Page 80 of Devastate Me

I stood by the door and watched as Scout did her thing and used a couple different devices to track down signals that shouldn’t be in the room. She ended up finding a camera hidden in some junk on Breakneck’s dresser. That meant they watched the whole scene where I stood by naked while he made the bed in the buff earlier. I shivered at the thought of some creeper having access to so much of my intimate life.

The only saving grace was that it seemed like Connie had just put the cameras in place today. If I was right that it was her, then at least the loss of my virginity still belonged solely to me. Well, to me and Breakneck. I needed the peace of mind of knowing that was true, so I hoped that Connie confessed, no matter what that meant the club would do to her.

There was only one more camera and it was in the shower stall. I’d been so bowled over by the women’s products in there that I hadn’t even looked for a camera. When Scout came out of the bathroom I didn’t miss the pitying glance she threw my way.

“Are any of them yours?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No, they aren’t because this is Breakneck’s space, and I would never presume to move anything in. I won’t lie to you, Nova. I’ve been intimate with him in the past. We were never more than friends who used one another sometimes though. My heart has always belonged to someone else. I can tell you honestly that no one ever had Breakneck’s heart until you came along.”

“Have you been together since I’ve been in the picture?”

“No, we haven’t. Unlike the other club girls, I had a deal in place with Tripp. It was a one-of-kind situation. I had the right to refuse any man who was in a serious relationship, married, engaged, had an old lady, whatever.”

“So, you’ve never slept with one of the taken men?”

She shook her head again. “I refuse to do it, even if the old ladies don’t want to believe me.”

“I believe you,” I said, and meant it.

“I appreciate that and know how difficult last night must have been for you. I promise, what you saw was nothing more than him trying to keep me from yelling about how he had a girlfriend and couldn’t come to me,” she chuckled when she said that. “That’ll teach both of us to make assumptions. Then, it was pure excitement because I was getting my chance to finally get Tripp on board with me becoming a member.”

“You don’t have to explain. I’ve already heard all about it from Kip and Breakneck.”

She smiled at me. “I need to apologize, too. When he came out of church this morning…”

“You kissed him. I already know.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “I wasn’t sure if he’d be upfront with you about that, but I’m glad to hear that he was. That means a lot, whether you realize it yet or not.”

“I know it does, and I thank you for wanting to be honest with me. I’m not your priority, so I appreciate you being upfront even if it might have gotten Breakneck in trouble.”

She chuckled and tucked all her equipment in the bag she carried in with her. The cameras had been disabled and put into lead-lined jars as soon as she discovered each one. “I better let them know we’re finished up here.”

“Thanks again, for everything, but especially for your honesty.”

“You won’t ever get anything but honesty from me, Nova. If you ever have a doubt, just ask.” After that we both stood quietly while waiting for a reply from one of the men. It never came, but Breakneck made his way back to the room.

“You’re needed in the shed,” he told Scout. She left without hesitating and he came inside, shut the door, and wrapped his arms around me. “Do you still need a second pair of eyes to check the room?”

I shook my head. “I watched everything Scout did, and I’d bet good money that no one would find anything after she was so thorough.”

“Good. How about we head to bed then, it’s me who is beat now,” he managed to get out around a yawn.

“That sounds perfect,” I told him before inadvertently replicating my own yawn from earlier.

Chapter 32


“How are you feeling this morning,” I asked Nova as she finally started to wake up. I’d been lying there staring at her for what seemed like hours, even though it had only been a few minutes. If we could get on the same page physically, she would be the perfect woman for me. Until then, there was this fear that lived in the back of my mind that I’d end up hurting her and driving her away because I wanted things that she couldn’t or wouldn’t do.

“Morning.” Her response came out in a thicker, raspier morning voice that made my dick instantly hard. It sounded an awful lot like what I thought she’d be like in the middle of a climax.

“How are you feeling?” I asked again.

“Mmm,” she moaned. So much better than yesterday.

“Is that so?” I trailed my fingers down across her jawline, neck, and then over her peaked nipple. “You look good enough to eat,” I told her.