Page 49 of Surprise Me

“You’re a jerk.”

“Yeah, but I’m your loveable jerk.”

I didn’t know what to say about that. He had been super sweet and attentive for weeks, since the incident with the bitch in the parking lot. Still, that worry would forever be in the back of my mind that he was just biding his time with me until he saw her again. What if we got in a fight, and when he left to go cool off, he ran intoher?

The bad part was, I understood. I was in love with him long before he even took notice of me. If we had been dating seriously for three years, broke up, and then saw one another again months later, I could honestly see reacting the same way. Those feelings don’t just go away overnight. Therein lie my understanding and my worry. They held hands with one another and mocked me every time I felt like I needed to make a decision about where Tripp and I were headed.

“I guess you’re all right,” I finally relented a little bit.

“Wow!” Trip called out as he threw a hand over his heart. “There was so much feeling in that. I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold back the tears, Kim.”

“Sarcasm doesn’t become you.”

“Well, compliments aren’t your forte either, sweetheart.”

We both laughed as I pulled in and waited for the prospect to open the gate. “Hey, Kim!” He called out as I started driving through. I tossed a hand out the window and waved at the guy.

“He’s awfully friendly with you,” Tripp muttered.

I laughed. “Don’t even know that prospect’s name.” I admitted.

“Good. You should keep it that way.”

“Whatever, caveman.” I parked and stepped out of the car. “Now, take me to my surprise before I have to go home and catch a nap.” I rubbed my hand over my belly, feeling completely exhausted from my day already. I worked at the bar in a few hours and if I didn’t get some sleep, I’d be dead on my feet later.

“Why don’t you take the night off and get some rest?”

“Because Ratchet only pays me when I show up.”

“I have money, Kim. You don’t have to work so hard. If you talk to Ratchet, I’m sure he’d be more than happy to knock a day or two off your schedule, or maybe even just have you come cook in the mornings or evenings instead of being up all night.”

“I’m doin’ just fine. The doctor’s visit cut into my normal sleep time is all.” A yawn hit me then as we walked slowly through the clubhouse.

“Kim!” Ratchet called.


“You had a doctor appointment today?”

“I did.”

“Then take the night off,” he called back to me before walking back in his office and slamming the door shut. Tripp tried to hide the fact that he was chuckling beside me but failed. So, I smacked him, playfully because I’m not a monster, in the back of the head.

“What was that for?” He asked, but never wiped the smile off his face.

“Gloating,” I explained.

“Come on, beautiful. Let’s go see your surprise, so you can get home and get some sleep.” Tripp took my hand and led me through the backdoor and out toward the tarp they’d put up. I’d been mad when the prospects first told me I couldn’t go out there and sit in the grass the way I normally did. I was even angrier when I realized someone was ruiningmy spotby building there.

If that was where we were going, I wasn’t sure I wanted to see it. I came outside, to the middle of the backyard, to watch the stars at night and dream of a life where I could be happy and loved. I dreamed of playing with my children in this place and chasing them into the trees further out back. With exception of the past week, I’d had a fantasy flash-forward of the life I hoped for and all those ‘future memories’ took place there, in the shadow of the club, surrounded by love.

When we got to the tarp that was strung across the lawn to block the view of whatever they’d been doing back there, Tripp pulled me close so that my back was to his front. Then, he placed his hands across my eyes and leaned over my shoulder to check that I couldn’t see anything.

“What are you doing?”

“We have to walk around the tarp, but I don’t want you to see until we’re in the perfect position.”

“Fine. Let’s go.” I secretly soaked up every second that our bodies were connected that way. It felt like one of my dreams coming true. It felt like happiness and hope as he slowly walked us out around the tarp and back toward where I used to spend so many nights thinking up instances just like this. My daydreams had always been about the two of us together, building a life and memories.