I thought it would be a cinch for me because I played tennis when I was younger. But I’m not used to this court size or the paddle, and I feel like I’ve got two left feet tonight, doing everything wrong, and my overcompetitive partner isn’t happy about it.

“Are we ready?” Morgan asks.

“Yes,” Lucy says for the both of us. I look over at her; she’s bent at the waist, legs apart, paddle in her hands, eyes focused on her competition across the court and looking way too serious for this game. She looks ridiculous, and I kind of love it.

I’d normally find this kind of competitive spirit irritating, but from Lucy it’s almost endearing.

“Eyes over here, Doc,” Ryan calls from across the net. He’s said this a few times since we got here tonight. He’s been watching me, like he’s here to make sure I keep my hands to myself. Like a babysitter. Which is rich coming from a kid who used to strip down to his underwear right when he got home from school and stay that way the rest of the night. Maybe he still does that after a workday? It’s weird to see him all grown-up and getting married.

His comments might possibly be why I’ve felt so disjointed playing what’s supposed to be a fairly easy game to pick up. I haven’t been looking at Lucy more than I normally do. At least I don’t think I have. Maybe I’m doing it without realizing it? Better keep that in check. For multiple reasons.

Morgan serves the ball; it goes over the net and bounces once and I hit it with my paddle, sending it back over to them, keeping my feet out of the kitchen. We go back and forth like this for a bit until I’m able to volley it back and it bounces twice down the center of the court, right between Morgan and Ryan.

“Yes!” Lucy says, coming over to me for a high five.

Morgan and Ryan win the first game, but by the second one Lucy and I have hit our stride, and we win.

Lucy jumps on my back after the victory, and I wrap my hands under her legs, holding her up. She has me parade her around while she holds her paddle in the air, like we’ve just won Wimbledon. Or whatever the pickleball equivalent is.

“We need a tiebreaker,” Ryan insists after Lucy’s triumphant celebration. Lucy heartily agrees, and I look to Morgan, who gives me a look like, Do you believe these two?

I shake my head, but I’m smiling. I don’t remember the Price kids being this competitive when we were younger. Kyle definitely wasn’t.

There’s no way these two are going to let this tie go, so we switch sides on the court and I’m up to serve first. I hit the ball perfectly over to Ryan, who hits it back to us. Lucy, ready to go, hits it back to them.

I stay out of the kitchen and hold my own, keeping up with my opponents as well as Lucy, and soon we are one point ahead of them – ten to nine. One more point and we could win this.

Morgan hits the net, so the ball is ours. It’s Lucy’s turn to serve, and she hits it perfectly into the other side of the court, where it bounces once before Ryan hits it back. I let it bounce once on our side before hitting back toward the middle, but Morgan darts across the court and hits it back to us. We go back and forth, the rally growing longer, the volleys getting more intense.

I see when the opportunity to win comes and I take it: with a deft flick of my wrist, I send the ball flying past Morgan and Ryan, landing just inside the baseline before bouncing out.

“WE WON!” Lucy screams. This time, she drops her paddle and runs and jumps into my arms, her legs wrapping around me, and I instinctively drop my paddle and place my hands underneath her, supporting her weight. She wraps her arms around me and holds me tight.

I’m caught up in the moment, smiling and holding Lucy’s warm body close to mine. I haven’t had this much contact with a woman in ... a very long time. It feels good to be hugged like this.

“You can put my sister down now,” Ryan yells across the court, reminding me he’s there and has his eyes on me.

Lucy practically jumps out of my arms, and I feel the need to defend myself to Ryan. That was all Lucy’s doing. I didn’t have to hold her up, but what was I supposed to do? Let her drop?

But I won’t deny that it felt good having her in my arms. Not like that—just a friendly thing. Friends hug, right? That’s not weird. I’d hug a guy friend. I’d probably jump into their arms too, if the moment was right.

I look to Ryan, expecting him to give me some throat-slitting gesture, instead he’s giving his sister an epic glare.

“We freaking won,” Lucy says, putting her arms up in the air.

“Beginner’s luck,” Ryan responds.

“Don’t be a sore loser, you damp bathroom towel.”

“You mean like how you always are?” he claps back.

“You’re just jealous.”

“Stop,” Morgan says, holding out a hand. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head like this is something she does all the time. By the way Lucy and Ryan did, in fact, both stop, I’m guessing she must do this often.

“So who won between Graham and me?” Lucy asks Morgan, her hands on her hips. She doesn’t beat around the bush when points are at stake. She’s smiling like she already knows the answer.

Morgan folds her arms and looks between the two of us before saying, “The point for today goes to Graham.”