On a side note: my brother will kill me if I don't finish college.

We slowly make it to the back deck where we find even the pool is packed. Justin and Kyle spot us and wave us over. They shove beers into our hands the moment we reach them. “What the hell?” Zane yells over the obnoxious music. “Is the entire school here?”

“Nah. Just seniors from RCHS,” Justin shrugs.

“Y’all get it done,” Kyle asks looking over his red plastic cup.

“Hell yeah, we got it done,” Zane says knowing he is referring to our tattoos. He holds out his wrist like he’s presenting a trophy. I laugh. “And you cried like a little bitch.”

“Dude, what the hell? You cried over that?” Justin teases.

“I did not cry,” Zane pouts.

“What about you, Zo?” Kyle asks her while clearly checking her out.

Every guy at the damn party has been checking her out since we walked in the door. It was the one thing I was not looking forward to after graduation. We weren’t in school anymore, so no one gave a fuck if Zane and I said she was off-limits or not.

But graduating did not apply to Kyle. We were fucking friends and that went against the bro code. (Yes. I’m a damn hypocrite.)

She gives Kyle one of her brilliant smiles offering him her wrist. He bring it closer to his face. Then he places a kiss on it with a wink. “Maybe it will heal faster now.”

She giggles. He’s still holding her hand – wrist, whatever – and she is fucking giggling. I am, unjustifiably, about to rip his goddamn arm from his body and beat him with it if he doesn’t stop touching her.

“How about another drink?” he asks her, and now I’m glaring at him. Which he ignores.

“Yeah,” she says like he’s not openly flirting with her, “but not beer.”

He offers her his arm. She slips her hand around it while giggling again. “Never knew you were such a gentleman, Kyle.”

They begin to walk off. I start to follow with my fists clenched at my side. Justin grabs my arm, stopping me. “You need to chill, Jay,” he says calmly.

“Nah,” I say shrugging him off. “I promised her I wouldn’t ditch her.”

“You’re not ditching her. She’s ditching you, and you can’t get pissed about it.”

“Why can’t I get pissed?” I demand. I turn to Zane, “Back me up here, man. She’s your sister.”

Zane shrugs. “She can handle Kyle.”

My mouth gapes open. He can’t be fucking serious. We’ve always had each other’s back on this. What the hell changed since this morning? “Since when do you think she can handle herself?”

“Since we graduated a few hours ago, and you still haven’t made a move,” he says casually.

Justin snorts through his drink. And me? I’m pretty sure time just stood still. Either that or I’m totally paralyzed from the brain down. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

Justin grabs me by the shoulder and shakes his head in mock disappointment. “You haven’t been very subtle, you know. Why do you think the entire male population of the school stayed away from her?”

“Because we threatened to permanently disable any guys’ dick that thought about getting near her,” I say obviously.

“But the reason people listened was because it was obvious how you felt about her. Just like it was obvious how she felt about you,” he explains like I should understand.

This time it’s Zane’s turn to snort. “Obvious to everyone but the two of you apparently.” I cast him a sidelong look. “Come on, Jay. I’m not blind or stupid. I spend more time with the two of you than anyone. The sexual tension is ridiculous. Not to mention you always have a damn hard on.”

“Dude, that’s your sister,” I say slightly aghast. “And why the hell do you keep looking at my junk?”

They both laugh. Not chuckle. Not snicker. Laugh. Full belly laughs coming from both of them. “Have you looked at your junk?” Justin asks between laughs.

A growl forms in my chest. This is the most ridiculous conversation – and fucking awkward – I’ve ever had. “I’m well acquainted with my damn dick.”