Page 82 of Devastate Me

“Good. Then, you better hurry up and get to work. Tell Scout I said, hi.” She glanced at her phone and jumped out of bed, too. “Shoot, I need to get ready to go watch Knoxville. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“You weren’t thinking baby. You were drunk on orgasms.” I took the second pillow of the day to my face while I pulled my boots on. The woman was infuriating in the best way, and I think she felt the same about me. I hoped she did, anyway.


Two hours later, Scout and I were driving toward Augusta. The information she managed to pull, thanks to the email that was sent to Tripp, put the address somewhere in a small town just this side of Augusta. It would make for a long day, but I’d do anything to put this shit behind us and start a real fucking life with Nova, especially if it meant she wouldn’t be underfoot in the clubhouse day in and day out.

I had fallen hard for the girl, but that didn’t mean a man didn’t need his space. I was used to being alone before her. Never been in a relationship before and going from zero to a hundred so quickly made me itchy on the inside.

“You gonna make an honest girl out of Nova?”

“What the hell does that even mean?” I asked. Scout shook her head, like I should know. It sucked that we were stuck in a fucking cage together, because that meant she could get all her talking out.

“You know what it means. You gonna make her your old lady? Put a ring on it? Plant babies in her belly?” The last one made me look up from where I’d been studying the dirt under my nail. Scout laughed. “Should have known that one would get your goat. What the hell is it with you neanderthal men and wanting to knock up your women before you’re ready to claim them officially?”

“Primal instinct,” I answered.

“Fuck you. Sounds more like one of your kinks.”

I knew Scout was just fucking with me, but it hit me in the middle of my chest that Nova might think just that if she found out the type of shit I was really into. My kinks weren’t even that bad. Tame compared to most, but I needed them. Needed to feel the rush of fucking hard, dirty, and sometimes with a little pain mixed in for the women I was pleasuring. If not pain, then domination. I didn’t fancy myself in some master slave scenario, but I got off on ordering women around, withholding orgasms, and shit like the cat-o-nine tails butt plug and ball gag that was hidden away in the back of my closet at the clubhouse.

The damn thing felt like it was just going to waste and collecting dust in there. At the rate Nova and I were proceeding, it would be years before we managed to crack that thing open.

“Is there an expiration date on sex toys?” I wondered out loud.

“I don’t even want to know where your mind wandered off to, but for the record, as long as they’re unused, I think the answer is no. Used ones, who knows. I guess depends on how well you care for them.” We were both quiet for a minute before Scout piped up again. “For fuck’s sake, Break, do not bring Nova any toys you’ve already used on the whores at the clubhouse – me included. She would never forgive you if she found out.”

“I wouldn’t do that,” I told her as I wondered why the fuck it mattered, so long as they were cleaned properly. Fucking women. “Hey! Slow down,” I damn near yelled the order at Scout. “Pull in the parking lot over there, all the way in the back and stay clear of the front row of cars.”

She followed orders beautifully and carefully maneuvered us into a parking spot out of the way, but where I could still see the minivan that I would recognize anywhere.

“What are we doing…”? Scout realized exactly what we were doing before she finished getting the question out. Ashlynn Martin got out of the minivan I’d recognized and was standing beside the driver’s side door waiting for someone to meet her. The man looked to be in his early forties, maybe older, and a bit paunchy in the middle.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Scout growled.

“Is your PI still tailing her?” A knock on my window answered that question. “This your guy?”

Scout grinned. “Obviously. Breakneck meet Grant Peters.”

“Already know the asshole.”

“How’s it hanging?” Grant asked.

“It’s never hanging, fucker. Always hard when your pretty face is around.”

“I honestly never know if I should wear a fucking chastity belt to protect myself around you or what,” he told me, but his laughter told a different story. The way his eyes locked onto Scout’s, I had to wonder if Kip knew she was close to Grant-Pretty Boy-Peters. Not my business, though. His wife fucking some dude in a shady hotel the next county over when she was supposed to be selling houses, that I made my business.

“We have somewhere else to be. Please, tell me you have pictures of that.”

“I have pictures, video, and in a few instances audio, too. How much do you need?”

“Anything where she has a kid with her?”

“The baby?” Grant asked, and damn if that didn’t say it all.


“Just once, but I didn’t get a shot with the kid in it. He was tucked away in the corner of the room.”