“Then why did you say it?” she asks running a finger down my chest to the waist band of my pants.

“Because you’ve been torturing me all night with those damn moans and groans, and you know it.”

My breath hitches when she cups my erection. I realize that I may have underestimated her boundaries and overestimated my control. In other words, I’m fucked.

“It wasn't torture, Jay,” she rasps as she begins to stroke me through my clothes. “It was foreplay.”

“Dammit, Zoey,” I growl before bringing her mouth back to mine for a searing kiss before gathering the last of my control. “I will fuck you in this bathroom one day, baby. But not today. I have other plans for you tonight. So, you’re going to go out there and be a good little girl. Understand?”

Her eyes flash with lust, but she nods. “This time, Jay.”

I lead her back to our table with her in front of me to hide my damn massive erection and take a seat. Zane noticeably relaxes when we rejoin them. One look at our face, the pent-up sexual frustration exuding from both of us, tells him that nothing happened. Nothing except increasing our already astronomical arousal.

Our waiter comes around asking if we would like dessert, to which Zoey and I quickly reply no, causing a curious look from Karen and a smirk from Zane. Once the check is paid, we begin to make our way toward the exit. “Are you kids coming home with me?” Karen asks once we’re outside.

“No, I got plans,” Zane replies.

“I’ve actually got something special planned for Zoey and me, as well,” I say.

Karen kisses each of us on the cheek while saying goodbye. “Be safe, all of you,” she says to all of us but gives me a knowing look.

I nod at her with a smile. “We always are, Karen. We always are.”


I didn’t know where Jax was taking me, but we couldn’t get there fast enough. The tension in the truck was almost unbearable as he white-knuckled the steering wheel and I sat against the door with my thighs press tightly together.

We both teased each relentlessly in the restaurant. Well, I started it with my enthusiastic enjoyment of my food. He took it to a whole other level.

We drive for an hour before we finally pull up to a beautiful little beach house on the Gulf. It sets high off the ground with beautiful stairs that lead to a wrap around porch. In the dark, the pale gray with white trim seem almost luminescent. I can hear the ocean waves lapping the shore behind the house. The sky is clear and the moon full, giving the entire setting a calming feel. “What is this, Jax,” I whisper softly as I take in the view before me.

“It’s Rory’s. He doesn’t come here much, but it’s like his little sanctuary,” he says in a strained voice as he climbs out of his truck.

We walk in silence to the house. There’s about three feet of space between us. There’s an energy flowing between us in spite of the space. My core clenches in nervous energy as the anticipation begins to be too much.

He unlocks the door, holding it open for me to go through first. The inside is just as adorable as the outside. White shiplap boards are a beautiful contrast to the weathered gray of the floors. Navy overstuffed furniture fill the living room. A beautiful driftwood mantle hangs over a large stone fireplace. Beautiful floor to ceiling picture windows lines the entire backside of the house. Antique style nautical light fixtures hang in every room of the open floor plan.

“This is beaut-,” I start to say when I turn to face Jax, but the words quickly fall away when I see the look on his face.

He looks like a predator stalking his pray. His eyes are wild. His jaw is clenched. He takes a step toward me stripping his shirt over his head. I take a step back and gulp in response.

“You ruined my plans for tonight,” he growls taking another step forward undoing his belt.

I gulp while stepping back another step. “W-what plans were those?”

Another step forward. “I wanted to bring you here, take my time with you. But you wanted to tease.”

Another step back. “Y-you were w-worse.”

A low growl slips from him. My spine tingles at the sound and moisture trickles from my hot, throbbing core. “You think I’m going to be able to be slow and gentle with you now? I warned you not to push me, Angel.”

I take another step back and bump into the sofa. My breath hitches at the realization that I’m trapped. My mouth goes dry. My brain loses all thought. I can’t find any words to say. All I can do is watch him as he gets closer.

When he is right in front of me, he grips me roughly by the back of my neck. Somewhere in me, I feel like I should jerk away from him – I shouldn’t like it. But my body disagrees as the throbbing between my legs intensifies.

He attacks my mouth voraciously. Mine lips part on a gasp when he takes my bottom lip with his teeth. My hands grip at his chest as my tongue duels with his, each of us fighting for dominance. My nails dig deep looking for purchase against his skin as he grinds his erection against my stomach. His hand grip my hips hard enough I know there will be bruises tomorrow.

He quickly wins the fight for control when he turns me around. My back to his front, he grips my hair and begins an assault on my neck. He bites and nips a path down my neck and shoulders. His other hand works its way up my dress to my dripping pussy. I wrap my arm up and around his head as he continues his attack on my skin. When his fingers find my slit, he growls against me.