Page 21 of Surprise Me

“Already did, asshole,” Mack growled at me. Once again, I felt like his words were an assault and I had no clue why.

“Did you kill him already?” I asked, though it was with a bit of anxiety because shit was really starting to dawn on me, what with the way my best friend stared daggers at me and how Kim wouldn’t meet my eyes.

“You’re the only person I’ve been with in a little over a year,” Kim explained.

“I’m the…?” My eyes snapped between my best friend and his sister a few times before they settled back on her. “You’re saying I’m the father?”

She nodded in answer, and then I laughed in response. I couldn’t tell you why the fuck my body even made that sound. Maybe it was a combination of nerves and disbelief, not to mention the timing of the news since my fucking girlfriend was due back from her summer away the very next day. That was the response I had though, right up until Mack punched me the fucking jaw and laid my ass out on the concrete beside the garage.

“I told you it was a bad idea to tell him,” Kim mumbled.

That caught my attention. “What the fuck does that mean? You weren’t going to tell me that I’m supposedly going to be a father?” I asked her before turning to Mack. I had to look up at both of them, since I was still parked on my ass rubbing my jaw. “You were going to let her keep it from me?”

“Obviously not, since we’re here,” he shouted back at me, clearly still angry by my whacked-out response.

“Look, I just need a minute to wrap my head around shit.”

“I’m thirteen weeks along. My due date is March fifth of next year,” Kim rattled off.

“Thirteen weeks?” I asked as I started counting backward. “It can’t be mine then.”

“Yeah it is, you dick. I talked to the doctor last week. He said they count from her last period, which was two weeks before you two hooked up.”

“We didn’t hook up,” I argued. It was the truth. I’d passed out and when I woke, there was a warm body next to me, and my liquor-soaked brain thought I was with my girlfriend.

Kim rolled her eyes. “I didn’t take advantage of you,” she yelled. It was the first time she showed much emotion since she got there.

“I was asleep when you started going down on me. I woke up to you initiating things. And I was clothed before that happened. Oh, and need I remind you again, I WAS ASLEEP. I wasn’t touching you, molesting you, or whatever the fuck else you tell yourself at night to alleviate the guilt you feel for sleeping with me. I didn’t even want you in my fucking bed. I asked Mack to leave you on the floor in front of the front door where your sloppy ass passed out.”

Kim took a deep breath and then continued her tirade, and it was a fucking good one that was starting to draw a crowd as some of the men started to pop their heads out of the garage to see what the fuck was going down.

“I don’t want a man who can’t take responsibility for his own fucking actions to be a part of my life, let alone my child’s, especially when he continues to try to blame me and pretend like he didn’t know he came inside me without a fucking condom. But yeah, pretend there’s no way it could have been you who knocked me up, right!?”

“Kim,” Mack warned her when he realized pretty much half the fucking club was out there listening to her now.

“No, you know what? Shut up, Mack! You’re supposed to bemybrother. You’re supposed to haveMYback, not his, and yet you dragged me down here so this pathetic piece of miserable shit could tell me I’m lying and laugh at me after having already tried to make me out to be some calculating drunken dick molester. I’m fucking over the both of you.” She turned her angry face back to me then.

“And just so we’re clear, your mean ass bitch of a girlfriend will never get her nasty ass, hate-filled self anywhere near my child. So, if you’re staying with her, you can fuck right off with being involved with the baby. And if you’re not staying with her, you can fuck right off after telling me I’m a liar and laughing at me.”

She turned around and gasped as she saw all the men, including Ratchet standing there taking in everything she had to say.

“Come here darlin’,” Ratchet called to her with a firm, yet sympathetic voice. She glanced back at her brother, who I only just now realized looked hurt to have been lumped in with me in her rant. He leaned down and helped me up as Kim made her way to Ratchet’s side. He curled an arm around her shoulders and walked her into the clubhouse while damn near the rest of them stood there staring at us.

“Looks like you fucked up pretty good,” Jasper called out.

“Fucked up?” Grady asked. “That boy did more than fuck up.” He turned his eyes toward Mack then. “That’s your sister. Don’t care of Dipshit there is your club brother or your fucking best friend, you have her back first. Especially when I know you were plottin’ and plannin’ to get them both together.”

“What the fuck?” I asked, surprised that someone else would accuse Mack of that. Yet, at the same time, I wasn’t really caught off guard by it. Mack had been fairly transparent with the fact that he wanted me to give his sister a shot.

“Don’t act like you didn’t know, kid. Shit, the boy’s been talking his sister up for damn near the whole time you both been prospecting. Now, you need to pick your ass up outta the gutter you dropped yourself in and get to fuckin’ work fixin’ what you broke before you miss out on the best thing life might ever throw at you.”

“I have a girlfriend,” I reminded all of them.

“Man, fuck that cunt!” Jasper shouted as he turned and walked back to the clubhouse.

Grady just gave me a look, shook his head, and turned his back on me too. Mack helped me up and stepped back. “Sorry man, but she’s my sister,” he said as he pointed to my chin that had to be bruised by now.

“I get it.” I glanced around one more time and then groaned. “Not a damn one of them likes her, do they?”