Page 28 of Surprise Me

“Six months,” he corrected.

“Six? What?” I was confused at first and then it dawned on me what he was saying. “How is that possible? It would have… That means…” My legs gave out from underneath me. When he told me about all this, I figured it happened a few weeks ago. A month ago, maybe. Not so soon after I left. Tripp caught me before I could fall and sat me back down on the bench.

“I’m so sorry, June. It happened a couple weeks after you left.”

Despite wishing I could hold it all in until I got home, that wasn’t what happened. My shoulders shook as the sobs were wrenched from my body without my permission. How could this happen? Why did I have to go away for the summer? Why couldn’t he have waited for me? I had a plan. Dammit.

I had a plan, and she stole that from me. That bastard brother of hers did too. He knew what he was doing when he put them in bed together, and one day, I’d make him pay for taking everything from me. I’d make them both pay and when I was done, Tripp would be mine again. Only mine.

When I finally stopped crying, I stood and turned to see the pain settled there in Tripp’s eyes. I’m sure it was reflected back from my own. “I need some time to process all this. I still love you, but it’s a lot.”

“I know it is. I’m so sorry, June.”

“I know you are and that’s the only reason why all I’m asking is a little time to pull myself together, then we’ll make a plan for how to deal withher.

“Kim,” he corrected.

“Not yet,” I spat back at him.

“Before you go, this is something you need to seriously think about. No matter what, Kim is having my baby. She will be that baby’s mother. She will also be my club brother’s sister. That makes her family. Club family. If you disrespect her the way you did her brother today, you will be banned from the club.”

“So, you’re choosing her over me?”

“No, I’m telling you exactly what my club president said to me before I came out to get you. If you disrespect my baby’s mother, you will not be allowed here for any reason. That obviously won’t work out for us. Beyond Ratchet’s proclamation, you have to understand that if we stay together, we’ll have to work with Kim to raise our baby. That means you can’t play your mean girl games with her. I won’t have my kid growing up in a war zone between my girl and their mom.”

“I understand that, but you need to tell her the same damn thing because I’m going to give back the same level of energy I get from her.” It was stubborn of me to admit that, but it was the truth. If she gave me attitude, she would get it right back.

Tripp blew out a breath and shook his head, as if this whole situation was already too much. It was. It absolutely was already too much. If my parents found out that Tripp had knocked up another girl, they would probably throw a party and then ship me off to boarding school somewhere to make sure I didn’t immerse myself in that mess going forward.

I planned to do just that though, because that bitch and her brother were not going to win. They would be taught a lesson instead.

Chapter 11


“You need to get down to the clubhouse, now!” Mack ordered.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“The cunt showed up.”

“Oh.” I knew exactly who ‘the cunt’ was. That meant June was back from her European vacation and Tripp was most likely dropping the news on her. “I don’t think I should be there for that.”

“Like hell you shouldn’t. If he stays with her, the three of you have to be able to…”

“I already told him my opinion on that, and Ratchet agreed that he didn’t think it would be wise to have my baby anywhere near that woman. He said he was going to talk to Tripp about it. If he chooses her, then so be it.”

“No! Fuck that! You need to fight for him, Kim. Fight for your baby.”

“He was never mine!” I yelled at my brother.

“I’m going over there to listen in on what they’re saying.” He hung up on me and presumably took off to go eavesdrop. Did I want to know what was being said? Sure. It would be nice to have a head’s up and know what was in store for my future. Did I think I could handle hearing the decision Tripp made in person? Nope. Not at all. Mack could give me the Cliff’s Notes version later.

An hour later, Mack called me with all the dirty details. The minute he was done filling me in, I wondered if my brother even cared about me. It might not have been his fault, but I was completely destroyed by what he’d overheard, and he didn’t spare me any details. Including the most important one, where it looked like Tripp was going to stay with her and thought he could play house with my baby and his girlfriend.

That was not going to happen. If she was a nice person, my view on it might be different. She wasn’t, though. Even if he didn’t want to acknowledge the truth of that, somewhere deep down, he knew. That’s why he’d been having doubts to begin with. I guess those doubts magically went away the minute she showed her face.

There was no point in feeling sorry for myself. Whether he was the one who woke me up and initiated the sex, I’d still gone along with it knowing he had a girlfriend. It didn’t matter that he talked about having doubts, he was still hers. Never mine. That was something I had to get right with.