I nod, finding a shred of comfort in their unwavering support. "Thanks, guys. I really need you right now."
"We're always here for you, Milli," Payson says with a warm smile.
The room falls into a comforting silence, their presence a balm to my troubled heart.
Payson, suddenly energized, heads for our DVD collection. "I think we need a distraction," she declares, her voice taking on a lighter tone.
She selects Legally Blonde, our go-to movie for tough times. Despite the heaviness in my heart, I can't help but smile at the thought of our movie night ritual.
Payson answers a call, stepping out for privacy, leaving me and Brooke alone.
Brooke's gaze is knowing. "What's on your mind?" I prompt, sensing her hesitance.
She takes a deep breath, sitting closer. "Mills, I've seen how you and Miles are together. Especially at the gala. There's definitely something more between you two."
I stay quiet, caught in a storm of emotions inside my head.
Brooke continues, "Even your brother, preoccupied with football and the NFL draft, would notice if he wasn't so focused on his own stuff. And Payson...she's got a sixth sense for these things."
Her words hit close to home. My relationship with Miles is complicated, and yet, Brooke sees right through it.
"I know. I can't keep it inside anymore," I admit, my voice a whisper. "You've always known, haven't you? The way I feel about Miles." Brooke and Payson have seen the unspoken truth in my eyes long before I found the courage to voice it, at least to him.
I love him.
Brooke nods gently, her gaze never leaving mine. "We've seen it, Milli. The way you light up around him, the way you talk about him. It's always been more than just friendship."
I nod, my emotions making the words feel heavy. I confess in a hushed tone. "I love him, B."
Brooke pulls me into a tight hug, her warmth enveloping me as I break down into sobs. "I know you do, honey," she murmurs, her voice soothing. The reality of confessing my love for Miles out loud, right when his health hangs in the balance, overwhelms me.
"Let it all out, Mills. We're here for you, no matter what," Brooke reassures me, rubbing my back gently. In this maelstrom of uncertainty, I'm not alone. With my friends by my side, I find a little more strength to face whatever comes next.
Brooke's hand remains steady on my back as I try to compose myself. "I'm just so scared, B," I admit, my voice quivering. She squeezes my hand, encouraging me to continue. "All I want is to be with him, to support him. I need to be by his side, to reassure him that I'm here, that he's not alone."
A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I think of Miles' family dynamics. "His dad...he's caught up in his own dreams. And his mom, she's loving, but I know I can support Miles in ways that are different, unique to what we share."
Support him like I did all those years ago.
Brooke nods, her expression one of understanding. "I get that, Milli," she says, her voice gentle. "But remember what we promised before college? We vowed to embrace our journey, to grow and not lose sight of who we are, despite the challenges. This, sweetie, is a challenge, maybe one of the hardest ones you've ever faced," Brooke says, her voice tinged with empathy.
Her words take me back to those carefree days filled with laughter and dreams, to the time we made a pact. We promised each other that no matter the chaos, we'd always find reasons to laugh, to love, and to chase our dreams.
"It's important, Milli, that you don't lose yourself in this," Brooke says, pulling me back to the present. "You need to keep moving forward."
I manage a smile, acknowledging her wise counsel. The thought of balancing my own life with what's happening to Miles feels overwhelming, yet I recognize the truth in her words.
"Promise me, okay?" she presses, her eyes earnest.
Nodding, I make a silent pledge to do my best. It's a daunting task, balancing the different parts of my life, especially with my heart being pulled in various directions.
Payson rejoins us, her eyes hint at unshed tears, but we choose not to probe. She playfully holds up Legally Blonde, her eyebrow arched in a way that lightens the mood.
"Gal Pal FĂȘte," I declare, my spirits lifting slightly with the familiar term.
Together, we rearrange our beds into a makeshift king-size retreat. As we get comfortable, Elle Woods' adventures begin to play, offering a momentary escape from the realities we face.
However, the respite is short-lived.