“Un-fucking-believable,” I hiss, dragging a hand down my face. “Why don’t you two take those little tablets you have and pull her actual fucking medical record. She was here exactly one year ago, so it shouldn’t be hard to find. Then ask us these questions.”

They both eye me curiously but don’t make a move to look at their little devices. “Go ahead,” Zane demands. “Do what he fucking said.”

At this rate, I really was going to end up in jail for beating the shit out of these stupid, unfeeling doctors with their air of superiority. Zane would probably end up with me, and I was pretty sure Maddox wouldn’t be far behind.

After a few more seconds of staring at us like we were losing it, they both looked down at their tablets. A few taps later, I saw Dr. Jenkins’ brow furrow and Dr. Thompson’s go pale.

“Want to ask those questions again?” I sneer. “Want to ask me what could possibly have happened to her to make her this way? Why she’s depressed? Hopeless?”

“I apologize, Mr. McCabe. We didn’t realize,” Jenkins responds sincerely. But I’ve had enough of this damn hospital and the incompetent fucking doctors that work here.

“You didn’t realize because you didn’t check. You just saw a girl who’d tried to kill herself – who was od’d on drugs and assumed either she was a troubled junkie, or she has some kind of psychiatric disorder,” Zane practically yells.

“You’re right,” Dr. Thompson says sympathetically. “We didn’t do our due diligence.”

“It seems no one in this fucking hospital can do their ‘due diligence’,” I say with a hiss. “If it wasn’t for some incompetent asshole, we might not be sitting here today. If the damn doctor who was supposed to be taking care of her last year hadn’t just let her walk out of here, then she wouldn’t have run away from her family. She would’ve had our support. She could’ve gotten help. Instead, she was allowed to leave against doctor’s orders. Anyone with half a damn brain could’ve seen that she is the type of person who feels everything more intensely than the average person. They would’ve known that she would take this attack and the loss of our baby as a failure on her part. That the pain she felt knowing some sick motherfucker hurt her like this would be more than she could bare on her own. But instead, the doctors in this damn hospital just let her walk out that door.”

“Once again, Mr. McCabe, you are right, and I apologize on behalf of the hospital for failing Miss Valen,” Dr. Jenkins replied looking appropriately remorseful.

“When Miss Valen regains consciousness, we will be admitting her to our mental health unit for a seventy-two-hour psychiatric hold. It is our legal obligation since she tried to harm herself. Then, after evaluation, possibly a two week stay,” Dr. Thompson explained in a tone that suggested she was trying to calm me down.

“The fuck you will,” Zane yelled loud enough that I’m sure patients down the hall could hear. “When she wakes up, we will be taking her home. She can get the help she needs there.”

“Unfortunately, Mr. Valen without a medical POA or court order, you can’t force Miss Valen to go anywhere.”

I look up from my phone where I was texting Leslie, mine and Zane’s lawyer, to respond. “It won’t come to that, but if it does, the paperwork is already in progress.”

“Mr. McCabe, I understand that you’re a little disappointed in our facility at this moment, but we are well equipped with some of the best professionals in the world to take care of your – of Miss Valen,” Dr. Thompson says through thinly pressed lips.

“Disappointed doesn’t begin to fucking cover it,” I chuckle darkly.

Dr. Jenkins reaches a hand over to the other doctor. “We’ve failed them,” he says to her. “I’m not supposed to say this, but if I were in your position, I’d feel the same way. We will do our best to take care of her while she’s here, and work with whomever we need to facilitate a transfer if, and when, it comes to that.”

“When can we see her?” I ask without comment to his statement.

“They’re getting her ready for a private room now. We’ll let you know once she’s settled. It shouldn’t take more than half an hour.”

I nod and the doctors take that as their cue to leave.

I lean back in the chair and place both hands over my face. I’m exhausted and worried. It feels like I haven’t slept in a year. Truthfully, I haven’t much.

“I’m sorry, Zane. Jax,” I hear Maddox say softly beside us. “I should’ve called you, but Zoey always threatened to run if I did. I begged her to call you herself, but every time I did, she’d shut down some more.”

“Who’s been giving her the drugs?” Zane asks with a look that tells me he’s ready to find the bastard.

His shoulders heave with a sigh. “I don’t know. Really. Zoey, well she just lived in my apartment. She always made sure we didn’t run into each other much. She’d leave before I woke up, and come in after I went to bed, or vice versa. I got her a job at the bar I work a to help her out a little. We saw each other at work more than the apartment, and even there she avoided me. The more I pushed, the more she seemed to distance herself until I stopped pushing because I was afraid she’d take off. I can ask some of the customers she’s become friendly with and maybe a couple of the waitresses.”

Zane nods but doesn’t look satisfied. He doesn’t say anything else though, so we all stand. I extend my hand to Maddox, getting looks of surprise from both of them. “You’re shaking his damn hand?” Zane asks with a touch of indignation. “He’s kept her from us all this time.”

“And if he hadn’t been there tonight, she’d be dead,” I say dryly.

Maddox accepts my hand. “I just wish I’d said something.”

“You’re right. She probably would’ve taken off. Zoey needed us, but she was so afraid of bringing us down that she decided to suffer alone. And all of this tonight is my fault.”

He nods curiously but doesn’t say a word.

We walk outside for a moment. Maddox leaves to his car, but not before letting us know he’ll be checking in tomorrow.