Page 26 of Big Bossy Cowboy

I take her hands in mine, giving them a gentle squeeze. “And you’ve done a great job with them, but if you’re worried about childcare, Evie, I’ll help you. You know I’m in this with you. Whatever you need to make your dreams come true, I’m there. I want to support you and cheer you on.”

She finally looks up at me. “I didn’t finish high school. I dropped out, and now it just feels like I’m so far behind…”

Understanding finally slams into me. She gave up her education to make sure the boys were taken care of. She sacrificed everything to make sure they’d have one stable person in their life. “So, I’ll be your study buddy. We can make this work.”

Her expression turns hopeful. “You’d help me?”

“I can’t promise I remember how to diagram a sentence, but I’ll help you figure it out. You don’t have to hide stuff like this from me. I’m your man. I’ll always want what’s best for you and believe in your dreams.”

Tears fill her eyes, and she flings herself into my arms. “You’re the best.”

I bury my face in her hair, inhaling her vanilla scent that never fails to soothe me. I’ll do whatever it takes to make my girl’s dreams come true. She’s my best friend, and I’m the lucky cowboy who gets to love her.



“It’s cutting off my air. I can’t breathe!” Parker tugs at the knot on his collar.

“That’s because you don’t have it right. Come here,” Greer says as he kneels in front of him. He’s dressed in a black suit today. All three of my boys are. Black suits with matching silver ties. My dress has some silver in it too.

Greer quickly redoes Parker’s tie. “Remind me to show you a Windsor later.”

“Chase tied it,” Parker complains.

“Cowboys don’t need ties,” Chase says, fiddling with his tie. He has it around his neck, but it’s not right either. I should have just gone for clip-on ties for the boys. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. Next time, I’ll do it differently. Although, I guess there really won’t be a next time after this.

“They wear them today,” Greer says. “How’s that?”

Parker tugs on it again but finally seems to relax now that it’s not as tight. “Good, I guess.”

“It’s only for a couple of hours,” Greer reminds him before gesturing for Chase next. Chase sighs but lets Greer do his tie too.

It’s been a year since we moved in with Greer, and the change in the boys has been incredible. They’ve both grown so much in different ways. Parker is calmer now. He’s settled in with a friend group who accepts him, and he excels at basketball. He even made the boys’ team this year.

Chase has turned his grades around. Once he was nearly failing with most of his courses, but he’s at the top of his class now. I know a big part of that is because Greer is always pointing out the way the various subjects will make him a better rancher. He’s determined to go into farming, just like Greer.

They’re not the only ones who have grown. Thanks to Greer’s help with studying, I got my high school diploma. I started college classes a few months ago. I take my courses online in the evenings. When it’s time for me to do my clinical requirements, Cash has already made it clear I have a spot with him.

Greer finishes helping the boys with their ties, and I can’t help exclaiming how handsome they all look. It’s so rare that they dress up. Even on the holidays when we drop in for church, I’m lucky to wrangle the boys into clean t-shirts and blue jeans.

“You promised you wouldn’t get mushy,” Chase complains as he adjusts his Stetson. He started wearing one not long after we began living here. His is the same color and shape as Greer’s. I swear he’d sleep in that hat if I let him.

Greer wraps his arm around my shoulders. “Your sister is just excited today. We all are. Now, let’s go make this thing official.”

It’s not a long drive to the Courage County courthouse, but I still can’t help how nervous I am. There’s no reason to be. Everyone has worked so hard to support us.

Greer used his favors with the Taylor brothers to have my mom tracked down. She signed over her parental rights without a fuss. I expected drama, but it was all done quickly.

Mrs. Maple called in favors to various social agencies and before I knew it, the home inspections were done. Then the legal documents were pushed through the system.

A few weeks ago, I submitted DNA for me and the boys to an ancestry website. Maybe one day we’ll get to meet our biological fathers. If not, we’re still surrounded by so much love.

As if he senses my nervousness, Greer takes my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze as we walk into the courtroom. It’s a series of simple questions and then we’re officially signing the paperwork.

The boys are mine, and I don’t ever have to be afraid they’ll be ripped from me again. A weight rolls off my shoulders as tears roll down my face. A year ago, the boys and I were living in a motel room and just trying to scrape by each day. Now we have a comfortable home and a good man who loves us fiercely. I couldn’t ask for more.

When we step outside the courthouse and into the afternoon sun, I can finally breathe. We take pictures on the court steps.