Page 45 of Surprise Me

Sparkles hadn’t been kidding when he made her that offer. If she accepted, I might just have to go nomad because I couldn’t take seeing the two of them together playing family, especially with my kid. As the imagery played in my head, I realized that I put her through so much more than just a kiss with my ex. I put her through the same glimpse of the future I was forcing myself to endure.

“Not gonna be easy to fix shit with my sister, huh?”

“I think that’s an understatement.”

“Maybe what you need is to make a statement.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Remember when you made a statement by kissing the snot out of her and claiming her in front of the club?”

“Yeah,” I said, though Mack’s face didn’t match the level of excitement I felt should be there.

“Well, you fucked that up immediately by telling Kim you should just be friends right after sticking your tongue down her throat and telling everyone that she was yours. That set you back- a lot. You’re my best friend, so I don’t mind telling you that you are also an idiot.” I stayed quiet because there really wasn’t anything to say to that. He was right.

“So, the only thing you have going in your favor right now is that you and Kim were only friends.”

“I’m not following.”

“You were only friends, so technically that kiss wasn’t cheating.”

“I put my fucking patch on her back, whether we were still working out our relationship or not, what I did was beyond wrong. And you know what, Mack? I felt worse for kissing June in the Goddamn Piggly Wiggly parking lot than I felt for fucking your sister behind June’s back. She’s wearing my fucking property patch, and whether we’d worked it out or not, that meant something.”

“Was,” Mack corrected.


“Shewaswearing your property patch. She ain’t doin’ that shit anymore.” I banged my head against the table.

“Don’t fuckin’ remind me, man.” When I finally looked up, Mack was still standing there leaning against the counter with his legs cocked out and crossed at the ankles.

“You need to make a statement. Something that shows you’re serious about her. Something permanent.”

“Like fucking what? Giving a woman a patch is supposed to be permanent, but she gave it back.”

“Then give her something she can’t give back and can’t walk away from,” my asshole friend suggested.

“Well, I already did that. She’s carrying my kid,” I joked.

“Fuck you, man. She could take that kid and let some other man raise it. That ain’t what I’m talking about. Give her something she wants but doesn’t know she wants. Something she never wants to be without. That’s what will show her you care, and you mean what the fuck you say this time.”

Something she wanted but didn’t realize she wanted…

I stood up and looked out the window that faced the backyard and suddenly I knew. “Grab the truck keys. We need to go grab some lumber.”

“What’s this ‘we’ shit?”

“You wanted me with your sister. Now, you have to pay the price to make it happen.”

“That’s the last damn time I offer you my help,” Mack grumbled, but the bastard couldn’t hide his grin. He wasn’t fooling anyone. He’d build a fucking monument to rival the Taj Mahal if he thought it would help me win his sister back and get my patch back on her back.

“Why have you been so hell bent on the two of us ending up together?” I asked him as we drove to the lumber yard.

“If you’d both stop being stubborn for more than five minutes, you’re perfect for one another. Besides, I want my sister around. She’s all I have outside of the club. I’m all she has, too, especially if the club boots her out because you were too much of a dick to hang on to her.”

We went to the nearest home improvement store, got everything I thought we would need, and then headed back to the clubhouse before even thought about asking Prez for permission. When we got out of the truck, Mack looked at me, back to all the shit in the back of the truck, and asked, “What now?”

“I need to talk to Prez really quick, be right back. Don’t let that shit out of your sight.”