Page 18 of Surprise Me

“What the absolute fuck, Kim? My sister is not giving birth at home because she can’t afford the fucking doctor. Call and make an appointment. I’m paying for it.”

“You can’t afford to pay my medical bills, Mack.”

“Like hell I can’t, but there’s someone else who is going to pitch in too.”

“No, I haven’t decided if I’m going to tell him yet.”

“You have to tell the man he’s going to be a father, Kim. For Christ’s sake, he’s my club brother. What the hell do you think is going to happen when he sees me with my niece or nephew one day, especially when the kid ends up looking just like him?”

“I haven’t thought that far ahead.” Honestly, I hadn’t even thought of the fact that Mack would always be involved in Tripp’s life, and unless I moved away and cut my brother out of our lives, that meant Tripp would eventually know I had a baby and he’d be able to do the damn math, even if the kid didn’t look like him.

“Kim, this isn’t something you can hide. What are you afraid of? I know Tripp was kind of a dick and hasn’t spoken to you since the night of the party, but he’s not an awful guy. It’s not like he’ll demand you get an abortion or something.”

“First, you don’t even know that.” He got ready to interrupt me, but I stopped him. “No. You can’t tell me that, because if you do, then you would have known how putting him in my bed that night would play out. He thought I was his girlfriend, or so he says, but Mack, we look nothing alike. I can’t imagine everything about us is so similar that he didn’t notice. Then, he blamed it all on me like I forced him to jump me in the middle of the night when I was sleeping!”

By the time I got to the last part, I was yelling, and Mack sat back and waited for me to calm down. “You’re right. I hope I know what his response will be, but considering your experience with him versus mine, you’re right. I don’t know how he’ll react.” Mack seemed saddened by having to admit that, and while I was too, at least we were both willing to face reality now.

“I don’t know if he’ll demand an abortion-which I won’t do, or if he’ll simply not want anything to do with us. Then again, maybe he’ll want to take my baby and raise it with his bitch of a girlfriend, and if he even tried that, Mack, I’d kill them both. Tripp and his bitch would die horrible deaths at my hands, which would leave you raising my kid alone because I’d end up in prison. She’s mean. Can you imagine how she would treat my child, especially considering it would always be a reminder that Tripp cheated on her?”

“Yeah, I can, and I’d never let that happen.”


“Promise, Sis. She will never get near your baby. I don’t care what Tripp wants in that regard.” We both sat quietly for a few minutes before he spoke again. “You still have to tell him. He deserves to know, but more importantly, that baby of yours will deserve to know the truth about who its daddy is.”

“I hate that you’re right. Can we at least wait until I go to my next doctor’s visit? I want to make sure everything’s okay with the baby before we drop the news on anyone else.”

“Why? What? Is something wrong?”

I laughed at his sudden burst of anxiousness. “Not that I know of, but you know the first trimester is really delicate. Miscarriages happen. I’d rather make sure we hear a heartbeat and see that the baby is growing okay first.”

“You think we’ll get to hear the heartbeat?”

I nodded my head. “I should have been able to hear it at my last visit, according to the book I checked out at the library.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“That bitch of a doctor didn’t do anything accept have me pee into a cup, get into a paper gown for no reason, tell me I’m pregnant, give me all those pamphlets you found, and then she just walked out.”

“Where the fuck did you go?”

“Family planning clinic in Augusta.”

“Were you going to abort?”

“No. I just didn’t really know where else to go without the risk that someone might see me. You know how everyone in this town is.”

“Yeah, that’s true. Not that you’ll be able to keep it secret much longer.”

Mack was right about that. It was why it made sense that we’d have to tell Tripp. The only other option was for me to get the hell out of town and there was nowhere for me to go. My mom wouldn’t appreciate me showing up on her fancy new fiancé’s doorstep while pregnant with a biker’s kid.


August 16th

“I’m so nervous!”

“You’re not the pregnant one, Mack.” The reminder put a smile on my brother’s face. “Turn around, so I can get into this stupid gown.”