Page 5 of Big Bossy Cowboy

Still, accepting a place rent-free is not who I am. I’m not like my mom, a user who sponges off the kindness of other people. I rattle off a figure, explaining that’s my rent budget and asking if she can work with it. All I have to do is spread out my inhaler doses, and I’ll have the money to rent Martha’s place. I just don’t tell her that part.

Martha nods quickly. “I’ll get you the keys tomorrow afternoon.”

Someone in the back calls for her, and she squeezes my shoulder.

As soon as she’s gone, I stand. No one is in the waiting room. I do a victory dance, bobbing my head. Finally, something is working out for me.

The bell above the door chimes while I’m mid-dance and my heart thumps loudly when Greer’s warm brown gaze meets mine. He’s wearing more work pants and the same scuffed boots. His Stetson is gone today which lets me stare deep into his honey gaze.

He steps up to my desk, placing a white box on it. The delicious aroma of donuts floats from it, and my mouth waters. “For you.”

I glance at the box suspiciously. I haven’t seen Greer in a week even though he texts me every night and every morning. Sometimes, I text back. But mostly, I don’t. I’m trying not to encourage him. I don’t want him to think that this attraction between us is going anywhere. “What’s in the box?”

“Donuts for you.”

I search his face, but the only thing in his expression is sincerity.

He plants his hands on the desk and leans across it. Our faces are only inches apart. I could lean forward and kiss him. As if he’s sensing my thoughts, his gaze drops to my lips.

Suddenly, I want a whole lot more than what’s in the box.

When he speaks, Greer’s voice is deep and gravelly, “Eat the donuts. I like you just the way you are.” He straightens then, leaving my space. I miss the warmth of his body heat. There’s still fire in his gaze. “And by the way, I’m marrying you, Evie.”



Find the woman you want to spend the rest of your life annoying. That's what my dad always said. I never really understood the advice until I saw Evie for the first time. I swear, my heart stopped for a full minute. She's the prettiest thing I've ever laid eyes on, and she's meant to be mine.

I haven’t seen her in a week, and every hour that passed felt like a decade. But I couldn’t leave my family’s ranch. When I wasn’t working on the farm, I was putting the finishing touches on the custom home I’ve been building.

My brothers have been helping me with it. We weren't due to finish for another month and a half, but over the last week, I pushed them like the devil was on our backs. The place is complete, finished just yesterday. It feels good to know I have a home ready for my new bride. Now I just have to get her to agree to wear my ring.

Walking to the clinic today, my gut tightens, and everything tingles. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. But Evie is more than just a toy I’ll forget in five minutes. She’s every gift I’ve ever wanted. The culmination of a lifetime of birthdays and Christmases. She’s everything, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing her how precious she is. I’ll start by spoiling her day and night.

Through the glass door, I catch sight of Evie dancing. She sways her hips and moves her ass, her blue jeans perfectly molded to those beautiful globes. Her t-shirt hugs her tightly and when she shimmies her shoulders just right, her breasts jiggle in the most intoxicating way.

There’s a smile on her lips. Her eyes are closed and for a moment, I don’t make my presence known. I just enjoy the show. Seeing her body move like that makes me want to crush her against the nearest wall and rut into her like an animal.

My cock hardens behind my jeans, and I remind myself to take it slow. Didn’t take a genius to figure out that she’s scared of something. It’s in her eyes when I look at her. It’s in the distrustful way she looks at me like she can’t believe something good might happen to her. The sight just about guts me every time. I want to fill her life with so much happiness and joy that she always expects good things. That she eagerly anticipates them every day, knowing full well her man delights in providing for her.

When she opens her eyes, her gaze connecting with mine, her cheeks go pink. Will they turn that shade when I have her bouncing on my cock? When she’s on all fours, taking it deep from behind? When she’s shouting my name in ecstasy?

I set the white box of donuts on her desk and force back the thoughts of her moaning my name. Can’t think about bedding the pretty receptionist when she’s at work or I might just spread her out on her desk and take her right now. “These are for you.”

Suspicion is in her features when she looks at the box. Who taught her that good things don’t happen to her? Who trained her to believe that she isn’t deserving of every good and special gift in this world? I’ll find that person and crush them. I’ll destroy their life until only darkness remains.

“What are these?”

My smile is still in place, still easygoing. “Donuts for you.”

She searches my face. I’m not sure what she’s looking for, but I don’t blink. I don’t hesitate. She’s safe with me. She can test me as many times as she needs to until she understands that this cowboy is the forever kind.

I plant my hands on her desk and lean across it, invading her space. We’re so close that I could kiss her if I wanted to. If I trusted that she wouldn’t bolt on me. My gaze goes to that plump bottom lip.

This past week alone, I’ve fisted my cock a dozen times at the thought of her lips wrapped around my girth. There are so many filthy things I want to teach her, so many depraved fantasies that I want to play out with her. Only her.

She licks her lips, and for a moment, I wonder if she can read my thoughts. Her eyes are dilated, and she’s swaying toward me.