Page 34 of Surprise Me

“Sorry,” Mack called back as they drove out of the gate. He was laughing though, so I didn’t know how sorry the jerk really was.

“Shit, are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I think you took the brunt of it for me. Thanks for that.”

“No problem. Your brother needs his ass kicked for that shit, even if he wasn’t the one driving.”

I shrugged my response. My brother needed his ass kicked for a lot more than that, but I loved the shit, so I also couldn’t stand to watch it happen.

“Was there something you needed?” Tripp asked.

“Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that I have a doctor appointment next week. Oh, and also happy birthday, because I won’t be around tomorrow.”

Despite my brother letting me know about Tripp’s birthday, it wasn’t the first time I heard about it. Ratchet pulled me aside when I first came on shift and told me that I had the day off tomorrow. When I wanted to know why I’d be missing a day of pay, he told me that it was Tripp’s birthday, and since we weren’t actually together, it would be better if I stayed home, so the boy could celebrate without fear of offending me.

It felt just like the punch to the gut it was. We might not have ever been a couple, but it still sucked to think he’d rather hookup with the club girls than the woman he knocked up with his baby. Then again, I was a case of mistaken identity and he’d never meant to sleep with me in the first place.

“Why aren’t you going to be around tomorrow?”

“Ratchet told me this morning that I had the night off.”

Tripp looked at me strangely and then smiled. “If you feel up to coming to a party, pretty sure they’re throwing one for me even though I’m not a member yet.”

“I don’t think I’m supposed to be there,” I admitted. “I hope you have a good time though. Who knows, maybe it will be a surprise patch-in party, too.”

“Nah, they’re doing that next weekend. We just got word today.”

“Is that why Mack ran off? The jerk went to go celebrate with the BMW bimbos?”

Tripp laughed. “Mack ran off because he’s a horndog who doesn’t know how to say ‘No’ to women.”

“That’s true. One day, he’s going to meet a woman who gives him a run for his money, and I can’t wait to watch it all play out.”

“Yeah, me too.” We were both quiet for a minute before Tripp tugged at my hand to get my attention, since I’d been staring off beyond the gate. “Do you… That is… Fuck. I don’t know why this feels so hard. Can I come to your appointment with you or is it too private?”

“You can come, but they aren’t doing an ultrasound or anything. I’m basically peeing in a cup, talking to the doctor, and maybe getting to hear the heartbeat.”

His eyes lit up at the last bit. “I’d like to be there for that, if you’re okay with it.”

“Sure, I’ll write down my appointment information for you. If you want to ride with me, I can swing by to pick you up, or you can just meet me there, whatever works.”

“You can pick me up. It’ll give us some time to talk.” He let go of my hand and I got ready to walk away before he called me back. “Kim?”


“I’ll be paying for the visit, too. So, don’t worry about that, okay?”

“Sure.” I walked back to the clubhouse with a small smile on my face for the first time in what seemed like months. I’d laughed here and there at jokes, but it was the first time I felt almost content with my situation, like there might be hope. Tripp and I might never get together the way I wanted to last year when I met him, but at least, maybe, we could be friends and that might just be enough.

Chapter 14


September 12th

“Did Ratchet approve you working tonight?” I turned to see Grady standing there frowning at me.

“Yes, he did. Where’s your old lady?”