I look up at the god-awful place without moving for a minute after we were dropped off. Zoey needs me just like she did a year ago, but I wonder if she is still here. Has she taken off again?

Except I know she's in there. I can feel her.

I fucked my way through every city I’d been in the last year. I’d even tried the whole relationship thing with Haley. But even though she ran, Zoey was still my girl because truthfully, I wasn’t surprised she ran. I knew the instant Maddox told us and the doctor confirmed what happen, she would run. It didn’t matter the distance or time that was between us, she would always be the girl that stole my heart when I was just a kid. She owned it. Made it her own. That could never be undone.

Taking a strengthening breath, I start toward the entrance. It doesn’t matter if she was still here or not, this time I was leaving this fucking city until I found her.

Exactly what I should have done last year.

We walk through the double doors with dread and fear rolling off both of us, but, for me, that quickly turned to fury when I laid eyes on Maddox Masters' fucking face. I stalked toward him without slowing. There was nothing in my line of sight except him and the rage I felt.

He sees me coming. He knows what is about to happen. He’d been on the other end of my anger before. “Jax,” he starts with his hands raised in a gesture meant to relay surrender, “let me explain.”

I ignore him. Without a word I slam my fist into his face knocking him backwards. I don’t even give him a moment to regain his balance. I punch him again, this time causing him to fall to his ass. Then I’m on him with my fist flying.

I punch him for every moment he knew where she was but never told us. I hit him over and over for every second Zoey has suffered and I could have been there. Another hit for her being here.

In the back of my mind, I know it’s not his fault. I know I should stop, but he has become the target for a year’s worth of pain and anger.

I don’t stop punching until I feel myself being pulled away then thrown to the ground with handcuffs being placed on me.

“Calm down,” I hear Zane yell at me.

I close my eyes trying to control the anger that makes me want to fight against the cuffs. Makes me want to fight every single person in this damn place.

“If we help you up, will you be calm,” I hear a deep voice say over me.

On a huff, I open my eyes and nod in agreement.

I’m placed in a chair with my hands still cuffed behind me. My jaw is clenched. Every muscle in my body is coiled tight. I roll my neck in an attempt to make the ache building there go away.

I see Zane and Maddox talking to the security personnel. I should be more concerned but I’m not. Maddox wouldn’t dare press charges. He may not have deserved all of my wrath, but he’s not stupid. He has to know he had it coming on some level.

Even so, I probably need to call my lawyer and agent to make certain to get ahead of this.

If I could just calm to the fuck down, I would probably even regret what I did. I might even be worried about spending a night in jail. I can’t calm down though.

Zane and Maddox lead the security guys to me. Maddox’s face is purple and swollen, and he is still swaying on his feet slightly. It probably hurts like hell.

Zane is looking at me with a mixture of worry and anger because I couldn’t control myself. I’ve always been the epitome of calm and in control. I’ve never been one to throw the first punch. I’d just be the one to finish the fight. Very seldom do I lose my cool.

Except when it comes to Zoey. On more than one occasion I’ve lost my shit when it involves her. This definitely wasn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last.

“They’re going to take the handcuffs off,” Zane says with an edge of his own fury lacing his words. “Will you keep it together long enough to talk to the doctors? Can you stop raging so we can be here for her?”

He says the right words to make me feel ashamed of myself. I look up to the ceiling like I hope it can give me answers. “I’m sorry,” I say meaning it.

“I get it,” Zane says. “You know I get it.”

Maybe on some level he does. His twin sister has been absent from his life for a year now when they’ve never been apart for more than the night - well seven weeks a year for a while. But he can’t know the pain I’ve felt knowing that she pushed me away when she needed me so badly. To know that I couldn’t protect the one person who means absolutely everything to me. The person I would kill for and die for, and to know I’ll never meet the child we created.

So, I don’t really acknowledge his statement with more than a nod. I turn to Maddox, who I still don’t like but, given everything, have learned to accept and offer him an apology as well.

“I deserved some of it,” he says quietly.

The security guard walks to where I’m sitting and gestures for me to stand. “I’m sorry about this Mr. McCabe,” he says while unlocking the cuffs.

Once again, I only nod. Then return to the seat with my head in my hands. Why the hell is this happening? Zoey didn’t deserve any of this. I didn’t deserve it.