Zoey smiles, but grips my arm tighter. I wish she would come out of her shell. Back to that girl in high school and college who could talk to anyone. But this is her first real event. Baby steps because I know she’ll get there eventually.

“And who are these other two lovely ladies?” he asks with a chuckle.

“This is Tori Reese,” Zane introduces. Tori accepts the hand Fet extends, giggling a little when he kisses it.

It’s a strange sight to behold. Tori, aesthetically, looks like a pinup model from the fifties. Edgy and tough. Her personality, though, is all bubble gum and lollipops.

“This is Olivia Flores and Maddox Masters,” Zane continues after giving Fet a dirty look.

“What do we have here?” Jamie Davis asks when he reaches us. “The women are far too hot to be with you ugly jackasses.”

I laugh, but I can feel Zoey start to tense beside me. I squeeze her a little tighter to me and begin to rub circle over her hip where my hand rests. “Jamie Davis, this is Zoey Valen, Tori Reese, Maddox Masters, and Olivia Flores. And look who’s talking about ugly. I still haven’t figured out what your girlfriend sees in you.”

“Jamie plays for the Ravens,” Zane explains to them. “Point guard right?”

“Shooting guard, man,” he says a little insulted. “Nice to know you don’t follow the game.”

Zane laughs, but Anao’I gets a little huffed. “Not everyone has time to follow other teams or sports,” he says defending Zane. “Some people have real life problems that money and fame don’t fix.”

It occurs to me that he’s not just defending Zane. He’s defending me too. And Zoey. He has really become a good friend.

But we don’t dwell on it. We excuse ourselves to mingle around the room making polite conversation with others as we pass. Zoey clings to me with each step, but I do feel the tension in her dissipating. She hasn’t even shown a hint of panic at the stranger introducing themselves or the large crowd. She’s started to talk more, and she’s smiling.

“Jax, come here,” I hear from behind me.

I turn to see Coach Bailey standing with Mr. Neveah. I excuse Zoey and myself from our current conversation to go to them. “Coach Bailey, Mr. Neveah, happy New Year to you both,” I say politely. I’ve learned tact and diplomacy from years of dealing with the types of thing in college and from watching Rory. It always sounds strange to my ears, but I know how to deal when I have to. Tonight, I have to.

I honestly hate these kinds of events. But I knew it would be good for Zoey. Plus, because it is being hosted by Mr. Neveah and his wife, I knew it wouldn’t be the best idea to ignore the invitation.

“Thank you for coming tonight, Jaxon. It’s much appreciated, and it shows real leadership. You’re really stepping into that position,” Mr. Neveah says.

I laugh at his assessment. “I don’t know about that, sir, but thank you for the compliment.”

“And who is this beautiful girl?” he asks as his eyes flit over Zoey in an approving manner.

“This is my girlfriend, Zoey Valen.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Neveah,” Zoey says softly.

Recognition lights in his eyes. “Any relation to our fantastic wide receiver?” he teases.

“Mr. Neveah, Zoey is Zane’s twin sister,” Coach Bailey explains. “Though you’d never guess by looking at them.”

“Well, you are the most stunning woman I have ever laid eyes on,” Mr. Neveah compliments. I wait for Zoey to flinch, wince, or tense, but it doesn’t come. “Excluding my own wife and daughter, of course,” he adds.

Zoey blushes, but she doesn’t get that sick look in her eyes at the compliment. She is doing so well that my chests puffs with pride.

“That’s very sweet of you to say, Mr. Neveah,” she replies graciously.

“Please, dear girl, call me Bill.”

“Alright, Bill.”

“I believe I’ve heard that Zane’s sister is a fantastic artist. That wouldn’t be you would it?”

Is it wrong that I am taking such pride in my girl getting complimented by the owner of my team?

“I don’t know about that,” she says modestly. “But I have sold a few pieces over the years.”