Page 93 of Devastate Me

“There’s no time for that shit. You caused the situation, but dwelling on your fuck up won’t help find her.” Tripp might have been my president, but my fist ached to knock a few of his teeth out. He knew she was leaving and didn’t stop her.

“Wipe the look off your face. I didn’t think she would do anything but go straight to Kip’s house, if she even managed to get out of the fucking gate. She was never supposed to be able to get beyond there. But at the very least, she said she’d be at the house, since all her stuff should have been there anyway.”

“That girl still didn’t ever leave without taking her bags with her,” Kip explained to his father. “Her family really did a number on her ability to trust people, and then that stupid fucking clown she rented the room from made it worse.” My brother eyed me but didn’t say what everyone was probably thinking. That I added to her mistrust of people not just with what she saw when she ran, but by sending her back to Kip’s house the way I did.

“Got her car,” Scout yelled from across the room. I wouldn’t even bother asking how she managed to do that while sitting in the clubhouse with the rest of us. There was no doubt in my mind she was hacked into some network she had no business accessing.

“Just texted the address. It’s a gas station, so you better hurry before you lose her. She can probably get about 300 miles on a tank in that car she has.”

I glanced at the text to burn that address into my fucking brain. She had better still be there when we arrived. It wasn’t too far, but then again, it didn’t take long to fill a car with gas and get gone.

When we got there, I almost fell over in relief at seeing that Nova’s car was still in the parking lot. I went inside and looked around, and after not seeing her, I flashed a picture of the beautiful woman I’d fallen in love with to the asshole working checkout.

“Have you seen this woman today?”

“I don’t think so, but I only just came on shift like twenty minutes ago.”

“You've been here twenty minutes and haven’t seen her?” I asked, suddenly feeling sick to my stomach. It had been about two and a half hours since Nova took off, and the gas station wasn’t that far from the clubhouse. When her car was here, I figured she was just trying to make a plan and figure out where to go from there, but I’d been wrong and was now worried that someone else had found her here before we did.

I ran back outside to her car and busted out the passenger side window so I could unlock it and get in. Then I started looking through everything. The fucking keys were still sitting in the ignition. Her phone was in the glove box, turned off, and missing the SIM card. Her two bags weren’t there though.

Nova’s car had very deliberately been dumped at this gas station along with anything else that could have tracked her whereabouts.

“Son of a bitch,” I mumbled before Kip made his way over to me. He glanced down at the broken window and then the phone and keys in my hand.

“Are her bags there?” He asked.

I shook my head. “Not unless they’re in the trunk.” I reached over and popped it for him, so he could check, but I couldn’t bring myself to get out of her car. The damn thing still carried her scent in it.

“Nothing back here. Did you know she doesn’t even have a spare tire?”

“What the fuck is she going to do with a spare tire? She’s either been abducted, or she left of her own free will. Either way, she left everything behind that…” It hit him then exactly what she’d done. “She didn’t want to be tracked. The car, her phone…” I reached underneath her seats to check and see if… “Fuck. The laptop you got her is here, too. Nova knew we had trackers on her.”

“She knew about her phone because I told her. It was a condition of her being a nanny to my kid. I had to be able to find her at any time, if she had my son with her.”

“You told her?”

“Yeah, of course I told her. I didn’t tell her about the tracker in the car or the ones I had in her old bag - the one she used to use for her clothing. The book bag - the one with actual books in it - was the only one she ever left behind, so I didn’t bother tagging that one.”

“Well, let’s track the bag then,” I demanded.

“I said her ‘old’ bag, Break. I never got around to putting a tracker in the new bag you got her because she was staying at the clubhouse, and it didn’t seem necessary at the time.” He pointed to the laptop I had fished out from under the seat. “And then there was that, but she left it behind, too.”

“Fuck! You’re telling me we have absolutely no way to find her?”

“I’m saying it’s going to be difficult, and it will be made harder by the fact that we don’t know if she left all this stuff behind on her own or if someone helped her decide. We can’t make a bunch of noise looking for her either, because the VOMC might get wind of her not being under our protection anymore. If they know that she’s no longer with us, then it’s going to be a race to see who finds her first, man.”


“Man, that’s what everyone has been wondering. You had a good girl, one who most of our brother’s would have killed to have as their woman, and she was fucking enamored with you.” Kip was quiet for a moment and when I didn’t say anything else, he added, “Was it worth it?”

“Obviously not. The whole time, all I could think about was her anyway. Fuck man, I lost my hard-on once because I knew what I was doing would ruin everything. It’s just…”

“You couldn’t get out of your own way and now it cost you the girl and might cost the girl her life,” Tripp said as he walked by to get back on his motorcycle. “I called for the wrecker. They’ll be here to snatch her car soon.”

“You want to take her car?” I asked.

“Yeah, I want to take her car. If she’s missing it, she’ll know where to look for it. If we get her back, she’ll need it anyway. And that window is on you. Get it fixed before it rains and damages her interior.”