Page 106 of Devastate Me

“Not enough.”

“No, not enough. I don’t think he realized what he’d be throwing away by doing what he did. If it makes things any better, Trench said he was having a hard time staying in the moment that day. He even asked Break if he was sure that was what he wanted to be doing.”

“You’re trying to tell me that you guys think he regretted being there? Do you really think that makes a difference when he didn’t leave before he stuck his dick in someone else?”

Kip eyed me curiously. “You saw what he was up to in there, is that something you could do? If it came down to it, and he had told you that he wanted to use those toys with you, would you have been comfortable enough to do it, or would it have broken you anyway?”

“It doesn’t matter because he never bothered to ask me.” I said, feeling a little betrayed that Kip would throw it back on me.

“I’m still not saying the choices he made were right. Shit, Nova, I could kick his ass. He didn’t just lose you, he made you leave the rest of us behind, too. I get you being mad at him, hell at the girls and Trench, since they were there. The people hurt the most by you walking out afterward were my family. I won’t include Breakneck in that because he hurt himself by doing what he did.” His shoulders bounced as Kip looked off across campus, not really seeing what was there.

“I left because it felt like more of a betrayal than my boyfriend cheating on me. The club girls didn’t matter, except that they both saw me standing there watching and they at least looked guilty for their part in that whole mess. Trench was there, too. He was there and he knew I was Breakneck’s girlfriend. That meant something. It meant that it wasn’t just Breakneck that was cutting my heart into pieces, it was the rest of the club, too.”

“Trust me when I say, Trench got what was coming to him after that. Mitzi won’t even look at him anymore. He was the one who convinced her, against her wishes, that she should join in. She didn’t want to be there, if that’s any consolation. It’s why she wasn’t the one Breakneck was…”

“Fucking. You can say it.”

“Yeah, well. Just thought you should know there was more going on than you probably understood at the time. Not that it changes the outcome.”

“I’m just so tired of thinking about it. I’m tired of seeing it replay in my mind when I close my eyes to go to sleep. How am I supposed to forgive him whenthatis the last thing I see before I fall asleep at night? I want to believe that he’ll never do it again. I want to believe that the club wouldn’t try to hide it from me, if he did. Then I remember Trench was there, and…” I sighed.

“For what it’s worth, I Don’t think my brother is capable of not fucking up again, but I do know he’d never fuck up in the same way twice. He was beyond devastated when you were gone. Worried doesn’t even cover it. The whole time he was imagining every worst-case scenario with you in it, he blamed himself for being weak, stupid, and dis-fucking-loyal.” Kip sighed that time.

“Not sure if you can find it in your heart to forgive the bastard. No one would blame you if you didn’t. No one would blame you if you refused to give him a second chance either. I hope like hell that you’ll put all that aside when it comes to me and Knox. Would love to have you back for my boy and me because Nova, you are a sister to me, and no matter what, you are Knox’s aunt.”

I leaned in and wrapped my arms around Kip’s waist and placed my head on his shoulder. “I don’t think you know what that means to me,” I admitted.

“I do, sweetheart. Lost one sister to my own stupidity before, lost the other sister to my friend’s bullshit. Don’t want that to ever happen again. No matter what you choose, you will always have a place in my family, and I promise not to keep things from you, even if they’ll hurt.”

There were fewer and fewer students wandering around and it occurred to me that my lunch break was long over. “Shit, you made me miss my class.”

“Sorry about that. If it’s any consolation, I still turned in your hours to the school.”

“I know you did and thank you for that. It helped a lot.” Kip had saved my bacon while I was hiding out in the mountains. He turned in my hours along with a glowing recommendation for me, despite the fact that I’d abandoned him, his son, and my job when I ran away. “Once I make up the other classes I messed up last semester, I’ll be able to graduate, thanks to you doing that.”

“Good to hear. Still would love to have you back, and if it’s what you want, I will tell Breakneck he is not welcome at my home when you’re there. I will also make sure there’s a backup plan in place, so you never have to pick Knox up from the clubhouse and run the risk of running into Break again.”

“Can I think about it?”


“Thank you, for everything, and I’m truly sorry-”

“Don’t apologize for what he did again. I already told you that your reaction was understandable. For what it’s worth, I hope you two can work it out. Think you would be good together if you’d both just pull down all the barriers and figure each other out.”

“Pull down the barriers?”

“He isn’t the only one whose past stood between you two. Whether you meant for it to, or not, your mom’s bullshit was part of why he treated you the way he did and tried to keep everything pure with you.”

I laughed at that. “It was awful though, and not very pure to go have kinky sex with other people when my mom’s issues were that she cheated all the time.”

Kip shrugged. “Obviously, something got lost in translation, but this is Breakneck’s brain we’re talking about. He ain’t the smartest bulb in the bunch. Too many hits to the head…” Kip made a face as if to demonstrate just how not okay Breakneck was and we both devolved into fits of laughter.

“He’s not dumb,” I finally argued, though I was still trying to stifle the laughter.

“No, he’s not, but when you can say that with a straight face, maybe it will be because he proved you right.” Kip winked and squeezed me tight before letting go and standing. “Need to get back. Give me a call if you want to come back and help out with Knox. You set the rules, and I’ll make sure they’re followed to the letter.”

“Thanks, Kip.”