Page 36 of Surprise Me

“Then what the fuck is she doing here? You know the fucking bylaws,” Wicked reprimanded. Thankfully, Mack and Tripp hadn’t made their way inside yet, since they’d been out getting their club ink.

“She’s an exception right now. Kimmy here was Jagger’s daughter. Her brother, Mack, is getting patched in tonight, and she’s pregnant with our other patch-in’s baby.”

“Well fuck me, girl. You went for the trifecta of association without being claimed.” Wicked shook his head and laughed before sobering up and turning back to Ratchet. “I’ll let this shit slide until she pops that kid out, but then she’s out of here unless someone claims her ass. Why hasn’t the prospect done it if he knocked her up?”

“Couldn’t do it until he patched tonight if he wanted to. They were a one-night thing though, so not sure it’s gonna happen.”

“If it don’t, someone else better, or she has to go.” Wicked offered me a quick sympathetic look before he headed across the room to grab a young club girl and pull her to the couch. He was far too old to be chasing after girls so young, but those girls volunteered to do that shit.

“Thank you,” I whispered to Ratchet. He nodded. “We’ll talk it out later, honey.” I knew what he meant. He was going to let me know my options for after the baby came. I guess it was too good to be true that I could stick around and make good enough money to raise my baby.

“Sweetheart, when you ready to pop?” Sparkles asked.

“First week of March.”

“I’ll check in then. If no one’s claimed you by then, I’ll do it. You keep your freedom and take my name. It’ll be for appearances only. Don’t have to saddle yourself to me forever, just long enough to figure shit out.”

“That’s very kind of you, but won’t that make it hard on you if you meet someone?”

He laughed again, only it sounded a bit bitter that time. “Already had my go at that shit. Didn’t work out. So, I’ll help if you need it.”

“Thank you,” I whispered just before hoots and howls shouted down the whole place, drowning out the crazy riffs Jimmy Page delivered in Heartbreaker. The noise these men made had to be loud to completely overwhelm Led Zeppelin blaring from the speakers. My ears would probably be ringing for a week after the damn party. Not to mention, half the women wandering about were strippers the guys brought up from Florida for the weekend. Dollars to doughnuts I’d be almost as shiny as Sparkles was when he earned his road name by the time my shift was over.

I watched as Mack and Tripp were both welcomed to the club as brothers for the first time, and I felt so damn proud of both of them as they made their way slowly to the bar. It was only when they got closer that I was able to see both of their heads had been shaved.

My eyes widened at the sight, because there was no way my brother allowed anyone to cut his hair off without a fight. One glance down to his pristine knuckles told me he hadn’t put up a fight, which meant it was part of the club’s patch-in process. I couldn’t get over how much older the haircut made Tripp look.

“Get these boys a shot of whiskey, darlin’!” Polka shouted. He was one of the members that usually stayed to himself. He rarely showed up to the clubhouse unless there was church or something going down. From what I’d heard, his old lady didn’t much like him being here, but in her case it was because she caught him one too many times with the club girls. Part of his penance in keeping her was that he wasn’t allowed to party. She couldn’t take patch-ins off the table though. It was almost a requirement that all members be there for those, to welcome their new brothers.

I handed a whiskey to each of the men and offered a smile when Tripp took a sip and realized I’d watered his down with coke. The other guys didn’t have to know he was a light weight. He tipped his chin up at me in appreciation before he was dragged to the middle of the room along with my brother.

“Boy don’t even know what he’s missin’” Sparkles said as he watched them. “Saw what you did for him. See the look in your eyes too. Proud of those boys,” he announced as he shook his head. “He’ll learn. Hope, for his sake, that he wisens up before I snatch you away first.” He winked at me then, grabbed his drink, and wandered off to go join everyone else in the center of the room.

After about an hour of hard partying by all the brothers, and Tripp pretending to drink far more than he actually had, a loud raucous forced me to snap my head up. Four of the club girls had lost every stitch of their clothing. Two were all over my brother, and the minute he remembered I was there, he wrapped them both in his arms and walked toward the hall where the senior members and club girls had bedrooms. I knew he took it back there to be respectful of me and I would thank him for that mercy later. No one should ever see their own brother being tag-teamed by two club girls.

Tripp started yelling and drew my attention back to the action in the center of the room where the other two nude club girls stumbled back away from him. He pointed in my direction and spoke again, loud enough for me to hear it too, though I don’t think that was his intention.

“That woman is carrying my baby right now. You think she wants to see this shit? You think it’s good for her to see that? I remember not so long ago she defended what the fuck you all do in here. Kim has never disrespected any of you, so how about you show some fucking respect back to her?” He turned and walked away from them to go hang with some of the members who had old ladies and refused to step out on them.

I didn’t know how to feel about Tripp’s display. We weren’t together. He didn’t have a girlfriend anymore either. There was nothing holding him back from going there with the club girls.

“Maybe you’ll be claimed before that baby comes after all,” Wicked chirped from my left. “Sorry about earlier, sugar. Didn’t know you weren’t a club girl. Didn’t hurt you, did I?” It was like he was a different man all of a sudden.

“No, you didn’t. Can I get you a drink?”

“Just a beer.” He nodded toward Tripp. “That was some show he just put on. Kid’s gonna make a hell of a president one day. Knows how to stay loyal.”

I wanted to laugh because technically, we were in this mess because he wasn’t loyal. Still, I wouldn’t bad mouth him to the national president. “He’s a good man. One day, I’m sure he’ll do the club proud.”

Wicked grinned at me. “Hopefully, he’s smart enough to have a good woman at his side while he does that. Hope he comes to his senses before the club has to cut you loose,” he mentioned before walking off again with his beer in hand.

Tripp never approached the bar again while I was there working. Around two in the morning, Ratchet stumbled over and told me to go on and head out. He called one of the new prospects over. “Make sure she gets home safe,” he ordered before going back to the party.

The prospect stood there and waited for me to get my shit together. I didn’t bother looking back on my way out. There was a part of me that wanted to go congratulate Tripp and my brother, who was back in the main room celebrating with everyone. It wasn’t my place, though. I had only been allowed to be there because I was slinging drinks.

Once I got home, the scene Tripp made with the club girls kept playing in my head on repeat. I wasn’t stupid, those women were waiting for me to leave, and I’d bet money that they approached him before the door shut on my backside. Whether he took them up on their offers when I wasn’t there to see was none of my business. That’s what I kept trying to tell myself as sleep finally came to call and my body gave into the exhaustion it felt.

Chapter 15