I turn to stop his tirade because I know what’s coming next, but the fire in Jax’s eyes stop me short. I know that look. I’ve seen what happens when he gets that look. And it never ends wells. Ever.

Zane yanks me away from Maddox. I’m not sure if it’s to help me or help Jax, but he gets me out of the way right before Jax fist lands on Maddox’s face.

“What the hell?” Maddox spits.

“Stay away from her. Forget where she is. Forget who she is. She does not exist to you,” Jax practically roars.

Jax is practically rippling with anger. Maddox isn’t too happy himself as he stands to his feet. They stare each other down with cold, calculating eyes. It’s a similarity I’ve noticed before. The lack of sympathy or remorse for whatever they’re about to do. But Jax has a ruthlessness to him that has often frightened me. Not because I worry it will ever be directed toward me, but because it means he will achieve his goal by any means necessary. I worry what that will do to his soul.

Then Maddox gives Jax a look that tells me he will be throwing gasoline on a forest fire. “It’s funny you tell me to stay away when we were just heading to my car so I could sink my cock into her tight pussy.”

Why would he say something like that?

If looks could kill, Maddox would be ashes on the ground from the fire in Jax’s eyes.

“Shit,” Zane mutters.

Jax doesn’t utter a word. His fists connect squarely with Maddox jaw knocking him back on the ground. In a blink, Jax is on top of Maddox with punch after punch being aimed directly at Maddox’s face.

“Do something,” I yell at Zane.

He leaps over the railing to get to Jax. He grabs him but it doesn’t even phase him. Jax is running on pure adrenaline-fueled rage.

I can see where this is going. Jax won’t stop until there’s nothing left of Maddox. Cops will get called which would destroy Jax’s scholarship and all the plans he has for his future. Panicked, I do what is probably the dumbest thing I could ever do. I run to where they’re at and throw myself over Maddox.

“Zoey! NO!” I hear Zane yell as I see Jax’s fist coming back down.

I brace myself for what I know will be a devastating blow. A blow that never comes.

Then I feel myself being pulled away. “Have you lost your goddamned mind!” Zane yells at me in a mixture of fear and fury.

“He was going to kill him, Zane,” I yell back.

“Do you have any idea what would have happened to you if he’d hit you?” he argues pulling at his hair.

“I don’t care.”

“Fuck, Zoey.”

Then I’m suddenly turn around into a pair of strong arms and a rock-hard chest. “Don’t do that to me, Angel. If I ever hurt you I – I,” Jax buries his face into the top of my head.

“I can’t believe you were protecting that sonuvabitch,” Zane snarls.

I push away from Jax and quickly turn on Zane. “I was protecting them both, you asshole.”

“He doesn’t deserve it,” Jax mutters behind me.

“Are you joking? He was here to apologize to me. An apology, that I hear thanks to you two and Rory, has taken him nearly two years to deliver. And if I hadn’t gotten in between the two of you,” I say poking Jax in the chest, “he’d be going to the damn hospital right now and your scholarships and football would be over.”

Jax face softens almost minutely but I see it. “Why wouldn’t you tell me what you did?” I ask quietly. “You knew all I wanted was for him to tell me why he left me there. I didn’t need anything else, but he wanted to apologize to me. Why would you take that from me? Maybe he didn’t deserve to say it, but I deserved to hear it.”

He places a palm on my cheek, “Zoey,” he says in a whisper. “I should’ve told you. I’m sorry. Rory sent him away because he knew I’d do this,” he gestures around us, “except worse. He thought he was protecting him and me.”

“But why didn’t you tell me, Jay?”

“Because I didn’t want you to worry. Because I didn’t want you to be mad at me. Because I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

I dodn’t know how to respond. I know I should stay mad at him. He lied to me. He just beat the crap out of Maddox. I should not give into his pretty face or words that just gave me hope he feels the same way for me that I do for him. I should not give into this feeling that something has just shifted between the two of us.