Page 58 of Over & Over

He stops his pacing and turns his silver eyes on me with a raised brow. “Did you really think they gave a shit about your relationship? They’re nosy as fuck, but they’d rather use the information to get under your skin. Playing Cupid is not their thing.”

“And it’s yours? Angel, man, I love you like a brother, but you’re the least concerned person I’ve ever met. So tell me. What the hell?”

He falls into the chair in front of me. Knees spread wide, he props his elbows on his thighs, leans forward, rests his chin on his fists, and stares at me. “She’s my fucking baby sister. I helped change her diapers, fed her, played with her… She followed me everywhere like a puppy until I left Los Angeles. Why the hell wouldn’t I care?” I open my mouth to answer, but he shakes his head. “I’m not done.”

Nope. Definitely didn’t expect this conversation, but I suppose it’s overdue. I have to admit, if it were my sister—or Casey—it would’ve happened long ago.

“Did you think because we didn’t dictate who she dated, I didn’t care? I’ve known about you two since my birthday party—fyi, still wanna kick your ass for walking out on that.”

My eyes grow as I laugh with embarrassment. “That was you?”

He nods. “Good thing I’m not a lunatic like Dane, or everyone would’ve known. I’ll admit, I didn’t like it at first because of the whole sneaking around thing. That’s not my sister. Discretion has never been in her vocabulary, and it seemed shady. But it didn’t take long to figure out you were gone, man. I kind of felt sorry for you because back then, she didn’t feel the same.” His face scrunches apologetically.

I wave him off. “I knew we weren’t on the same wavelength. I just… I don’t know. I guess I was willing to take whatever scraps she threw me. I-uh… I’m a fucking pussy when it comes to her. I know everyone thought that about Krista, but Krista was mostly for Casey… and convenient sex on occasion. But Lily… I can’t even explain it.”

“You don’t have to. I get it. My point is, if I thought you were taking advantage, I would’ve ended your giant ass.”

“What’s with all the giant comments lately? And you would’ve tried to kick my ass.”

“We’ll call it a draw. I saw what you did to the jackass at the bar.”

I grin wide, remember putting that asshole on his ass, but my chest puffs with pride at what Lily did to him first. “You didn’t see the part where your sister dropped him.” The crowd only caught me, and the video went viral. I suppose it was a good thing, but I’d still love to see her nailing him again.

“Every man has the same weak spot.” His grin matches mine. “My parents were so fucking pissed when I taught her that after she came home from school, crying because some boy pushed her down, but let’s be real. Lily needed to know how to handle herself. Her mouth was bound to get her in trouble.” He chuckles under his breath, calling her a psychopath. “I thought Lula would be soft and sweet like Josie, but every day, I see more of Lily in her.” His eyes light as they only do when he talks about his daughter, who’ll be three this year. I silently pray he remembers to enjoy it because the saying ‘blink and they’re grown’ is the truest thing ever spoken. My biggest regret with Casey is the time I missed because I had to work.

I clear my throat, bringing the tone of the room back down, but I need to know. “Angel, I did hurt her. Why didn’t you say something then?”

“At first, I wanted to fucking kill you, but we all make mistakes. Fuck knows I’ve made plenty. I get shady exes, for fucking sure. Then the truth came out. You did nothing wrong. At least not that.” He leans back, putting his ankle over his knee, and leans into his hand. “I miss my sister. She isn’t happy. And whatever this half-cocked scheme is she has with Thad…”

“What makes you think it’s a scheme?” I knew it was… well, it’s something. No matter how much she wanted me or even loved me—if her engagement were real, she would never act on her feelings.

“It’s not the first time they’ve pulled this kind of shit. Thad is always asking Lily to play his girlfriend, but it’s usually to keep some stage five clinger away. He’s a Maddox/Ryder-level man whore. When that rock appeared on her finger, I knew it was a scheme. I finally got his sister to give me some dirt a few days ago. His dad wants him to chill out and settle down. Stop burning through money and women, so he put him in charge of an account that would force his hand. Thad has to play the part of an upstanding, respectable businessman with family-oriented goals, or he won’t win the account. If he loses the account, Thad will be fired from the company and cut off.”

So, Lily thought she’d help her friend and get me to back off. I chuckle because I know I’ve blown her part of the deal out of the water.

“Liam, it’s not fucking funny. They’re supposed to have this sham of a wedding tomorrow.” His eyes grow, and his face turns red as his anger returns.

“I’ll tell you like I told her. No ring, vows, or a damn piece of paper will make me stop.”

His dark hair flops around his face as he leans forward again. “This is Lily. She has wanted the fairytale since she discovered them.”

“I know.” And I do. She’s as tough as diamonds and shines like them, too. She never had to tell me what she wanted. Despite the tough exterior, it was always obvious she wanted the horse-drawn carriage, the castle, and the long flowing dress. The kind of wedding that takes years to plan. Not something thrown together over a week.

“Real or not, this bullshit charade will break her heart when it’s not everything she wanted.”

He’s wrong. Not having the wedding of her dreams won’t break her. The part where it’s not real will.

“You’ve got to stop it.”

“How, Angel? I told you she’ll never believe me without proof, and Henry couldn’t get the recording cleaned enough.”

“No, but I can. Just get there, Liam. I’ll handle the recording.”


The string quartet’s rendition of Für Elise plays softly through The Grand Ballroom as the multitude of people chatter. The length of the room holds several long tables draped in fine linens, topped with crystal trumpet vases overflowing with cherry blossoms. A few smaller round tables sit along the back wall and the front near the bandstand. Tall candelabras create a romantic ambiance from their position around more stands filled with cherry blossoms, and the chandelier above is dim to continue the aesthetic of romance. It could be every little girl’s fairytale wedding. It could be my fairytale wedding, except there’s not a single person here who matters except Josephine and Casey.

I smile brilliantly, showing all my teeth as nameless men and women stop next to Thad and me, congratulating us. They compliment the deep crimson dress that clings to my curves and pools on the floor. I’m told I look stunning, beautiful, ravishing, and I know there’s not an ounce of sincerity from the first person to the last. My cheeks hurt as I make idle conversation with women I have nothing in common with, and the urge to scream bubbles in my chest with each sentence and smile.