“What's going on? You both look like someone beat your dog.”

They both seem to notice me for the first time and their expressions turn from pissed to concerned to a mask of completely fine. Whatever is going on has to do with me, and I can already tell they have no intentions of telling me right now.

“Nothing important, Zo,” Zane ensures. “Let’s go have lunch.”

I look to Jax, hoping he might reveal something, but I get nothing. Nothing but worry because I know something is off.

I keep quiet though. They’ll tell me eventually. I hope.

Magglio’shas always been a favorite place of mine. Italian food is a weakness that I’m not ashamed of.

The place is packed as it usually is during the dinner rush. Something I’d forgotten about until we walked into the bustling establishment. My chest tightens and my feet freeze in place as I tighten my grip on Jax's hand.

The maître D’ gives me a warm smile as he calls me by name, giving way to another reason I’ve had such a hard time leaving the apartment. I know people in this city. People who will want to know where I’ve been and why I was gone for so long.

I’m so very thankful that Jax and Zane have managed to keep everything out of the media. While people may not necessarily be concerned about me, being Zane’s sister and Jax’s very long-time girlfriend can draw unwanted attention. Right now? All attention is unwanted.

“What’s wrong, Angel?” Jax asks as he rubs circle into my hand.

“I don’t think I’m ready for this,” I admit weakly.

“Come on, Zoey,” Zane chides. “It’s just lunch.”

“People are looking at me,” I hiss for no other reason than he’s not acknowledging what I’m telling him. “What if they know?”

“Baby, no one is looking at you for any other reason than an incredibly beautiful woman just walked in the door,” Jax say trying to sweet talk me into this.

“Besides,” Zane adds with a cocky tone, “they’re staring at me and Jax.”

“Not helping,” Jax glares.

I shake my head at both of them. I can’t do this.

Jax sighs and pulls me to the side out of sight of any onlookers. “You know I love you. Right?”

If I’d had any doubts when I first come back, those had been long vanquished. He’s proven to me every second he can how much he loves me. More than that, how happy he is to have me back, so I nod a little shyly. “I love you too, Jay.”

“Then you know I’m not going to do anything that I don’t think is best for you. I will never do anything to intentionally hurt you. This, Zoey, is what’s best. It’s time to leave the apartment. Have lunch with me and your brother. Let me show you off like I did before.”

I feel the familiar sting of threatening tears. I shove them down because I won’t freaking cry in this place where everyone can see. “I’m not the same girl I was before,” I whisper, my voice quaking slightly.

“You are the same girl, baby. Everything about you is the same except you’re stronger. You survived so much, and you’re fighting your way back. This is how you get there.”

That’s when I notice Sophia standing next to Zane, and I realize I’ve been set up. Anger flares inside of me, and if she weren’t standing right there, I’d slap my brother and Jax for being so underhanded. “I told you I wasn’t ready,” I hiss. Seethe.

“And you’ll never be ready if you don’t go or try, Zoey,” he retorts, completely ready to fight me on this. “

“That’s not fair. It’s only been a few weeks.”

“It’s been a year, baby. I know you think you’re not ready, but I know you are. It’s time to start reclaiming your life, Zoey. Starting with getting your art put back into a gallery where it belongs.”

A long, hard breath escapes me. I haven’t had one thing on display since that night. Everything I’ve sold has been completely displayed on my website. I’ve refused every commissioned request that has come my way because I didn’t want to meet anyone or be alone with someone.

“What if I freak out?” I ask him through clenched teeth, but now my anger isn’t really directed at him. It’s more because I know he’s right and I hate it.

“I’m here with you, baby. I said you needed to get back out there, but I didn’t say you’d be alone. No matter what that doctor says.”

That makes me jerk a little. “Dr. Lansing told you to do this?”