“Because I’m picking up the most important part. I don’t have time to get both. Are you going to help or are you going to ruin the surprise?”

I blow out my own frustrated breath, squeezing the bridge of my nose. “Alright. But so help me Zane, I will kick your ass if you do anything to make Zoey uncomfortable tonight.”

“I’m well aware of how this needs to go for Zoey. Just like I’m well aware of how fragile things are with her,” he growls.

Of course, it makes me feel like shit. He’s her twin brother. Of course, he knows how precarious the entire situation is. Of course, he would never do anything to cause her to have a setback. “I’m sorry, man. I’m just a little nervous myself. Maybe a lot nervous.”

“It’s cool, Jay. Just get that package for me. I need it ASAP.”

I agree then end the call. I walk to our room to let Zoey know what I’m doing.

“And he can’t just get whatever it is himself?” she huffs.

“I guess not, or he wouldn’t have asked.”

“Whatever, Jax. I still have to do my hair and makeup anyway.”

“Zoey, you don’t need all that crap. You’re beautiful just as you are.”

That gets me a smile – finally. “Maybe I don’t need it, but the dress does. So, go. Do whatever it is you have to do but hurry up so you can get ready.”

I laugh. “No problem there. I’ll have plenty of time.”

I leave the penthouse wondering how the hell I always get caught up in Zane’s crazy. Then I remember it came with the package of being best friends. Besides, I know he’d do the same.

I make it to By Design in half an hour. The package is ready to go, and I’m out quickly. It takes me forty-five minutes to get to Zane’s apartment.

I’m just about to leave, when the elevator to his penthouse dings, signaling his return. I am more than a little surprised to see Tori and Maddox exit off the elevator with Zane. “I take it they’re the surprise?”

“And they’re coming with us tonight, along with Olivia. She’s going to be Maddox’s plus one,” he explains rushing through his apartment like he just figured out what time it is.

How the hell did he manage all this?

“We’re were already in town for the holidays,” Maddox answers. I didn’t even realize I said the question aloud. “Tori has been bugging the hell out of me to see, Zoey. I called Zane to see if it was a good time.”

For some reason, it bothers me that he called Zane. Why not call me? She living with me for God’s sake.

But I keep quiet about that. No need in starting something right now. Especially since it’s jealously and my lingering issues with Maddox. Issues that I need to squash because the guy’s been nothing but good to her. To me and Zane too. He’s really been there when he didn’t have to be.

It doesn’t really matter who they call. What matters is Tori trying her damnedest to keep her promise to Zoey. Maddox too.

“How did you get Coach to agree to two extra people?” I wonder.

He shrugs his shoulders as if it’s no big deal. “Just told him it was important for Zoey to have people there she felt comfortable around.”

The man really loves his sister. He’s always been her most loyal friend, strongest defender, and fiercest protector. Next to me that is.

“The package?” he asks drawing me from my thoughts.

“Counter. I’ve got to go, man. Zoey was on the verge of a meltdown when I left.”

He brushes me off with a wave of his hand before he grabs the package and hands it to Tori. I quirk an eyebrow at Maddox who is giving them the same curious and questioning look.

I don’t have time to analyze Zane’s latest conquest. If that’s what Tori is. Part of me hopes it isn’t. She may live over a thousand miles away, but she’s still a friend that Zoey needs.

A hand on my shoulder stops me just before I enter the elevator. “How is she? Really? Tori says she’s been talking to her and she seems better. But -,”

“But you worry that Zoey is putting on an act for Tori,” I finish. He nods in agreement. “She really is doing better, but she’s still got a long way to go. This party is part of that.”