Page 71 of Over & Over

Or maybe one I don’t want to.

But it’s too late, and as the pieces click together, I grind my teeth and remind myself we can only deal with one thing at a time.

“Casey, yes, an omission is a lie if that omission affects the other person. Lily’s and my relationship holds no bearing on your relationship with either of us. They’re separate.”

Her eye twitches. Red stains her cheeks. She’s seconds from erupting. “Didn’t affect me? You’re my dad. She’s my best friend. Of course, it affects me!”

As her voice gets louder, my patience wears thin. I inhale through my nose, forcing it back. “How?” Her mouth opens and closes with no response. “Answer me, Cassandra. How did my relationship with Lily affect our relationship? Or yours and Lily’s?”

“Because… Because she’s my friend, and you’re my dad, so I had a right to know.”

It doesn’t happen often, but once in a while, hints of Krista come through. Like right now, the defiant entitlement that’s tilting her chin and curling her mouth that mimics her mother to perfection. And when it makes its rare appearance, it takes everything in me not to shake it out of her.

It’s also what pushes my patience over the edge. I get off the stool and walk to her. My fingers wrap around her arms, and I twist her body, making her sit. My very southern upbringing burns my tongue. The words my parents said to me burn my lips until they spill free. “Little girl, you may be grown, but you are not too big for me to wear that ass out.” Her cheeks flush, and her eyes dart away. She hates getting in trouble, but there’s still no remorse in her eyes. “Let’s get one thing straight right now. I am your dad. You are my daughter. But that does not entitle you, in any way, to information about me and my relationships that I’m not willing to share. You aren’t entitled to the details of anyone’s life they don’t want to share. It doesn’t matter if they’re your best friend, your dad, or a total stranger on the street. What I did or didn’t do with Lily was my goddamn business, not yours.”

“I’m not a child anymore, Liam.”

God, grant me the strength. I rub my temples, praying I don’t burst a vein. I have never wanted to strangle my kid before, but suddenly, I’m sitting on my hands, so I don’t wrap them around her throat. And I may be having a stroke if this twitch I can’t seem to stop means anything.

“It is Dad or Daddy. Call me Father if you must. But, Casey, if you ever call me Liam again, you can take your grown ass right out that door and not come back until you remember to show me the respect I have fucking earned.” She sits in the chair with her arms folded across her chest, avoiding my gaze. “Are we clear?” I add enough volume to my voice she realizes I am not playing games. Her eyes jump to mine, still unapologetic but definitely chastised.

“Yes, sir.”

“If you don’t want to be treated like a child, don’t behave like one. Not sharing the details of my private life before I’m ready is not treating you like a child, but you tossing out that remark because you don’t like my answer is acting like one. I don’t expect you to share all the details of your life before you’re ready. I’ve always given you the respect of privacy, and I expect the same in return. But to answer your question, Lily and I have been together, in one way or another, since before you met her.”

She leaps from the chair, eyes wide. “So she did use me to get to you.”

“Casey, no. I swear, I didn’t.”

Casey’s eyes grow as she stares at me with an open mouth. “She’s here? After everything she said to you last night?” She spins and sees Lily standing at the edge of the hallway, her hair wet from a shower. It explains why she hasn’t been in here sooner. She was already awake, and you can’t hear shit in my shower.

Casey steps around the sofa, moving toward Lily. “You are a lying slut.”

Her hand comes up, but mine wraps around her wrist before she can swing. “I told your mother, and now I’m telling you: you will not call her that or anything else. Lily didn’t use you to get to me. She wasn’t trying to get your approval or use you to get mine. Or whatever other bullshit you’ve got swirling in your head.” I don’t say it, but I know exactly who’s put this shit in her head. “She didn’t need anything from you because she already had me. I love her, and your approval or lack thereof won’t change that.”

“Daddy, you…” Now it’s Daddy. “You’re not serious, are you? You’re choosing her over me?” Her bottom lips pull between her teeth, and fat drops slide down her cheeks.

And fuck, it hurts because I can’t make this better for her. Not without losing the one thing I can’t live without.

I know in my bones Casey will get past this, but even if she doesn’t, it’s time for me to do what makes me happy. And Lily makes me happy.

“It’s not a choice, Case. You are my daughter. Nothing can change that. And I’ve done everything to put you first your entire life. It’s my turn, Casey bear. You’re the one who has a choice to make. You can accept Lily and me together or not. But you will not disrespect her home.”

Casey gasps, and Lily’s mouth gapes. “H-her home?” Casey splutters as Lily says, “We never discussed that.”

I point my finger at Lily. “There’s nothing to discuss. I told you when you came back, you weren’t leaving again.” I turn to Casey. “This is her home. Accept it or leave until you do.”

“Liam, no!” Lily’s voice climbs a few octaves.

Tears spill from Casey’s eyes, and I bite back every instinct to make it better. “What’s it gonna be, Case?”

She chews her cheek for a second before she shakes her head. “I can’t.”

She starts to walk past me, but I grab her, hugging her tight. “I love you, Case. Never doubt that.”

Her head bobs, she sniffles. When I turn her loose, she heads for the door.
