When Rory saw how good I was at football my junior year, he cut me off. Said I wasn’t going to throw away my future, and that if I needed money, he’d give it to me. I think he was prouder than my parents when I signed my intent letter with Southern.

“I didn’t come here to talk about me,” he says with a pat on my back. “I want to see how you’re doing. Judging by the beating you just gave that table; I’d say not too hot.”

I grip the back of my neck. “Zoey’s art got chosen for a showcase in New York.”

Rory looks at me sarcastically. “Oh wow. That’s just awful.”

“She’ll be gone for six weeks,” I say frustratedly. “Or maybe more for all I know.”

“I’m still not seeing the problem here, Jay.”

“Six weeks, Rory. How the hell am I going to go six weeks without seeing her?”

“Ah. I see. Well, it sounds like it’s time to strap on your big boy pants and learn you won’t be with your best friend everyday for the rest of your life.”

“You know it’s more than that,” I mumble.

“I don’t know a thing except that it sounds like you’re pissed off because her plans don’t fall in line with yours. What did you expect, Jax? Besides it’s not like, any of the pussy you get is from her.”

My lips press into a thin line as I give him a sidelong look.

“Well shit. Baby brother finally grew a pair and told the girl how he feels. When did this happen?”

“Graduation night. After Maddox Masters showed up to see her,” I say with a glare. But Rory doesn’t seem surprised to hear Masters showed up. “You knew, didn’t you?” I accuse.

He just looks at me. “Of course, I knew. But back to my original point. This is great news for Zoey. News you should be proud of and celebrating with her. I’m proud as fuck of her. But you’re here throwing a tantrum because you won’t see her for six weeks.”

He’s right. Dammit, I know he’s right, but I want a minute to be the petulant brat I’m being. Is that too much to fucking ask for? “Do you know when the last time I went even an entire day without seeing her was?”

“Why would I know that?”

“I was twelve, Rory. Now we’re together and I’m supposed to just go six damn weeks without her.”

“That’s why they invented FaceTime, Jay.”

“It’s not the same thing. I don’t want to just see her.”

“No. You want to fuck her,” he says without emotion.

I cross the room and push him against the wall. “Don’t talk about her like that,” I grit.

His eyes narrow at me. “I’m going to let that slide this time, but I can still kick your ass. And I wasn’t talking about her. I was talking about you.”

“It’s not that either, Rory,” I say defeated. “I can’t breathe when she’s not around. Just being here is hard. How am I going to make it six weeks?”

“How did you expect to play pro-ball? Or college ball for that matter? You’re going to be busy. Busier than you’ve ever been. And away games will take you away for days. How do you expect to do any of that?”

I slump on the bed and hang my head between my shoulders on a groan. “I don’t know,” I admit. “I guess I just assumed she’d follow like she did in high school.”

“Don’t be that douche, Jay,” he says sternly. “Don’t expect her to follow you around like a lost puppy so that you can fulfill your dreams.”

“I don’t want to be,” I whisper after a bit. “I just don’t know how to be without her.”

He walks to where I’m sitting and places a hand to my shoulder. “You start by getting off your ass and going to her. You tell her how damn proud you are of her, and that you can’t wait to see the great things she’s going to accomplish.”

“How the fuck do you know all this?” I ask with genuine curiosity and a touch of sarcasm. “You’ve never been in a relationship.”

Saddness flickers across his face, but it's gone so fast that I wonder if I imagined it. “The reason for that is that I’m a selfish bastard. I know what needs to be done for a relationship to work out. I’ve never been in one because I’ve never had the desire to put any kind of effort into one. At least, not that kind of relationship.”