“Yes. He has too many muscles. I want to snuggle you.”
In a moment of pure deviousness, I grind my ass against the erection that’s pressed against my ass. “Zane’s not the only one who’s too hard,” I say teasingly.
In a split second, Jax is out of my bed, wide awake, his morning wood tenting his gym shorts he changed into when we got in. “Holy fuck, Zoey. Don’t do that.”
“What’s the matter, Jay?” I say innocently. “I was just trying to snuggle closer.”
He narrows his eyes at me dragging a hand through his already wild bed hair. “That is not what you were trying to do.”
I pat the bed beside me. “Come on, Jay. I was just trying to see if you were happy to see me.”
He crawls back on the bed until he is hovering over me. I run my hands up his shirtless chest, loving how his hard muscles feel under my hands. “Don’t temp me, Zoey,” he growls running his nose across my jaw. “Not here in this bed. I don’t think you parents would be okay to walk in and find me balls deep inside you.”
“Didn’t know I was so tempting,” I purr into his ear while grabbing his lobe with my teeth.
He grabs my hands and pins them beside my head. “Liar.”
He drops his head until our lips are centimeters apart. “What are you going to do about it?” I tease running my tongue over his lips.
“Good morning,” Zane sings as he burst into my room. He throws himself onto my bed with one arm propped behind his neck.
Jax drops his head into my shoulder in exasperation. “You know that’s three times in twelve hours you’ve interrupted us. Are you watching and waiting for the perfect time to be a fucking cockblock?”
“Jaxon, you wound me with your accusations,” Zane says dramatically with his hand to his chest. “I only want to come tell my oldest and dearest friend and my beautiful sister good morning.”
“It’s not even morning,” I argue.
“When you just wake up, it’s morning,” he counters. “Besides, Mom and Dad told me to come get you two.”
I sit straight up, “Why?” I ask suddenly worried about Jax being in my bed.
He lifts one shoulder. “No clue. I just went downstairs to find something to eat, and they sent me back up here to get you two.”
I look to Jax for reassurance, but he suddenly looks a little wary himself. “You two didn’t get too loud with the bumpin and grindin when we got home did ya?” Zane taunts annoyingly.
“There was no bumping and grinding in this room,” I say through gritted teeth. “We went to sleep just like we always have.”
“A likely story,” he says in mock disbelief. “You two have been fornicating. I know the signs.”
“There are no signs you asshat. Stop saying that crap before you get us in trouble.” I look to Jax who’s just standing there. “A little help please.”
He shakes his head and grabs his shirt he put on last night from my floor. “There’s no point when he’s like this. You know that. Just like he knows I wouldn’t call him a cockblock if anything had been going on.”
I throw my hands in the air on a huff. Then, with all my body weight, shove Zane off my bed. He lands on the floor with a thunk. “What was that for?” he complains.
“For being an asshat,” I yell. “Now get out of my room. Both of you.”
“Me,” Jax yelps. “What’d I do?”
“You let him be an asshat. That’s what!”
They both move towards the door but Jax quickly grabs me for a kiss. “You’re so fucking sexy when you’re pissed,” he smirks before moving for the door again.
I grab pillows from my bed and toss them at both of them. “I hate you both,” I yell with a smile on my face because let’s face it. I don’t hate them. Either of them. I love them both more than anyone else in the world.
I get up from my bed and grab the pillows in my doorway. I toss them back to my bed before heading for my bathroom. I quickly take a shower, brush my hair, and throw my hair into a quick braid before throwing on a pair of yoga pants and a tank top.
When I make it downstairs, I see everyone gathered in the living room, but no one is talking. Nerves quickly take hold. Are they upset that we got home so late/early? Did they hear what Jax and I were saying in my room? If they did, are they mad that he stayed in my room?