Page 27 of Devastate Me

Her shoulders bounced. “I try not to judge people by how they look.”

This girl was something else. “Well, we’re not going anywhere fancy.”

“Okay. Why are we taking your truck and not a motorcycle. It’s a nice night,” she stated while staring up at the darkening sky.

“It is a nice night, but I don’t let any bitches ride behind me.”

Nova stopped with her hand extended toward the truck door and turned back around. I was on the other side of the truck, about to hop in, when I realized she was moving. And it wasn’t to get into my damn truck. The infuriating woman was headed back to the house.

“Where are you going? You couldn’t have forgotten anything, since it’s all strapped to your back in that bag.” Admittedly, I regretted my comment the minute it slipped free of my idiotic fucking lips.

Nova continued walking and ignored me.

“Nova! Wait, I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.”

“Which part?”

“What the fuck do you mean?”

“Which part was uncalled for?”

“The part where I just insulted you by commenting about all your belongings being on your back.”

“That’s not an insult, since it’s true.” She turned and continued to walk back to the house.

“Then why are you walking away from me?”

“Did I call you a ‘dick’?” She asked.


“Did I call you an ‘asshole’?”

“No,” I answered slowly, unsure where in the hell the crazy woman was going with this.

“No, I didn’t, did I?” She insisted or maybe it was a question. The distinction probably didn’t matter because I could hear the sarcasm in her tone. “Well, I don’t appreciate being called a bitch.” She stomped up the couple steps to Kip’s porch and then opened the door, shut it, and swear to fucking all that is right in the world, I even heard her throw the locks.

My phone dinged.

Kip:The fuck did you do to my nanny?

Breakneck:No fucking clue.

Kip:You better examine whatever the fuck you said to her and get a clue then.


Kip:I was just about to get my dad to come get Knox when Nova came in and volunteered to take him.

Breakneck:Fuck me.

I got back out of my truck in time to see Nova barreling back out the house with Knoxville tucked on one hip and a diaper bag slung over her shoulder. Her overburdened backpack was still snug against her back. Kip followed quickly at her heels.

“You really don’t have to do this,” he called after her.

“Your dad can’t get away, Ashlynn took off, and I have the car seat in my car anyway. It’s fine,” Nova argued.

“But you were about to go out on a date.”