Page 51 of Surprise Me

“Gross. No one needs to know what you do with your KY Jelly, Tink.”

“Kimmy, I’m just trying to school Grady here.”

“I mean the kind of jelly that’s also like jam and you put on a damn sandwich, you crazy fucker,” Grady corrected the man.

“Come on, assholes, stop ruining their moment,” Ratchet called out. Most of the men moved away, but my brother stuck around to watch as I put the cut back on. Then, he came over to give me a hug and kissed the side of my head.

“Happy for you, Kimmy. You deserve to have your dreams come true.”

“Thank you,” I whispered back.

“Don’t thank me, this was all him.” He hitched his thumb backward to indicate Tripp who was standing there smiling at us.

“Mack helped me build it. Then we had to tear it down because it was completely fucked,” Tripp admitted. “That’s when Tinker stepped in to save the day and showed us how to make it not look like a bunch of toddlers attempted to make a popsicle stick building.” I giggled at his description of their first attempt.

“Well, the final product is amazing and that’s all that matters.”

I leaned back, right into Tripp’s arms and watched as my brother walked away. “Can we stay out here a while?” I asked.

“How about I spread those blankets and pillows out and we’ll take a nap out here together.”

“God, yes!” He sat me down on one of the benches after emptying it of all the contents, then Tripp got to work building me a nest in the center of the gazebo he made for me.

“We forgot to tell them we’re having a boy and that we have a name for him,” I remembered as Tripp put the last blanket down on top of the others.

“They can find out tomorrow.” When he was finished, he helped me down and then positioned us so that I was staring out into that same tree line, and he was behind me holding my belly. “I missed this,” he said, though I didn’t think he meant to say it out loud.

“How in the world could you have missed something you never had?”

“I did have it. Twice. Once, when I was too drunk to appreciate why it felt so special, or who made it that way. The other was when I went to apologize for being an idiot. You were already asleep. I gave you my apologies that day and stayed there with you for a while, wishing I could turn the clock back and not mess up what we had.”

“I was going to leave,” I admitted. He leaned over to look at me and I turned my head to give him my eyes. “I planned on packing my shit up after I woke up. The dream stopped me. I never knew you were really there that night, but I dreamed that you were lying with me just like this and rubbing my belly and telling me that you loved me.”

“You knew. Somewhere deep inside, you knew I was really there saying those things, beautiful.”

“I guess so, since I never left.”

“Now, the only question you need to answer is where do you want to get married and when?” Tripp asked.

“Right here. It doesn’t really matter when, but I want it to be right here where you showed me your heart.”

“Fuck, beautiful. I don’t deserve you.”

“You have me anyway.” He snuggled closer before I tacked on. “But Tripp?”

“Yeah, Kim?”

“Don’t fuck up again or I really will leave.”

“You won’t ever have to worry about that again.”

“Good,” I answered. While there was still that little bit of worry in the back of my mind, I chose to take him at his word, especially since he’d taken the time to give me a memory, at his clubhouse, that would link us to this spot for as long as it stood there.

I knew what it all meant when put together. He had anchored me to him in every way possible, to let me know he was serious this time, and my heart wouldn’t let me do anything but try.

