, always a thief,” Virgil said matter-of-factly. “It’s habitual. Nothing personal against Shortcake, but you’re asking us to trust a con man. Con woman.” He twisted his mouth to the side and then snapped his fingers. “Con artist!”

Bear paced to the blank wall on the right and leaned against it. “If he finds you in here looking through his shit, he’ll fire her on the spot, and that’ll be on you. Every dumb decision you make reflects on her since we’re packmates. Do you think anyone around here will hire her if they think something sketchy is going on? Mercy’s a good girl. She doesn’t deserve this.”

Krys joined Virgil at the desk and picked up a ledger. He opened it, his eyebrows drawing together. “This is the accounting book.”

“Put it back.”

He waved the book at Bear. “You don’t think we have a right to ask questions about the person handling our money? This isn’t just a piggy bank we’re talking about; it’s my entire fucking life savings.”

Virgil ran his hand over his chest. “Do you think I’d look good in nipple rings?”

Bear crossed his arms. “This bullshit needs to stop. Your gossip could ruin her reputation. She’s supposed to be your packmate. Where’s your loyalty?” Bear had no reason to doubt Mercy, but he also knew her in a way that they didn’t. “Without going into details, one reason I left my old pack is because of petty gossip that got out of control. It fucked up my life.”

Virgil stepped away from the desk. “Pump the brakes, Mr. Universe. We’re not trying to sabotage anyone. We’re only doing a little detective work.” He slowly chewed on his bottom lip until it was red. Virgil was still intoxicated, so his mannerisms were slow and clumsy.

Krys leaned against the desk and wiped his hand down his short goatee. “Sorry, but I need convincing.”

Fed up with all the doubt, Bear raised his voice. “If you’re wrong, how’s that gonna make you feel? Especially if it ruins her position and title in the pack? That was her past. Haven’t we all done shit we regret that we’re trying to move on from? Show me your angel wings, son. You’re telling me you’ve never screwed up? Most of us joined this pack because we were looking to start a new life. Are you saying she doesn’t have a right to a fresh start?”

Something was getting through, because the two men looked guilt-stricken. Krys stared at the ledger and cursed.

“Who the fuck is in my office?” Calvin boomed from the end of the hallway. “I’m gonna kick your ass!”

The footfalls grew closer, and Bear panicked. His heart hammered against his chest as he tried to figure out in the next three seconds how the hell to explain what they were doing in his private office.

Seconds before the door swung open, Virgil gripped the back of Krys’s neck and tackled him with his whole body. Their lips entangled in a passionate kiss as he backed him up against the desk. Krys raised his hands as if to push him off, but Virgil whispered something while stealing the accounting book from his hand and stealthily sliding it behind them.

Krys gripped the edge of the desk like he wanted to break it in two. Virgil’s fingers greedily bit into Krys’s leather pants as the two men made out. When Virgil tilted his head, Bear could no longer see their faces.

Virgil was putting on a show, grinding his hips against Krys’s until a moan escaped. Papers scattered to the floor. Bear was so caught off guard that he briefly forgot about their predicament.

Calvin stood in the doorway, staring at the manfest happening all over his desk. “What in the orgy fuck is going on in here? This is my office, not a den of iniquity!”

Virgil softened the kiss before glancing over his shoulder and giving Calvin a wicked grin. “There’s always room for one more. I don’t have an age limit on love.”

Bear wanted to laugh, but he was struck with fear that Calvin would unleash his wrath and terminate him on the spot.

“You’re worse than a cat in heat.” Calvin grabbed a fistful of Virgil’s hair and dragged him out of the room. “If you want privacy, you need to pay for one of the rooms in the back. Now get the fuck outta here. All of you.”

Virgil frowned. “You and Bear are nothing but killjoys.”

Bear appreciated Virgil covering for him like that. It would also explain why Bear was in here in the first place.

They filed into the hall with their tails between their legs. Bear went back to apologize, but Calvin slammed the door in his face.

Krys stood in the middle of the hall, wiping his mouth.

“Did you guys put everything back where it goes?” Bear whispered, wondering if any drawers were still open.

With flushed cheeks, Krys directed his gaze at Virgil, who was casually leaning against the wall. “What the hell was that all about?”

Virgil shrugged nonchalantly. “It was either make out or get blacklisted. Calvin has the best sensory drinks in the territory, and I’m not about to kiss that goodbye. Did you see the look on his face?”