Page 22 of Big Bossy Cowboy



“Ican’t believe you bought them a video game system. They’re never going to want to leave now,” I complain to Greer the next morning. We spent the night at his house where the kids played video games for an hour before bed. He played along with them, and it was cute to watch them teach him the game.

“Then stay with me,” he says, coming up behind me. His hands wrap around my hips. He’s always touching me in some way, and I love it. I love how obsessed he is with having his hands on my body. “Stay forever.”

I roll my eyes and dab sunscreen on my face in the bathroom mirror, not bothering to respond. It’s hard enough to think straight with his hands on me.

“No, I’m serious. You and the boys move in with me.” He nibbles on my earlobe. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

I giggle. He always makes sure I come, multiple times usually. “You’re the craziest cowboy I’ve ever met.”

“Don’t care. I want the three of you here. We’re inevitable, Evie. You feel it too. I know you do.” He nuzzles the side of my neck.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask him if he loves me. I don’t though. Spencer said the words but never meant them. It would crush me if he said them and didn’t mean them. “When?”

He doesn’t hesitate. “Today.”


“Why not? It’s Sunday. We have the day. Let’s take it and get them settled. I have two spare rooms. They each get one.”

I pretend to pout. “But then where wouldIsleep?”

He growls, and I giggle again. I don’t have a reason to say no to his offer. “I’m not giving up my lease on the apartment. I need to know…I have something. If things don’t work out.”

He cups my face, bringing my lips close to his. “You don’t need a backup plan with me. But I’ll allow it, for now.”

I quirk an eyebrow at him, pretty sure he’s teasing. “You’ll allow it?”

He chuckles and presses a soft kiss to my lips. “Get your things from the apartment. I want your cute ass moved in with me tonight.”

I melt against his body. He’s so firm, so solid. I feel like he could handle the weight of my problems, and maybe that’s what scares me so much about trusting him. “Lizzy gave me a set of antique bookcases. I want to take those with us.”

“I’ll bring the truck by and pick them up later,” he says.

“Let me talk with the boys,” I tell him. I’m pretty sure they’ll love the idea of moving into Greer’s home, but I want to check in with them.

* * *

“He said I could have a basketball hoop,” Parker says as he dumps a pile of his clothing into a cardboard box.

We’re at the apartment, packing up our meager collection of things. The boys were instantly excited about the idea of moving in with Greer. I think they’re beginning to trust him, just like I am.

“He said I could keep the TV in my room,” Chase says. Greer made pancakes for the boys this morning. Chase pulled his head out of his phone long enough to have a conversation with everyone. There was a lot of grunting and a few eye rolls, but it’s progress.

I talked with Greer about the boys and school. I want to move them into the Courage County school system. He’ll help me get them enrolled then we’ll see what we can do about making sure I have permanent custody. His mom knows people in social services, and she’s navigated the system many times. For the first time in a while, I’m filled with hope.

“But you’re sharing the TV with Parker,” I remind him.

He nods a little too quickly, and I already know this is something the boys will argue over at least a few times.

There’s a knock on the door and Parker races off to answer it. He hasn’t stopped talking about Greer since he met him.

“Can I have a horse?” Chase asks. He rarely asks for anything. It’s one thing that’s always bothered me. Kids are supposed to ask for stuff. Those that don’t have grown up too fast and shouldered too many adult burdens.

Before I can answer, I hear a male voice at the front door. It takes a moment for me to place it but the moment I do, the hair on the back of my neck stands up. That’s Spencer. Spencer is here, and he’s talking to Parker.