Page 13 of Surprise Me

“That asshole,” I muttered under my breath. He knew I’d be coming home at some point and still let her park like that. I glanced over at Tripp and sighed. And on top of my brother’s bullshit, I had to deal with my crush, who I couldn’t have because he was taken, being passed out in my car. How the hell was I supposed to get him to the house? And where was I going to dump him once I got him in there?

I turned off the car, got out, walked around to the passenger door, and opened it. Thankfully, my reflexes were great, and I was able to catch Tripp before he fell onto the curb.

“Shit,” he mumbled as I helped him to stand. “Where are we?”

“My house.”

He grinned, though it looked sloppy when his eyes couldn’t focus on me and instead wobbled around his head like two lost marbles. “You took me home with you?”

His question was more like a garbled mumble, but I understood. “Nowhere else to take you,” I reminded him. It was rather shitty for the club to tell him to piss off for the night when he lived there. Briefly, I wondered what his plans had been for the night before he got drunk at the party. I didn’t have forever to contemplate that though, because his weight pressed down heavily on my side, and I needed to get him to the house before he passed out on the more brown than green lawn.

“Come on,” I encouraged as I moved us forward.

“Beautiful,” he moaned the word as if it pained him to say it. “So beautiful it hurts.”

“Okay, whatever you say, Tripp. We need to make it to the house, handsome. You need to hang in there with me a little further.”

Finally, after an ungodly struggle, I managed to get him inside, only to accidentally drop him – more to the point I failed to hold him up – when I turned to close the door. I had just thrown the lock when my brother barged in wearing nothing more than his worried frown and a loosely hanging towel around his waist.

“What the fuck is going on?”

I turned narrowed eyes on my brother and growled out my frustration in a truly animalistic sound. “I’m parked on the road because your stupid fuck buddy took up the whole driveway. So, I had to drag your club brother across the whole fucking lawn, since he was too drunk to walk on his own. And now, I have nowhere to put him, and he has nowhere to go.”

“Just let him share your bed with you, it’s plenty big enough.”

And it was in fact big enough for two people. Our father had purchased a king-sized bed for Mack when he turned sixteen. A queen-size bed wouldn’t have fit in my tiny room. It only fit a twin bed and didn’t leave much room for anything else. My brother, the oldest child and only son, got a huge bed to go with his far larger bedroom. Okay, so maybe I was a little bit bitter about the differences in the way we were treated.

My father loved me, he just didn’t think I needed as much space as his son. There was also the fact that the big bed was for whatever conquests his son managed to bring home. Dad didn’t want to even think about whether I had a bed big enough to fit someone else in it. He would have killed anyone who tried to climb in there with me.

“I have a better idea. How about you let him shareyourbed.” I couldn’t sleep with Tripp in my bed. For almost a year, it had been the fantasy that lulled me to sleep at night. The thought of possibly waking with his arms wrapped tightly around me was one that was almost too hard to resist, until I remembered what he said to me earlier. He wished that he hadn’t gotten to know me.

“Can’t do that. I already have a bedmate,” My brother argued.

“One who needs to move her car before mine gets towed off the street,” I reminded him.

He sighed. “I’ll help you get Tripp to bed and move the cars for you, but he has to share with you. Not fucking anyone with my best friend lying passed out next to me.”

“Why not? Isn’t that what your club does anyway?” I asked. My mood had dimmed significantly since Tripp unknowingly stomped on my heart earlier. It just kept going downhill as the night grew continuously worse. I wanted a shower and my bed. Alone. It didn’t seem like that was going to happen though.

“It’s just for tonight,” Mack whispered when he got closer. “What happened? You seem pissed.”

Another heavy sigh left me as we both glanced down at where Tripp had fallen. He hadn’t bothered to get back up and had instead fallen asleep right there inside the door. “Maybe we should just leave him there,” I suggested.

“Did he do something to piss you off?”

“Nope. He didn’t do anything besides tell the truth. I’m just tired Mack, and I didn’t expect to play babysitter for your drunk friend. What if I’d wanted to bring someone home for a bit of fun?”

“Hey now! Isn’t heyourcrush? We both know you wouldn’t have brought anyone else home.”

“Still, what do you think he’ll say about waking up next to me, considering he has a girlfriend he’s serious about keeping?”

Mack glared down at his friend and then his eyes softened as they moved back up to meet mine. “Then maybe he’ll learn to be more careful with the shit he gets himself into. Or, I don’t know, it could be that he finally realizes he’s not still in love with the girl and that she’s just habit for him.”

“That particular habit has claws,” I reminded him.

“Which is why her being gone this summer is a good thing. She can’t sink claws in and keep him spelled under if she’s gone. Let him wake up in your bed and see what he’s been missing.”

“Whatever. Help me with him so I can get a shower and go to sleep. I want this whole day to just be over with.”