Page 7 of Surprise Me

“That would normally be true, but I think something is going down tonight that they’re clearing all the prospects and hangers-on out of the place. And don’t you go repeating that to anyone.”

“Who am I going to repeat anything to?” I asked him, feeling a bit incensed that he would even think he needed to remind me.

“Maybe our car guest while we’re on the way to the party?”

“First, I wouldn’t do that. And second, I thought you trusted Tripp?”

“I do trust him, but he don’t need to know how much shit I share with you about the club.”

“You share with me because you know you can trust me not to run my mouth. Have faith that nothing’s changed. Besides, I get so flustered around Tripp that I can barely remember my own name, let alone your secrets.” My brother threw his head back and cackled out a very dickish sounding laugh. Mack was a jerk, but I still loved him anyway.

Chapter 4


June 12th

The back door of my car opened just as my stupid brother finally stopped laughing at me. Tripp made himself comfortable in the back seat as I watched him get adjusted through the rearview mirror.

“Sorry it took so long. Fucking Wayland refused to take over on the gate until Minx…” His voice trailed off as our eyes met in the mirror.

Mack started laughing again. Relax, asshole. Kimmy isn’t your innocent little girlfriend. She’s not going to wilt if you say Wayland insisted on a blow job before standing gate duty.”

“Sorry,” Tripp muttered, seeming to apologize to me again, despite what my brother had to say. “I’m used to…”

“Unrealistic,” I finished for him.

“What?” I could tell by his puzzled face that he hadn’t followed my train of thought, or he had a slightly different one that would probably paint his girlfriend in less of a cunty manner. I wouldn’t say that out loud though- at least not like that. I tried my best not to be mean for no good reason.

“You’re used to unrealistic expectations being placed on someone living the biker lifestyle. It’s only going to get worse; you know? Eventually, she’ll find out about the club girls, the parties, the orgies, and the shit that gets people dead or sent to prison. If you’re in this life, you can’t shelter the people closest to you from those things. If you’re worried about saying ‘blowjob’ and the reaction you’ll get, then I can’t imagine what will happen when the rest of it comes to light for her.”

“She ain’t wrong,” Mack agreed with me.

Tripp didn’t say anything. Instead, he turned to watch out the window as we drove to the other side of town. I glanced over to Mack worriedly, wondering if I’d overstepped so much that Tripp would hate me now. What I said was the truth, even if he didn’t want to accept it yet.

A high school girlfriend did not necessarily make a good old lady, especially when she came from a very different world. She was posh European summer vacations while the rest of us were just trying to figure out how the hell we were scraping the money together to keep the lights on.

“When is June coming back from England?” Mack asked after a lengthy, uncomfortable silence.

“Europe,” Tripp corrected. “They’re touring several countries and probably won’t be back until just before school starts at the end of August.”

Mack rolled his eyes and gave me one of his “must be nice” looks. I stifled a giggle and focused on the road, but I could feel Tripp staring at me. Whether his attention was because he now hated me or was simply curious, remained to be seen.

When we got to Tommy’s land, both men groaned as the car bumped and shambled its way down the very roughly cut dirt lane. It was a good thing it hadn’t rained in a while, or I would have gotten us stuck in a few of the deeper ruts. “Bet you’re both glad you didn’t try this on your motorcycles, huh?”

“At least then we could have avoided all these giant holes. Fuck. I feel like I’ve got shaken baby syndrome,” Mack groused as Tripp and I laughed at him.

“Glad you made me see the error of my ways before it was too late, Kim.” Tripp’s eyes locked with mine in the mirror again, and I could have sworn there was more meaning in what he was saying. It could just be about the fact that I saved him from attempting to come down here on his motorcycle, especially at night when he wouldn’t have been able to see all the obstacles in the road. There was another part of me that wondered if he was thanking me for the advice about his girlfriend instead.

“Little sis will keep us both on the straight and narrow so long as we actually listen to her,” Mack explained to Tripp. “She’s a smart cookie, even if I pretend she has no clue just to get a rise out of her most of the time.” I knew plenty of people who hated their siblings, but Mack was my best friend, and that right there was exactly why. He was always supportive of me, even if that came with a healthy dose of sibling torture along the way.

Finally, we reached the area where everyone was parking and I made sure we were situated in a spot so my car couldn’t be blocked in. When we got out and Mack saw how much further away we were from the party, he scowled and took off ahead of us to catch up to the infuriating blonde twig he’d been chasing after for months.

She was a lot like Tripp’s girlfriend, except that she would never hook up with him unless she could claim it was a drunken mistake the next day. I knew that for a fact since she’d already had three such mistakes with him the past month. Either the girl was a lush, or she liked my brother and was too much of a little snot to admit it publicly.

“You were smart to park where you did,” Tripp praised.

“Thanks. Mack knows it and will probably thank me for thinking ahead if he ends up riding back with us.”