Page 88 of Over & Over

It’s not a massive affair, but every time someone congratulates me or tells me they love the music, a smile breaks across my face, making my cheeks hurt.

I scan the area for Liam, wondering if he’s back yet, but my eyes land on someone else across the room. Irritation replaces my giddiness as I bring my flute of champagne to my lips. My eyes follow her every step as she plasters on her fake smile, making me want to gag.

“What’s got you so distracted?” Josephine asks, snapping her fingers in front of my face. “I know it’s not your man. He’s still downstairs with the other guys.”

“No. He doesn’t incite that homicidal look anymore,” Thad chuckles.

“It’s not Liam.” I nod my head across the room.

They turn. Their mouths turn to frowns as they mirror my posture. “Why the fuck isn’t she in jail?” Thad growls.

I didn’t understand it either. Liam told the police he saw Krista driving. They said she had an alibi, and her car was conveniently reported stolen the day before. None of us believed it, but there was nothing we could do. Though, I have an inkling the guys aren’t just accepting it. I just have no clue what it is they think they can do.

“How the fuck did she get in here?” Josephine hisses.

“She must’ve come with Davis.” I bring the champagne flute to my lips.

“I can’t believe they didn’t tell him to leave the bitch at home.”

I nod. But if I were honest, Krista was a distraction from the other elephant in the room. Nichols Lockwood.

When he approached me, I thought I would puke on his Gucci’s, but as he congratulated me, it was obvious he had no clue who I was. I mean he knew because he talked about my mom for a minute. But he has no idea I’m his daughter.

After he walked away, Creed and I caught up. He and I hadn’t seen each other in a couple of years. I knew he was in college now. I was excited for him when he told me he would be the starting quarterback this season for his college team. Even though everyone expected him to fall into the Hollywood or music scene because of his parents, Creed’s passion was football.

But as soon as Creed walked away, my eyes followed his father—our father—everywhere.

I wonder if Liam is right. Maybe I should talk to him.

But it isn’t happening today. I don’t know if or when I’ll ever be ready for that. Besides, what will it change? My dad is Michael Martin. Period.

“What’s the THOT doing here?” Ashleigh appears beside me, looking as if she smells something bad.

I snort, nearly inhaling my champagne. “Oh, my God. This is why I love you.” I wrap my arm around her in a tight hug.

She winks when we pull away and sips whatever pink, fruity drink she’s holding. “Where’s Casey?” she asks. “And all the other girls?”

Josephine gestures around the room, pointing out Dane and Jake’s wives, Cami and Cara, then shrugs. “You should already know where the other two are.” She grins and rolls her eyes.

We all nod, knowing Ryder and Maddox have Heaven and Quinn where they can see them. Which means right next to them.

“Casey isn’t here yet.” I answer the first question.

They keep talking, but my attention drifts toward the entrance. Now that I know Krista is here, I want to be sure I keep my eyes on the bitch that won’t stop harassing her daughter. I’ve told Casey she should tell Liam, but she absolutely refuses, claiming it’s not her dad’s job to protect her from her mom.

She has no idea how wrong she is, but she’s my best friend. I won’t betray her confidence. And I do understand. Casey is grown. She needs to stand up to her mother and establish boundaries for herself. Liam doing it for her won’t carry the same weight.


My head snaps back to the women surrounding me. I only now notice Thad has vanished. Ashleigh grabs my arm, her brows dipping with concern. “She won’t try anything if you’re worried.”

“Just don’t stand near the edge,” Josephine jokes, then winces when she realizes it’s not a good joke.

Ashleigh is quick to put her at ease, grabbing my shoulders and swapping places with me. “Good point.” She thinks she’s slick. As if I didn’t notice the place trade puts my back to Krista.

But it works. I don’t get distracted watching her or looking for Lockwood. We fall into easy conversation, laughing hard as we give the details of our lives since we saw each other last, which was only a few days ago. They discuss babies and pregnancy, elbowing me to get in the game. I tell them in the nicest way possible I’m not there yet and won’t be anytime soon. Let me enjoy my newfound career and my wonderful man for a little while before we throw crotch goblins into the mix.

Half an hour passes before I notice Krista again.