Tak shook his head, flummoxed at the unexpected news. “But you weren’t in heat. Are you sure?”
Her long brown hair fell forward when she looked down at her stomach. “My mother conceived both her children out of her heat cycle. I suppose it’s hereditary.”
Lakota chuckled. “I guess that means sex is off-limits, unless you want a big litter.”
Tak cut him a sharp look before he put his hand on Hope’s stomach. Then he rested his forehead against it, eyes closed, and whispered inaudibly.
Hope stroked the back of his head. “I know you like curvy women, but I’m about to get a lot bigger.”
A flash went off, causing them both to jerk their heads up.
“Sorry,” Lakota said unapologetically, holding his phone up to take a picture. “Had to capture the moment. Can I send this to our family circle?”
Hope frowned. “I haven’t told anyone, brother. Wait until I call them. Tonight, this celebration is for us. This is my new family, and this baby is our future.”
With tears in his eyes, Tak kissed her belly over and over until he worked his way to her lips. When he stood, he lifted his woman so she was looking down at him. “I’m going to be a father!”
I clapped, then kissed Bear for the first time in front of our pack. Would we have our own family someday? I wasn’t in a hurry. We had centuries to carve out our happiness in the world.
Lakota quickly rounded the table. “Put my sister down, you big oaf. She’s with child.”
Hope’s laugh rang out. “Settle down. I’m not made of glass.” When her feet touched the floor, she said, “And another thing—our sex life won’t change. If I could get pregnant each time we were intimate, you’d have nieces and nephews by now. I trust the fates.”
“When did you know?” I asked.
She stroked her stomach. “I was certain after a week.”
“A week?” Tak frowned at her. “Why did you keep it from me?”
“I wanted to be sure. After the Relic confirmed it, I enjoyed having that little secret for a while.”
Melody got up from the chair. “Be right back. I have to use the bathroom.”
“Perfect timing with Mother’s Day.” Archer smiled at Hope. “Congrats.”
“Give me a minute,” I said to Bear before heading to the bathroom.
Maybe it was women’s intuition, but something seemed off about Melody’s reaction to her best friend’s news.
Before I reached the door, Lucian moved past me.
“Excuse me.” I gripped his shirtsleeve and yanked him back. “You’re not going in the ladies’ room, mister.”
He turned and glowered at me. Obviously, he could scent Melody’s emotions, which confirmed my gut feeling.
“Let me handle it,” I said quietly. “I know you two are family, but you’re too blunt for someone who might be feeling sensitive. And you sure as heckfire won’t be curling around her legs in the bathroom stall. Go finish your beer—and keep this to yourself. Promise me.”
His eyes slanted toward the door. “On my word,” he growled before stalking back to the table.
When I walked in, I heard sniffling from behind the accessible stall.
“Are you okay?” I knocked on the door. “Mel, please open up.”
The latch turned, and I squeezed into the stall and stood across from her. “Sweetie, what’s wrong?”
She wiped beneath her eyes and looked at the makeup smeared on her fingers. “I’m not a crier.”
“I know. That’s why I’m in here.” I took her hand in mine. “Anything you say to me is private.”