Page 27 of Over & Over

“I didn’t think of you at all when I did it.” I own the lie, proud that it sounds believable. “I wanted a change, so I made a change.”

“Uh-huh.” He grins some more.

“What is this, Liam? Why the change from this morning?”

“What do you think has changed since this morning?”

“The cockiness, for one. I don’t know what you’re up to, but I don’t like it.”

The fingers still wrapped around my elbow tighten, and he pulls me closer. “I was surprised this morning, Lily. That’s all. You and I were alone for the first time in months. It threw me off balance. Especially when all I wanted to do was throw you over my shoulder and carry you out of there. I missed you like crazy. You know that.”

I force myself to control my breathing, being this close to him. The urge to run as fast as I can back to California is strong, but I can’t. Not this time. Instead, I tip my chin and set my shoulders. I bite back the words on the tip of my tongue, trying to remain civil as we stand on the busy street. “You need to move on. I have.”

My hands flatten across his broad chest, and I try to push him away. He holds me tighter, dropping his mouth to my ear. “I call bullshit, baby.”

My eyes narrow, my palms itching with the need to slap him. “Stop. Just stop. Whatever made you… you this morning. Go back to that. Go back to the hiding, refusing to acknowledge me beyond—”

“I wasn’t doing that this morning either,” he cuts me off. “But it kept you from running to Maddox, didn’t it?” I gape, unsure how to respond. “I don’t buy this engagement thing, but even if I did, it wouldn’t stop me. I fucked up, baby. I let you have space because I thought you’d come back and let me explain. Then I got pissed because you didn’t. But you can’t avoid me now, and I’m done giving you space. I need you to hear me and hear me good. I don’t give a fuck if you marry the guy or someone else. You are mine, and I’m not letting up until you understand that.”

“I’m not going back to your games, Liam. I will never be someone’s side piece again.”

“You know better than that.”

“Do I?”

His brows furrow, sadness and regret swim in his blue eyes. “Baby, if you didn’t know how I felt—how I feel—then I really fucked up.”

“Then I guess you fucked up. You can’t fix this, Liam. Stop trying.”

His eyes bounce up when the door opens. I already know Thad is there, and when I shove again, he allows me to go. Liam steps aside, opening the door, gesturing for Thad, whose eyes are locked on mine with concern, to go first. When I start to follow, Liam leans over me. His warm breath makes my body prickle. “I’ll never stop, little flower.”


Liam approaches the hostess at my favorite restaurant—coincidence he arranged this meeting at the one place I love, but we never came to? Doubtful. Hands in his pockets, he informs her we need a table for three now as we hang back.

Thad’s arm comes around my waist as his mouth drops to my ear. “Want to tell me what was going on when I came back out?” On the way to the restaurant, the ride was awkward and quiet. I stared out the window, ignoring the heated looks from Liam and the concerned ones from Thad.

A small smile stretches my lips as I turn to him. To the onlooker, we’d look like two people in love. “Exactly what you think was happening,” I whisper.

“He’s more determined than you thought, it seems.”

“Why do you think I wanted you to come?”

“Because you can’t last a night without spreading your legs for him?” My smile grows, but he sees beyond the mask to the teeth I’m baring. And he bites his tongue to prevent his yelp when I dig my nails into his arm. “Jesus, it was a joke,” he hisses.

“No, it wasn’t.”

Liam turns around, eyes raking over how close Thad and I are with a locked jaw, and gestures for us to go ahead. We walk across the travertine tile, past the bar and diners sitting closest to the door to the private dining area. My heels sink into the green and white carpeting as we walk through several tables full of men and women dressed in suits and designer dresses until we reach an intimate table tucked away in the back.

The waiter brings another set of silverware and a third glass of water while Thad pulls my seat out for me, then takes the one next to me for himself. Liam sits across from us on the white tufted bench, leaning back with casual confidence, arms stretched across the back, watching us.

“Would you like the wine menu?” the waiter asks.

Liam only nods, then accepts the menu, glancing through for less than a minute before ordering my favorite Bordeaux.

“Nice choice,” Thad compliments, but I hear the taunt in his tone directed at me. I place my hand on his thigh, giving a warning squeeze. The grind of his teeth is audible when my nails dig into the muscle.

The waiter returns a few minutes later with the bottle, and we place our order. I order my favorite vegetarian dish while Thad orders salmon. I’m unsurprised when Liam waves the waiter away after ordering a double bourbon on ice. This is not his idea of good food. He would much rather have bloody steak and potatoes. Sharing meals was never our thing.