“She’d what?” I ask not wanting him to stop.

“She’d run,” he says looking at me with realization. He finally gets it. “That’s why she took off. She had a fucking panic attack. She’s been having a fucking year long panic attack because of you. Because she couldn’t face you.” I feel heat running up my face. I feel like he’s accusing me, but I know that’s not what he’s doing. “You never knew she ran away all those times, did you?”

I shake my head. “I never realized she was running away, but I always knew when she left. I’ve always known when Zoey is around. It’s like this weird energy or awareness. Like my skin tingles.”

He runs a hand through his hair. “That’s why you weren’t surprised when they said Zoey took off last year isn’t it? Fuck me, man. I’m her damn twin but this connection you have to her feels like you should be.”

I give him a slight smirk. “Glad I’m not, Zee or things would be really weird with she and I.”

He gives me a push laughing. “Come on. We’ve kept people waiting long enough.”

We walk out of the elevator and I’m remarkably surprised by how loud it is. People are in different areas chatting like this is some kind of social club. We walk towards the large desk sitting in the center of the large common room when I see her.

That damn blond hair throws me off, but it doesn’t make her any less beautiful. She’s talking to some younger woman dressed like a doctor, but the conversation doesn’t seem professional. The woman makes eye contact with me and smiles.

Slowly, she turns to see what the woman is smiling at. Ice blue eyes find mine. I swear she can see into my soul. Her face breaks into the biggest, most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. My heart stops beating before it takes off in a sprint.

She takes off running toward me then launches herself into my arms wrapping her legs around me in a giggle. It’s the most amazing feeling in the world, having this beautiful woman in my arms.

She’s gained weight since I left her a month ago. Not enough, but her bones don’t protrude as badly when I hold her.

I bury my face into her hair. She smells like heaven. She feels like home. She feels like my Zoey. “I like this kind of welcome,” I whisper into her ear.

She hugs me tighter. I feel her shoulders shake. She’s crying. I hate it when she fucking cries. “Zoey, please don’t cry, baby.”

“I can’t help it, Jay. I’ve missed you so much. I’ve miss you for a goddamned year because I was an idiot. Because I panicked and ran instead of letting you help me.”

“It’s okay, Angel. We’re together now.” I set her to her feet so I can look into those mesmerizing eyes.

She smiles brightly. I love her damn smile. “Take me home, Jay.”

And if that doesn’t make me one happy bastard. She wants to go home.

“You do know I’m standing right here. Right?” Zane declares behind me. “I feel like we really need to work on this twin thing if you didn’t.”

She pulls away from me to go to her brother. She walks right into his arms, placing her head on his chest. “I love you, Zee.”

I see Zane’s entire body slump in relief. “How you doing, little sister?” he asks her placing a kiss to the top of her head. “All better?”

She shakes her head. “Not even close, Zee, but better than yesterday. Everyday gets a little better.”

“You’re never fucking running off from me again, Zoey Alexis. I need you too damn much. You hear me?”

Her shoulders move in a silent chuckle. “I hear you, Zane Alexander.” He growls at her use of his middle name. “Hey, you started it.”

“I missed you so much. We spent all our live plus nine months together. This past year has sucked without you.”

“I missed you too, Zee,” she pulls back from him and looks to both of us. “Now get me the fuck out of here.”

“You’re ready?” I ask. “Don’t have to wait or anything?”

“Not so fast,” the woman Zoey was speaking with calls out, walking toward us. “You’re just going to leave without so much of a backwards glance?”

Zoey’s smile gets even brighter making my heart fucking soar. Yeah, I’m a goddamn pussy, and anyone who doesn’t like it can kiss my ass. “Sorry, Janie. I have a problem of becoming absorbed in my boys.”

The woman, Janie, laughs. “I love how you call them boys.”

“Jax. Zane. This is Janie. She’s a student here, and she’s got a great future helping people,” Zoey introduces. “Janie, this tall, blonde dork is my brother, Zane. And this even taller, dark, and too sexy for his own damn good man is Jax.”