“Then you know you’re hung, right?” Zane continues with tears in his eyes.

“Yeah. What of it?” I say because I know it’s true. I just don’t understand what that has to do with Zane checking out my package.

“It makes it kind of obvious when you’ve popped one,” he shrugs finally gaining some fucking composure.

I shake my head because, honestly, I’m not even sure how the fuck this conversation even got started. Then I begin to worry if Zoey noticed. Not because I’m ashamed that she turns me on without trying, but because I don’t want her to think I’m some kind of sex obsessed freak that gets horny for no damn reason because if what they’re saying is true, Zoey is apparently oblivious to my feelings for her.

“Our point is that if you’re not going to do something about it, Zoey is free game for whoever wants to give it a shot,” Justin explains.

“Not that it will do them any good,” Zane says. “She is too hung up on you.”

“Or maybe she’s tired of waiting or doesn’t think he’s interested,” Justin says coolly. “I hear Maddox Masters is back in town. She seemed to be into him at one time.”

Zane’s mood changes instantly and mine worsens. “When did he get back into town?” Zane hisses.

“Who pissed in your cheerios,” Kyle says walking back to us.

Without Zoey.

I grab Kyle by his shirt. “Where’s Zoey?”

He shoves me off. “What the hell, McCabe?”

“Where. Is. Zoey?” I say more slowly making sure he understands just how serious I am.

“Maddox Masters showed up. He got her to follow him somewhere,” he shrugs.

“Fucking hell,” Zane says as I take off.

I hear him, Kyle, and Justin following behind. “What’s the deal with him and Masters?” I hear Kyle ask.

“No idea,” Justin says worriedly. “I mentioned that he was back in town the you’d swear someone flipped a switch in both of them, and then you said he showed up telling them she went with him.”

I stop for a second and turn to face them. “Can you two make sure no one comes around when we find them?”

They look between each other nervously. “You’ve got to be cool, McCabe. If you get in trouble, that scholarship is out the window.”

“Can you just do what we ask?” Zane says frustrated.

“I don’t know what this guy did to get you two so pissed, but we’re not going to watch you two throw your careers away over him,” Kyle says warily.

“You don’t have to. Just keep everyone away. No witnesses, no trouble,” I say with a shrug.

Justin shakes his head. “That’s not how it works, Jay.”

“Just trust us,” I say with a reassuring hand to his shoulder.

Justin and Kyle exchange looks again before nodding. “We’ve got your backs.”

I exchange looks with Zane. I’m fairly certain the rage on his face mirrors my own. We silently tell each other we’ve got the other’s back before taking off again to find Zoey because -

Maddox Masters. Fucking hell.


It’s May in the south, so it’s not cold. That doesn’t stop a shiver from rocking my body. I wish I could stop it because the last thing I want Maddox Masters to think is that he has any kind of effect on me.

Except, he kind of does. Just not a pleasant one.