Page 15 of Surprise Me

I listened to her demand and started pumping my cock into her at a faster pace, but in the back of my mind, warning bells were going off. Something wasn’t right. Orange blossoms… That wasn’t right either, even if I did love it. She could have changed her…

“Oh God! Yes, Tripp. Yes!” And that’s when the voice finally clicked, but with the way her pussy gripped onto my cock like a vice as her orgasm hit, there was no way I could hold back any longer. I exploded inside a woman I had no business waking up in bed with, let alone starting something sexual with.

Fuckity. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

This could not be happening.

“Oh no!” She cried out as I pulled away and laid down on the other side of the bed while still trying to process what the fuck I’d just done. I glanced over to see her silhouette as she sat up and stared down at herself. “You didn’t use anything!”

The shocked gasp that followed that statement should have rung more alarm bells, but I was still trying to put together the pieces of my night.

Tommy’s party. The beer. Dancing. The vodka. Staring at Kim. Kim. Fuck. No. It couldn’t be her.Please, God, don’t let it be her.

It was one thing to be a cheating asshole. That was bad enough. It was another to fuck my best friend’s sister and know that I could never see her again. Fuck! I wouldn’t be able to look her in the eye after this, especially since I still had a girlfriend. It would have been different if…

That didn’t matter now. What was done was done. I’d just walk away, and Kim would forget about me. Mack would be angry for a while, but he’d get over it. He knew I didn’t drink often, even before prospecting, and how the liquor would…

I wanted to throw something. The worst part was, Kim had been the best fuck I’d ever had in my life. Granted, there had only been two girls before June, but still. There wasn’t supposed to be anyone after June and that was fucking with my head.

“Tripp!” Kim called out to me again. “Did you hear me? You didn’t use anything. I thought maybe you had put a condom on, but…”

I wasn’t sure what else she said because those words,‘you didn’t use anything’rang through my head like the warning bell they should have been long before now.

“Are you on birth control?” I finally asked.


“Fuck,” I muttered. “I’m really sorry Kim. I woke up and there was a warm body next to me, and I thought it was…” Her gasp made me hesitate in my admission.

“You thought I was June?” She asked, and I didn’t miss the hurt that was laced in those words. I couldn’t even answer her, though we both knew that was what I meant.

“Until I heard your voice,” I started to say, but she jumped up and wrapped herself in a small throw blanket that was tangled with the rest of the bedding near our feet.

“Don’t,” she warned before she made her way out of the bedroom, after tripping on the blanket twice. Shit. I didn’t know what to do. Was I supposed to get dressed and leave or wait to talk things out with her? That was the right thing to do. Wasn’t it? Talk it out and then walk away. Skipping the talking part would make me a coward, and that wasn’t me.

I tried to get out of bed and immediately faceplanted on the floor thanks to my boxers that were still tangled up around my feet. I pulled them up as I stood and started grabbing my clothes off the dresser. It was only then that I realized Kim must have undressed me and put me into her bed with her sometime last night. It didn’t escape my notice that if she put me in bed wearing only my boxers, and then climbed in beside me, she probably planned for this shit to happen.

That thought was the one that changed my decision on how to handle the situation. I’d had a lot of girls over the past three years tell me all the things they could do with, to, and for me. Most had even declared straight away that my girlfriend need not know about what we did. Never did I have one purposely try to take advantage of me. Served me right for drinking myself stupid when I knew better. The fucked-up part was that I didn’t think Kim was like those other girls and it turned out she was worse than all of them.

She hadn’t returned to the room by the time I finished getting dressed, so I took off and left the house. It was still dark outside. I had no clue what time it was or even where I was since I’d never been to Mack’s house before. I started walking and hoped something looked familiar before I went too long in the wrong direction.


I’d just fucked everything all to hell in one stupid night. It didn’t matter that I’d been drunk. I should have never taken that drink from Tommy. I let my doubts about June, and the budding interest in Kim, fuel my need to drink away all the confusion. That was on me. The rest… The putting me in her bed, stripping me damn near naked, and then sleeping there too… That part was all on Kim. She knew what she was doing, and she knew June was still in the picture. It changed the way I saw her. The respect that had been there earlier in the night crumbled. She wasn’t the person I’d been falling for.

Chapter 8


August 5th

“You’re pregnant.”

I wondered if it was because of how young I was, or maybe the fearful expression when I walked into the clinic, that made the woman say it like that. She didn’t bother with, “Congratulations!” There was simply a clinical diagnosis of my test results, read in a bland voice, while she stared at the results instead of meeting my eyes.

I didn’t know what my next line was supposed to be, and it felt as if I should know. It felt as if all of this was a setting on some stage in a bad dream, where I forgot the words. It was one time. How in the hell could I be pregnant?

How could I be pregnant by a man who didn’t even wait around to check on me and see if I was okay after he woke me up with an orgasm, came inside me, and then dropped the bomb that he did so while thinking I was someone else?