I think about that. “No way—we’ve taken too long to open the door. She’ll suspect things.”

Anyone would—we’ve all watched Grey’s Anatomy.

The handle finally clicks and the door starts to open.

This is happening. Okay, I need an idea, fast. Something comes to me, and I look to Graham.

“Follow my lead,” I say, immediately putting my face in my hands.

I’m not the worst actress, but I’m not the best either. However, I’m about to put on the show of a lifetime and act like my life depends on it right now, because it kind of does. Well, my job does.

“What’s going on in here?” I hear Evie say, her tone full of suspicion.

Here goes nothing. I make a grand effort of sniffling and breathing heavily into my palms.

“Nothing, Evie,” I say, my voice muffled, which hopefully adds to the effect. I shake my shoulders as if I’m sobbing. I pray that it looks real.

I don’t know what kind of look Evie is giving us right now, but Graham has finally picked up on where I’m going with this, and I feel him place a hand on my shoulder.

“She’s just having a bad moment,” he says, his voice sounding full of concern. It’s kind of impressive. He just hopped right into this.

“Oh,” Evie says.

I knew she’d respond this way. Nothing—besides rodents, apparently—makes Evie more discombobulated than having to offer someone comfort. Which, I know, seems like not the best quality in a nurse. But she’s made it work. If a patient needs some TLC, she’ll immediately put someone else on the task. She’s a master at delegation.

I sniffle. I’ve been trying this entire time to make my eyes form tears, but it’s not happening. My acting abilities extend only so far. So, I stand up straight, keeping my face mostly covered, just moving a couple of fingers ever so slightly apart so I can see where I’m going. And that’s how I walk out of the supply room.



Tuesday, January 2, 9:05 a.m.

From PlainJane2 to GothamGuardian5:

Do you know what’s worse than falling down the stairs? Tripping up them. Because when you fall downstairs, it hurts and people are concerned. But when you trip up them, it hurts, and people typically find it funny.

Yesterday was like tripping up the stairs.

From GothamGuardian5 to PlainJane2:

Maybe Shake It Off is a better theme song today? I think I’ll make it mine. If it makes you feel any better, mine was more of a fall down the stairs kind of day.

“YOU CAN KEEP YOUR RED coat,” I say to Morgan over the phone the next day. It’s just before three in the afternoon, she’s just finished with school, and I’m in the parking lot of the hospital about to go on shift.

“I got your text earlier, but I couldn’t call you back,” she replies. “I’ve been wanting to call you all day. What happened?”

I sent her a text as soon as I woke up this morning, which after a night of tossing and turning as my brain kept replaying yesterday’s events in my head, was at nearly ten.

The text only said: The year of Lucy lasted one day.

“What happened is I completely embarrassed myself trying to do something out of character.” I lean forward dramatically, my forehead landing on the steering wheel.

“But, Lucy, I’m so proud of you for trying,” she says, her voice excited.

“Well, I’m done with that. I’m going back to my boring life.”

“Tell me everything,” she demands.