Page 111 of The Thief

Atticus raised the bottle to his lips. “I hope your friend in the brown hat isn’t driving. He talks under his breath to no one in particular.”

I checked out our table. “That’s just Virgil. Assembly required but missing two screws.”

Catcher started barking ferociously, and I turned to look.

A group emerged from one of the private rooms in the back, Serena and Ian leading the parade.

I waved. “Hey, Serena! How are you?”

Ian put his arm around her. “Don’t you speak to her,” he said in his English accent, and though he was looking at me, I sensed he was talking to her.

They filed out the front door without so much as looking back.

Atticus set down his bottle. “I only came by to meet Calvin formally, but it was a pleasure seeing you again, Miss Breedlove.” He inclined his head and waved at Tak before making a hasty exit.

I yawned noisily. “I’m gonna sleep so good tonight.”

“That depends on who you sleep with.”

I jumped with surprise when Lucian appeared behind the bar. “What are you doing back there?”

“Did you see the new cabinet I installed last night?” Lucian leaned back and looked down. “Steel bars so close you can’t even slip your fingers through. That’ll keep his sensory drinks safe. I still need your fingerprint.”

I held my thumb in front of his face.

He waved it away. “I don’t have my equipment with me. I’ll come in tomorrow. For now, it’s not locked.”

“I may be unconscious all day tomorrow.”

Lucian ran his hand over the coal-black stubble on his scalp. Sometimes he let it grow out, but sooner or later, he would shave it again. “You already know the back door is steel, but since Calvin didn’t want a heavy front door, I set up a silent alarm instead. If the door’s opened or taken off the hinges after the alarm is set, Calvin gets an alert on his phone. I wired everything last night. The keypad’s in the back hall, so remember to set it before you leave. Once you hit the button, you have ninety seconds to lock up before Calvin gets a wake-up call.” Lucian poured himself a glass of beer and walked off to our table. “Just let me know when you’re ready for a lesson.”

I fell into step beside him. “Are you gonna pay for that?”

“I gave Calvin a discount and told him I’d take the rest in beer.”

I rolled my eyes. After returning to my chair between Archer and Melody, I locked eyes with Krys, who was taking a seat next to Virgil. “Where’s your girlfriend?”

He straddled the chair and cracked open a bottle of beer. “You mean the sock that just came out of the drier?”

“Too clingy?” Virgil’s sour look turned into a smile. “I don’t know what you’re complaining about.”

Krys swallowed his beer. “All she wanted to do was suck me off. I’m sure those lips have been on half the dicks in this town.”

Virgil stripped off his shirt, which knocked his hat onto the floor. “Anyone else getting hot in here?”

Tak twisted around and gave him a peevish glance. “You’ve had enough to drink.” He slid Virgil’s glass across the table to Melody. “Cut him off.”

“I’m not driving, so let me have my fun,” he slurred.

Melody pushed the glass toward Lakota. “Did he have the Wild Rabbit?”

“No,” I answered. “Calvin didn’t want trouble, so he kept it locked up. He’s drunk on regular booze.”

“Spoilsport,” Virgil mumbled.

Bear emerged from the kitchen without his apron and hairnet. Crossing the room in our direction, he received a warm welcome from the crowd. “What’s going on?” he asked, anchoring his feet behind my chair.

“You,” Archer replied. “You’re what’s going on. After today, you won’t have trouble getting any tail.”