Page 26 of Surprise Me

He called me June, not Junie. That was a bad sign.

“I went to the party with Mack and Kim.”

“Who in the hell is Kim?”

“Mack’s sister. She drove us in her car since we couldn’t take our bikes out there on Tommy’s dirt lane.” I did not like where this was going. Mack’s sister was gorgeous, she came from the same biker trash the two of them did, and she had the added benefit of being liked by my boyfriend’s best friend.

“I see.”

“No, I don’t think you do. Mack ran off with some chick he’s been seeing off and on, and I felt bad for his sister being left all alone, so we hung out.”

That wasn’t too bad. I could get past him giving some girl pity attention, as long as that was as far as it went.

“We danced together,” he admitted. While it hurt to hear, it wasn’t that big of a deal.

“You didn’t dance with me when we went to the field party there,” I reminded him. “We just stood around and drank nasty beer all night.

“We didn’t dance or do anything but stand around because you didn’t want to get your shoes messed up,” he added, and it felt like an insult lobbed at me. I got what he was saying though. He blamed me for the fact that we hadn’t done more or had a good time that night. I knew it then, that’s why I’d gotten so drunk that night.

We sat there silently for a few minutes before he turned so that we were facing one another instead of me watching him while he stared at the back of the other building. We were effectively sitting in an alley between the garage and shed. When I was about to complain again about where he’d brought us for our talk, Tripp took my hands in his and I kept my mouth shut instead. I knew I hadn’t heard the worst of whatever he was about to tell me.

“I got drunk that night. Didn’t take much, one of Tommy’s vodka drinks and a few beers…”

“One of Tommy’s vodka drinks are equal to about five normal drinks for people.”

“Yep, that explained the burn when it went down.” He joked, and it almost made me feel better about our conversation. It was the first hint of my old boyfriend I’d seen since he greeted me at the car.

“Kim got me to the car, took me to her house.”

“Why the hell didn’t she bring you back here?”

He shook his head. “Couldn’t. There was something going on that night and prospects weren’t allowed.”

“But you live here.” I argued.

“And they told me to find somewhere else to be for the night.”

“So, you let some woman take you home?”

“Mack’s sister took me to their house. Mack was there. Helped me out of the car and into the house. Tossed me in the only bed available, and…” He took a deep breath before letting it back out slowly. “He put me in Kim’s bed.”

“And where did Kim go?”

“She was also in her bed. It’s a giant king. I guess they thought there was room for me to sleep it off and her to just sleep. They don’t really have a couch.”

“She could have taken the floor,” I demanded.

“She actually wanted to leave me on the floor where I passed out. Her brother is the one who put me in her bed.”

“Of course, he did,” I snapped. The jerk never liked me, saw an opportunity, and took it.

“So, you slept in the same bed with her while you were passed out. Since she drove home, I’m assuming she wasn’t drinking much.”

“Sober,” he agreed. I hummed a petulant noise.

“And where was Mack after dumping you in bed with his sister?”

“Fucking a girl he brought home in his own room, which is why he didn’t dump me in there.” I rolled my eyes in response. Mack was the world’s biggest asshole, and I knew in my heart he’d done this to make waves between me and Tripp, but I wasn’t going to let him win.